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Defend Kebab

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joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


User ID: 481


Defend Kebab

1 follower   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


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User ID: 481

Drone production, heavily automated surveillance including via facial recognition, all these things can, as Dase said earlier, make effective repression easier. I think it possible.

Yes there is serious potential in this direction. It is not even unique to the Israel/Palestine conflict situation. This might become the testing grounds for a new type of government model for this century where AI developments drones and digitalization makes it viable to implement a degree of totalitarian control over human populations never seen before in human history.

I sense a hidden enthusiasm among some posters here for such a future for Palestinians. I hope they realize that their own governments won't shy away from imposing it on them in a couple decades either.

This is correct. The early history of Turks in Islam is basically a repeating pattern of imported hardened Turkic warriors realizing that they don't have to eat shit from their Arab/Persian/Even Turkish patrons since they have all the weapons.

The moment Israel got into any danger, Ukraine basically lost this war. Big bad brainwashed trump republicans holding off the aid is just a cope narrative to avoid discussing the real intended beneficiary of the air defense systems. Those systems will never go to Ukraine as they are needed to protect Israel.

I feel like I have to join any online discussion about bikes and helmets. But I live in the Netherlands and see about a million kids a day on bikes themselves or towed by their parents. Helmet ratio is probably a couple percentage points tops. And it’s almost always neurotic American expats. Is it really worth ruining the whole experience and habit of biking over a minuscule safety improvement? (Assuming you aren’t cycling through infrastructure unsafe for biking)

I honestly don't get the point of this tweet. Yes, radical Western left supports third world resistance movements. They did this for a century now. When it was safer to do so, they would even go and get military training in the El Fatah camps. All of this has been common knowledge there is no masks in the first place.

Similar topic, I still have absolutely no clue what all the rust drama of some time ago was about. It’s just endless word salad and nobody says openly what the hell is it that they are upset about. It reminds me of when girl factions in the middle school would have public fights overs Facebook and none of the boys would have absolutely no clue what was being fought over

I got the impression that if he was alive today he would be fired from academia promptly and make a fortune as a quant

Is the book any good? I read some about the Arab Israeli conflict before but I am always annoyed how every author skirts around the central fact of the entire conflict: Jews are extremely competent again and again while Arabs are extraordinarily incompetent. It’s disturbing how every book casually takes it for granted that one idf tank battalion is worth about 3 Syrian battalions. I would love to read something that doesn’t try to blindside me to this reality

Something like: A state founded by a group of colonizers who moved en masse to an alien area and implemented their political rule with little to no regard for the local population. Of course by this definition there would be a lot of colonial states but I believe Israel is unique today in the sense that the colonizer population created almost zero ties with the locals (unlike the Spanish/Portuguese colonies) but also didn't achieve absolute population majority (like most Anglo colonies)

I think mainly the demographic change in elite Western circles and the accompanying ideological shifts. South and East Asians are taking over in astonishing pace. This comes at the expense of Jews and gentile whites who have a direct cultural line with the WW2 and associated traumas. The newcomers will assimilate the local sensibilities to a degree but ultimately it’s difficult to convince these people why the holocaust is so special compared to countless atrocities their own ancestors suffered.

I don’t want to imply anything weird but isn’t “woman asks man’s help with very easy thing” a common flirting tool?

It’s just a private organisation working at an arms length from the actual intelligence agencies. I am sure they are intelligent people who compile decent info most of the time. But they will also lie when really needed and act as a front for laundering spook sourced intelligence as if it’s a civil society effort to western media.

It’s not surprising that they would acknowledge the neo-nazi nature of some foreign volunteers of AFU (especially the Slavic ones). This has been obvious to anyone following the conflict and able to take a hint.

Why not pay for some good photos instead?

Also there isn’t much magic to small talk on the apps. Very basic opener, move off the app asap (instagram or facebook gives the woman a bit more confidence you won’t murder her if you have a normal profile), don’t keep texting for long and ask her out for a date. Also get used to being ghosted at any step of the way.

Once you have decent photos you should definitely pay for the apps.

Also the good apps change a lot depending on your region. All I know is that tinder became an absolute cesspool in most of developed world and there are some competing alternatives. You need to find the app(s) from which the middle class young women don’t get the ick yet.

“Mainly consist” was the term I used. It’s a combination of a couple reasons:

  • Female heavy degrees are almost always fake subjects polluting scientific integrity and draining resources. I have witnessed many times in my university life that the worst and most pointless courses/degree specialisations in even the hardest science tracks were devised with the expectation to attract more females. Fields like sociology, psychology, art history etc speak for themselves. Closing down these faculties or only restricting them to rigorous academic work would immediately cut down female population in universities severely.
  • Keeping the intelligent female population of your nation in useless education until late 20s, wasting away the most fertile years of their life is just incredibly bad policy.
  • There are very few significant achievements in human history that doesn’t originate from a tight-knit group of competent men heavy on camaraderie and ambition. Adding females to the equation always erodes this spirit.
  • Endless education as a tool to escape “real life” is a problem afflicting both sexes but especially women fall very hard into this trap. Female brain is much more sensitive to approval from authority figures and the education system with its clear reward feedback loops seems to be almost addictive to a sort of high achieving woman.
  • Women typically makes a lot less use of their education even when they enroll in more sensible degrees. They are easily spooked by competitive environments, they are tricked by social validation that comes with many low value professions, and they take long maternity leaves and work part-time because they enjoy to be with their family more than at work.
  • Female style of office politics is absolutely poisonous to academia. When women takes over administrative positions at sufficient numbers, academic research just gives way to conformism and group-think.
  • The fact that almost every above-average women in the society spends their prime pair bonding years at university campuses, and afterwards develop a refusal to date anyone below their education status, makes university de-facto mandatory for any men with some ambition. There is no reason why someone needs to go through a 4-year degree to become a film director, computer programmer or sales manager. People historically didn’t go to uni for such jobs. But if you try this today you are very likely forfeiting your mate prospects. Even men who don’t want/need uni education to be very successful, have to enter a good one and drop out to gain enough social clout.

I can really just go on. All of these are obviously gross generalisations and often apply to many men in some degrees as well but in the end these effects add up in a big way.

The default conclusion of this conflict has always been that the Arabs eventually win. They have the numbers and the determination. They are anti-fragile in the sense that they can keep losing and only have to win once when stars align which will be the final victory. Israel's existence owes itself to a fragile set of geopolitical arrangements, and extraordinary competence and determination from a tiny population.

I can't help but think that whether Hamas intended this result or not, their attack has been extraordinarily successful. Israeli politics are entering a spiral of radicalization and low-IQ decision making that Arabs can afford, but Jews can't.

people who call Gaza an “open air prison”

I would agree with this statement and I am curious how someone can disagree with it using honest direct arguments.

Egyptian government has never amounted to much more than a small group of generals using the country as a milking cow. For close to half a century these generals have been propped up by American money and weapons and diplomatic support. America does this with the express intention of getting the generals to stop fighting Israel and cooperate on issues such as Gaza.

It is quite a simple explanation really.

What makes you think such a situation would be incompatible with anarcho-tyranny? "Regime clients do as they want while unfavored groups are trapped in the perfect surveillance state" is the most likely outcome of such a situation. East Asian people are genetically and culturally averse to random criminal acts so this is not an issue in those countries, but then they still have massive criminal triads as well as regime connected corrupt businessmen type of people who will use the state security tools to confiscate your property, violate your person and family.

I did mdma with my girlfriend early on in our relationship and it was pretty great. It’s too easy to spend years with someone falling into a routine and putting a lid on risky and vulnerable topics. Sometimes drugs are an actually very effective way to connect deeply with someone.

It mostly just introduced me to new ideas about subjects I have never seriously considered before. Very useful in this regard

Not proud of this but I blocked him for a while. I enjoy dating related talk in motte and it is very annoying that he just comes and repeats same nonsense under every comments. Not sure if it is trolling or genuine mental breakdown. Gonna unblock and check back in a month if I remember

Wait doesn’t everyone do this?

That’s not what I was suggesting. I was suggesting Greeks are culturally and politically Balkan/Anatolian people pretending to be Western Europeans.

Ethnically the comment above has a point in that when you get down to it people of Turkey are not very ethnically Turkic. It’s more accurate to say some locals of Anatolia and balkan converted to Islam and admixed with genetically small amounts of steppe ancestry. They didn’t even necessarily speak Turkish. Then they found their way to modern Turkey either during the many population transfers of Ottoman administration or through the ethnic cleansings of the modern era (for every Turks ethnically cleansed this and that peoples story, there is usually a comparable group of Muslims being ethnically cleansed into Anatolia around the same time. Balkan and Caucasus didn’t end up so homogenous by accident).

So yeah, if you have a Quick Look at higher echelons of secular Turkish society it’s typical to find more white/slav/caucusus/greek ancestry people as they always had a more secular culture. Atatürk himself was a blond blue eyes army officer whose family was ethically cleansed from Macedonia and Thessaloniki. That doesn’t make them any less Turkish

Assuming that white Canadians are by and large believers of the climate change narrative, isn’t there any discussion of what to do with the massive endless expanses of northern Canada that will be transformed into pleasant liveable places by global warming?

Marxist definition has a big 19th century assumption that the proletariat actually produces the material goods keeping the society alive and can threaten the existence of the entire system if they simply stopped.

This largely doesn’t hold anymore since most of the manufacturing is shipped to a myriad of third world countries who are willing to use extreme coercion on their workers (which was common in turn of century western countries as well and eventually got an ideological banner under European fascism) to keep the production going. If the workers of a manufacturing country somehow gets the upper hand, the country is cut out of the international trade system and replaced by one of 50 other willing nations.

Western proletariat in this system still technically fit the Marxist definition but not really. They are by and large service workers who don’t hold such power because usually they don’t make anything really crucial to the functioning of the economy. Their role is not to produce but to manage some steps of the production happening abroad, and to serve the wealthy few who got rich from being adjacent to offshoring. Their strikes can hardly cause a nuisance and are easily broken.

Labour immigration acting as inverse offshoring also has a strong effect here. Many lower level jobs are held by foreigners who don’t even have citizenship rights and are glad for the opportunity. They will gladly act as strike breakers.

So no, this isn’t really what the word proletariat was meant to apply to.

Housing market predictions anyone?

As a couple we are at a point where we would be given a mortgage of a small size house in the city or a somewhat larger one in a suburb (this is a very expensive Western European capital and collectively we earn upper middle class salary). But the prices are so crazy that whatever we buy would definitely not be enough to raise a decent size family as long as we stay in range for our jobs.

The obvious plan would be to get a mid sized place now and then sell and upgrade to a larger house in 5-10 years.

I am very paranoid that the current prices are a massive bubble and if we get a loan today we will be left holding a massive bag when the prices crash and we won’t be able to meaningfully upgrade to a larger house. But on the other hand throwing a large fraction of our income down the toilet with the rent feels ridiculous when we can afford not to.