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Defend Kebab

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joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


User ID: 481


Defend Kebab

1 follower   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


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User ID: 481

Why not pay for some good photos instead?

Also there isn’t much magic to small talk on the apps. Very basic opener, move off the app asap (instagram or facebook gives the woman a bit more confidence you won’t murder her if you have a normal profile), don’t keep texting for long and ask her out for a date. Also get used to being ghosted at any step of the way.

Once you have decent photos you should definitely pay for the apps.

Also the good apps change a lot depending on your region. All I know is that tinder became an absolute cesspool in most of developed world and there are some competing alternatives. You need to find the app(s) from which the middle class young women don’t get the ick yet.

This is one of the best write-ups about a topic I have ever seen on the motte and I can’t believe it’s just a reply to my 2 upvotes comment in a 14 day old thread. Reported as a quality contribution of course and hopefully it gets picked up.

Also I am still in Singapore actually but I’m not single and here with my girlfriend. She would definitely be okay to check out interesting establishments if it won’t get too seedy or awkward. We take a walk around Amsterdam red light district every once in a while when bored and it’s a fun couples activity somehow. But things are a lot more public and windows shopping friendly there

Similar topic, I still have absolutely no clue what all the rust drama of some time ago was about. It’s just endless word salad and nobody says openly what the hell is it that they are upset about. It reminds me of when girl factions in the middle school would have public fights overs Facebook and none of the boys would have absolutely no clue what was being fought over

Typically some mix of prostitution, protection rackets, recruitment of purposeless young men with non-monetary rewards, carving out parts of state power for yourself, exploiting legacy social structures for creating personal loyalties etc is how others do it.

I don’t have any original ideas but you can try starting from these first principles

That’s why lifting forums all recommend progress photos! It’s difficult to notice changes in your own body but you are surely getting there and other people do notice :)

Has Zizek ever put out any idea that had any tangible effect on the real world? i.e. some people read him and got influenced by his thoughts and imposed them onto some political structure with some non-significant effect?

His whole shtick seems to be to impress midwit social sciences students who don’t quite understand what he is trying to say but think he must be important because of this.

Also his jokes are funny once in a while

I always feel that everytime I read about East Asian social problems, it’s extremely focused on highly educated upper middle class striving part of the population. But then what about the remaining 80%+ of the population? What do Koreans who don’t do well at school think? The ones whose parents just run a shop or works for the municipality or something? People who never thought about buying a flat in a good area anyway? Surely there is also a real massive drop in the fertility rates of such people as well and it’s not because they are off studying or working 80 hours a week?

Is a Korean coupon clipping forum literally a place where Koreans talk about coupon clipping (and also apparently domestic drama???)???

Fried ice what?

Why? That’s not much money for a high earner and seducing a very desirable woman for a night and then moving onto the next one definitely beats almost any other alternative spending option in terms of satisfying the male psyche

Apparently I made the mistake of wandering into one in little India on a Sunday afternoon. Since then avoiding the Indian areas a bit. But I was told that it’s the migrant worker off day and it’s normally not so crazy chaotic.

I am in Geylang this very minute

Edit: Either this place is severely hyped online or I came here on the wrong day of the week. Was expecting crazy Asian red light district. Found a bunch of karaoke bars and some working girls having drinks with prospective clients. Food was great though

Any tips for Singapore? First time in Asia. Here for some weeks but mostly busy with work

Wait doesn’t everyone do this?

You aren’t the typical user and A/B testing probably shows the typical user totally does order takeout food when the takeout app sends a push notification

Unless the western countries entirely abandon any and all liberal pretence in the coming months, I can’t imagine that this will result in anything other than making it easier for Ukrainian men abroad to claim permanent asylum. Becoming stateless because your state refuses to give you a passport usually strengthens your asylum case quite a bit

English is the easiest language to learn by far because once you give kids some basic resources and internet access they often tend to do it by themselves by playing video games or watching pewdiepie/music videos/netflix 10 hours a day. My girlfriend’s step brother in poor Hispanic country got pretty good at English in a couple years because the kid is addicted to smartphones and happened to install duolingo at some point to be able to watch English gaming videos

Had the exact same problem. Still spend very little attention on my hair and I love it. The difference between no-attention and very little attention has been massive. I wonder what it would take to convince teenager me to change my attitude about this because my parents definitely tried

“Mainly consist” was the term I used. It’s a combination of a couple reasons:

  • Female heavy degrees are almost always fake subjects polluting scientific integrity and draining resources. I have witnessed many times in my university life that the worst and most pointless courses/degree specialisations in even the hardest science tracks were devised with the expectation to attract more females. Fields like sociology, psychology, art history etc speak for themselves. Closing down these faculties or only restricting them to rigorous academic work would immediately cut down female population in universities severely.
  • Keeping the intelligent female population of your nation in useless education until late 20s, wasting away the most fertile years of their life is just incredibly bad policy.
  • There are very few significant achievements in human history that doesn’t originate from a tight-knit group of competent men heavy on camaraderie and ambition. Adding females to the equation always erodes this spirit.
  • Endless education as a tool to escape “real life” is a problem afflicting both sexes but especially women fall very hard into this trap. Female brain is much more sensitive to approval from authority figures and the education system with its clear reward feedback loops seems to be almost addictive to a sort of high achieving woman.
  • Women typically makes a lot less use of their education even when they enroll in more sensible degrees. They are easily spooked by competitive environments, they are tricked by social validation that comes with many low value professions, and they take long maternity leaves and work part-time because they enjoy to be with their family more than at work.
  • Female style of office politics is absolutely poisonous to academia. When women takes over administrative positions at sufficient numbers, academic research just gives way to conformism and group-think.
  • The fact that almost every above-average women in the society spends their prime pair bonding years at university campuses, and afterwards develop a refusal to date anyone below their education status, makes university de-facto mandatory for any men with some ambition. There is no reason why someone needs to go through a 4-year degree to become a film director, computer programmer or sales manager. People historically didn’t go to uni for such jobs. But if you try this today you are very likely forfeiting your mate prospects. Even men who don’t want/need uni education to be very successful, have to enter a good one and drop out to gain enough social clout.

I can really just go on. All of these are obviously gross generalisations and often apply to many men in some degrees as well but in the end these effects add up in a big way.

It was easy to pretend that until you told me that it does :P

I got the impression that if he was alive today he would be fired from academia promptly and make a fortune as a quant

Just finished Feynman’s autobiography. What a guy! You know a guy is being honest in his autobiography when half the book is filled with memories of blond babes and tits, and the other half is about him solving this or that very difficult physics problem.

Universities should be vastly reduced in size and should mainly consist of men. Any loan system should be abolished but the tuitions should be at a level regular middle class family can pay for their children, or, without family support, one should be able to afford with some part-time plus summer-full-time job. Bureaucracy for choosing research subjects and getting funding should almost entirely be abolished.

Until these things happen universities anywhere will simply be nothing more than rent seekers on a piece of paper that promises but rarely delivers upper-middle-class status, adult daycare, enforcers of bureaucratic power on the elite-minds, and speed bumps on actual science and technology development.

What advise would you give your 16 year old self?

Now this is a place where you'll be hard pressed to find a useful answer

Just the opposite, I feel like everytime someone asks motte for dating advise they get a lot of good replies. Yours is ironically one of them. I think this place is filled with smart guys who took a while to adjust to dating norms and in the meanwhile got to observe and think hard about the fundamentals