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is what came out of the grinder

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joined 2022 September 05 18:04:41 UTC


User ID: 663


is what came out of the grinder

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 18:04:41 UTC


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User ID: 663

Presumably a spam filter-type issue IE, posts from new users without a verified email needing to be approved by a mod or something a long those lines.

I was under the impression that the most popular sci-fi was by-and-large written by straight white males who are, if not necessarily MAGA republicans, then at least very politically incorrect

If we count Hispanic men and conservative leaning black women as "white" and "male" yes. Remember that this is the beef that instigated the whole "sad puppy" affair. The original complaint was that the alleged concern was never about diversity, it was crushing dissent and the competition, and I feel that history has vindicated that position. In essence the whole Hugo controversy from 2013 - 2016 can be summed up as the board of directors at Tor and Del Rey looking to get the Baen crowd canceled for not being woke enough. They may have succeeded, but the cancellation does not seemed to have hurt Baen's sales. Turns out that there is a market for old fashioned (IE "unwoke") pulp fiction and Baen has been happy to fill it.

Well, maybe for the 40% of men who are into BDSM.

I feel like BDSM might cover 20% of men at best where as competence porn must cover 3 quarters at a minimum

Cheating in a low-stakes way is a far cry from the "social or moral transgressions" of cheating in a high stakes way.

I disagree with this analysis. In my experience how someone behaves in low-stakes scenarios is more illustrative of character than high-stakes. The question is "do you refrain from cheating because you value honesty" vs "do you refrain from cheating because you're afraid of getting caught". While similar in outcome they are not the same. The latter warrants a scrutiny that the former does not.

See also the old 4chan copy/pasta about how a shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether someone is capable of self-government.

Whether those priors are "spurious" is the issue under dispute.

A man is not guilty without proof

Incorrect. It is perfectly possible for both of the following statements to be true...

  • Player A cheated

  • Player B is unable to prove that Player A cheated.

...and this is why things like established patterns of behavior matter.

I would like to know more.

Do you have a link to that substack?

As much as I expect to be downvoted for it, this.

Anonymity is the enemy sociability.

What is it that that idiot Yudowsky is always saying? That which can be destroyed by the truth should be destroyed?

  • -16

While this video is intended as comedy, I can assure you it's all true...


...the EMS gods are real and they are always listening.

I honestly don't get a lot of concern over AI generated images, you'd think from the all the apocalyptic rhetoric that 90% of the average Mottizens income came from fulfilling online requests for furry porn. Somehow I don't think that's actually the case.

tldr; Post trying to explain a facet of the Libertarian thinking process and their inherent disdain towards the government.

Has the possibility that many people do understand and just disagree crossed your mind?

As far as I'm concerned your post provides an apt illustration of why the libertarian party is a joke. Libertarians are defined by their contrarianism, and their unwillingness to cooperate or be members of a polity. It's always "their way or the highway" but not knowing what their way is they tend to gravitate towards strong men who they imagine will "cut through the red tape" and "fix the problems" for them. This is why you see so many ostensible libertarians making excuses for guys like Putin and shilling for groups like the CCP and the Mexican Cartels. This in conjunction with time the apparent inability and/or unwillingness to distinguished between government through buy-in of the governed and government at gun-point is why so many on the normie right and center left view libertarians with a mix of suspicion and contempt.

What’s the point of this argument?

There is a small but vocal portion of the European intelligentsia (coupled with their blue-tribe American Hangers-on) who seem to resent the fact that the Allies won WWII, and that the Communists lost the Cold War. Their reasoning being that rational technocratic societies with high IQs and superior technology don't lose to degenerates and thus somebody must be to blame, and that somebody is always das juice.