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Recovering Quokka

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joined 2022 September 06 21:20:34 UTC


User ID: 890


Recovering Quokka

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 21:20:34 UTC


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User ID: 890

The invention of the crane reduced the reach of the powerlifter status market, because when people look at buildings, they're assumed to all be made by cranes, but you can still watch real people lift weights and they're obviously not a crane.

AI Art will reduce the reach of artists and their monopoly on making pictures. Maybe in the future, people will assume most logos and the like are made by computers. That's all well and fine. But how can you prevent imposters from submitting AI art to museums and competitions? It would be as if a bodybuilder could hide a hydraulic arm under his clothes (or take steroids!) and compete without working.

My biggest complaint is that one night the cops were eating blue lo mein out of a takeout container with chopsticks. They couldn't change the trope up just a little bit?

I don't know if this has already been reported. I tried to search for it but realized my folly as the only search term that came to mind was "Reply"...

In the middle of writing a post I highlighted text in the parent comment and hit "reply." I was hoping that it would automatically quote that text and add it in the middle of my comment. Maybe that was silly of me. But it completely overwrote my comment, where a better user experience would be a kind of "Are you sure? your comment is not done..." kind of alert. It's a little awkward, because as far as I can tell, this codebase prefers to silently persist drafts when you return to comment (I just now checked with the back button) instead of using alerts at all.

I knew not to fall into the trap

What trap? Is this a married thing?

Where exactly is the list of idealogically affiliated subreddits? I couldnt find that list anywhere on the links you posted.

Fair enough, you're right that actual fat-activists are not the consequentialists I described in my first post!

I still wouldn't support this hypothetical, steelmanned movement because I find fatness disgusting, but the thought-experiment was novel to me. Maybe I'm just behind.

What is the "root" of the problem? Is it that people get fat? Or is it that fat people suffer increased health risks, beauty-ism, and are a literal poor fit for clothes and spaces? I'm going to do a little bit of mind-reading and assume that in your world where the problem is solved, everyone is thin.

A fat-activist does not have any disgust to fat people, and aesthetically values diversity of size, In her world where the problem is solved, there are fat people, but they don't suffer health risks due to improved medical technology, nor beautyism or logistical issues because of social engineering.

To make another unfair comparison to your position -- would you say glasses solve the root problem of poor eyesight? Of course, nobody is disgusted by poor eyesight...

You might argue that you consistently are taking the path of least resistance:

  • the easiest solution to fat people probably is a world where everyone is thin (based on what the past was like)

  • the easiest solution to poor eyesight seems to be glasses

The question then, is what is the fat-acceptance movement doing differently? You say they've given up on solving the root problem, but (if my mind-reading was correct) you would be modeling fat-positive types as giving up on making everyone thin. I do not think they want everyone to be thin. I think they are willing to implement more difficult solutions (medicine, social engineering) to achieve their preferred aesthetics.

I suspect even, that they are so against memocide, that they would approve of societal interventions to increase fatness, because interventions to decrease it are problematic. Whether or not they can do this openly is a political question of optics. This also explains LGBTQ groomers.

I think I understand. Someone having their cake and eating it too is someone who hypothetically would commit, or can commit, because they don't see sex as a toy. But they might try to abuse someone's infatuation to get sex without putting in commitment.

On the other hand, swingers view sex as a toy and keep that decoupled from their emotional attachment to their spouses or whatever.

What exactly is unethical about the first case though? It sounds like taken to it's logical conclusion, hookups and casual sex are unethical for normal monogamous non-swingers. Or is it only unethical when there's a "power imbalance" (which is really just an infatuation imbalance)? Clearly this cake-having cake-eater is capable of decoupling sex from commitment, because that's what hooking up is?

I was hoping that bonkers interaction would have been fixed from EA. I didn't actually test at launch. It's definitely a glitch.

Are you saying that the universe could have been different (it could have had 3 fewer stars), therefore it needs an explanation for why it is the way it is, and why it isn't another way? If this is not what you're saying, than I admit I cannot follow what you write.

In this post you discuss God's nature.

The changeless thing's nature is entirely, wholly, and simply to act, to bring into existence.

Why does God's nature (to act and bring into existence) not require explanation? Couldn't its nature have been different?

I am struggling to see what value or benefit the concept of God is giving: I will admit, my general strategy is to show the universe has God-like properties, or equivalently, that God has universe-like properties.

The analogy is between the universe and the film. The film isn't playing, because there's nothing to play it on. Verbs refer to actions within the movie and time refers to the movie's runtime. Are you implying that because movies are filmed in our world, it must mean the universe was created?

What if the universe just is, a timeless unchanging thing (unchanging from outside) and time and causality describe relationships within it and it's parts? As an analogy, a filmmaker shoots a reel and the reel itself is unchanging, but within it still seems to move.

To me, this has the advantage of only talking about observable things, and doesn't have the first cause problem. Am I making some elementary error?

I dont think people who bring up, "women are valuable" are doing it prescriptively, they are just explaining why human intuitions and memes value women.

I tried googling keywords involving "mankind" and "woman" and "gender neutral" to see what people were saying about this. Surely any argument from words or morphemes that mankind is exclusionary also applies to woman? One link that caught my eye

They prefer "humanity" or "humankind"

Really crystalizes a conflict theory point here to me: this isn't about getting rid of the man morpheme. But somehow adding extra syllables to take the focus off man makes it better? Really feels to me like this is about breaking people down, and not building them up. To the extent that people argue that this builds up inclusion and good-vibes for women, it just goes to show that it's all zero-sum IMO.

The most queer-friendly people I know will call anyone our age a "beautiful person." It is so jarring to me that it distracts me. But, it lets me know -- without looking -- that the subject is a cute emo girl. (The phrasing is so awkward to me because I've been exposed to so much CW preaching about how to talk: "beautiful" is preferred over "cute" "hot" "sexy" etc. to avoid objectifying women and of course "person" is preferred to avoid assuming gender).

Imagine my shock (not really) when they call the average middle aged lady at Walmart a she without any issue.

It seems parsimoniously explainable if pronouns & gender is a game of people-pleasing. This fits your first definition of passing involving signaling.

With that in mind, when I see an obviously-transgender person, the signaling theory of pronouns & passing dictates that this person obviously wants to be called she. In this sense, the obviously-male transgender woman passes as a woman, evident by her dress and makeup.

I wrote a post about this awhile back, but I didnt feel that many people grokked it. It seems everyone uses the phrase "pass [as a woman]", but based on how its used in context, it's more accurate to call it "pass [as cisgender]"

The OP seemed pretty even-handed when it came to the atheism/theism position.

After all, since he argued that it is not proven that god doesn't exist, it means he also argued that it is at least possible that he does exist. So he is actually arguing a bit in favor of theism.

Cannot believe I won't own the monopoly on quokka images on the motte! Unacceptable

I really like the volunteer modding. Ive been hoping that kind of thing would come around here. I don't have the time commitment to become a mod but sometimes I feel motivated to warn other people when their posts are really, really bad. I noticed a few users criticizing wanna-be moderation so I hope this pans out well.

Why include a short note or title about the post? Is the idea to collect data for either quality vault or AAQC? Is the reason secret? The vault repo hasn't been updated in a long time, is that basically dead and no longer being updated?

I don't think the way you identify to court can be a lie in principle, so on that we agree.

But, I think Lauren Southern was lying here. She was kind of laughing at all this as a joke. I suppose, similar to the courts, you can say she identified to the government as a man, and you can't lie about that in principle.

What the left gets right is that a right-wing troll could lie about their identity. (Like Lauren was doing). The gunman could be, or could not be. You would get a good feel for if he is lying or not based on hearsay of private conversations he's had with friends. Or you could try guessing if you knew what his reddit posts looked like or whatever.

One possible way "race is socially constructed" could be meant is if "race" means "social race." For example, in the past people argued over whether Italians and Greeks were white. A couple weeks ago, we argued if Jews are white. Surely, whether they are "really white" is a silly question, but that is just because categories are fuzzy; the race category itself is not uniquely bad.

This is the only way I can defend this, while salvaging the ability to talk about "black people are stopped more by police."

What does it mean to care about this issue but not care about human rights?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, but the answer seems obvious to me: someone could care about circumcision but not because of reasons relating to human rights. For example, someone could have an agenda against feminism and so go crusading about issues that affect men, in order to take conversation and public consciousness away from female-centric policy. I'm not saying you're doing that, just that it could be someone's motivation.

The poster you're replying to, I think, is saying that of all the human rights violations, circumcision just seems like such a silly hill to die on. Why spend much for little return value, instead of allocating effort to more fruitful violations? Hopefully in the future, circumcision won't cost so much to fix, or maybe once all the low-hanging fruit has been picked, then reach for circumcision.

The way to test this is to go around saying, "90% of confidence plus or minus blah blah blah"

If normies intuitively understand significant figures and uncertainty, the blah blah amount will influence their reaction.

If normies are disgusted by numbers and wanna-be-economists, then the uncertainty wouldn't ever matter.

Running is a chore for me but I still do it to warm up. But weights feel really really good for me, even while I'm doing them (Maybe I'm not doing enough?). Afterwards, I feel really good and accomplished. I even feel more attractive afterwards (like, my face), my guess is a brain chemical tricking me. As another poster mentioned, I kind of enjoy DOMS, although the very first week I ever went to the gym, the soreness was a little too much.

Yes, finding these hidden abstractions feels like "reverse engineering" to me, which in software could be broadly defined as: "determining business rules from code."

But the term “Stochastic Terrorism” eliminates this problem. Someone can be ‘guilty’ of “Stochastic Terrorism” without any attacks even occurring.

This reminds me of a motte post from a couple years back about whether all instances of drunk driving should be condemned equally, regardless of any accident occurring (or not occurring). Of course, the characters in the Sarah Palin story are motivated by politics and not making the world a better place.

All of those are basically engineering to serve a purpose. Picture engineering exists, which is why AI art is even used. Picture engineering is how you obtain company logos and silly images for ads and presentations.

Art is a status competition. It sounds like what you're saying is art is dumb.