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joined 2022 September 05 00:45:21 UTC


User ID: 315



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User ID: 315

it's better to just report/downvote the troll, don't feed them.

and the lovestory of the mod team with the idea of "increasing the participation of more Darwins in the subreddit/site" continues.

And isn't golden rice exempted from patent enforcement anyways? The relevant patent holders have agreed to not try to enforce their patents against asset-free 3rd world farmers.

what is stopping them from changing their minds in the future when their situations change (revenue streams diminish, are acquired by a more aggresive patent holder, etc.)?

Is your point that lots of partners early degrades whatever neurochemical method the human brain uses to pair bond, making you unable to fully do so when you'd want to?

my question was due to you sounding like you didn't believe pair bonding was a thing.

well, they already named the system Sky, at this point it's just a question of linking several together and see what happens.

welcome to Bonobo World, how you doin'?

I'm not at all convinced that that "pair bonding" is a super significant phenomenon

How do you explain entire animal species mating with only one partner for life while other species don't?

sorry, I will try to be better than this potshot, but when the OP reacted like the classical Progressive I couldn't resist the impulse to try to find if he was a troll or just part of the herd.