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joined 2024 January 03 18:56:54 UTC


User ID: 2831



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User ID: 2831

You just made me happier than you might realize. May your day have some sort of Magikal Punk Rock blessing of happiness and prosperity upon it.

There is a BBC-Produced documentary called "How to Start a Sex Cult" which I find intriguing as it was not actually ever released by BBC, considered "Too Extreme." Mostly it gets taken down from Youtube for similar reasons. The guy in it was arrested in Darlington for Sex Abuse. The whole episode is fascinating, bordering on Errol Morris docu reality. I reached out to the documentarian who filmed it once, even hired a PI in England to find the subject (and learned that PIs are often scam-artists). The documentarian also made some lovely photographs of the subjects of the docu.

I wonder just how many other crazy films there are out there which no one will ever get to watch. There's a movie called "The Punk Syndrome" about a Punk Rock band of guys with Autism in Sweden. Not banned, totally PC, but hard to find because no one funds it anymore? I saw it at a film fest in Taiwan, where it got a standing ovation (because no one knows Punk Rock like a bunch of documentary film fest attendees at a University in Taichung, right?).

Such beautiful and true pieces of art, just slipping into memory holes (albeit for different reasons). Makes me sad.

For that matter, Natgeo no longer puts "To Hell and Back" on their own website, you have to go to Author's Website to get it. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/0603/features/peru.html. It was the most linked article they had at one time, and then it was ungooglable for awhile. Kira Selak reposted it in her self site and you would find it with a google search again. So easy for even mainstream things to disappear nowadays.

"No trying to overthrow the government" is not a technicality.

I read through the 14th amendment and thought this was pretty much cut and dry myself. However, after discussing it with my SO, there is the problem that he has not been convicted of anything yet. Also, even if we were to say "Giving Aid and Comfort" -- well, explicitly he hasn't given money or legal aid to them, right?

So, in a court of law, is there sufficient condition met for the man to be excluded by 14th Amendment prior to him being convicted of this? It seems the Supreme court would probably throw all these out on straight constitutional grounds, no?

If he is convicted, though, whole different story. No questions, 14th amendment excludes him outright.