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joined 2022 September 04 17:59:20 UTC


User ID: 50



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 17:59:20 UTC


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User ID: 50

There's nothing fancy - i looked like one of those kids in those "preteen you're arguing with on the computer" memes. I let my hair just sit flat on my head, across my forehead, 0 effort.

My mom especially begged me to throw some wax or gel, or let it get cut in a more stylish way and I just thought it was dumb, but a good hairstyle can really improve confidence and how people interact with you. Took me too long to figure out.

Spend literally 2 minutes a day on your hair, it's going to make a huge difference and you won't look so stupid in future photos

Huh, well there you go! He must have been somewhat familiar with the literature then

It's funny - I asked my optometrist relative if he had "noticed" anything, like no studies per se, but a gut feeling of something you've realized looking at dozens of eyes a day for years and years. He said he was almost certain that kids not spending enough time outside was linked to why more kids need glasses today. So I'm always trying to do the opposite, get my kids outside for reasonable increments depending on UV index, etc.

Recently some govt org here in Canada made the recommendation that kids be encouraged to participate in lightly risky activities, and that was always a thing I've tried to do. There are some things where I think - as long as the risk of this going bad doesn't result in long term damage, I'm fine with it. My wife stays at home which makes a lot of this much easier, because we know our kids and their limitations really well. It seems to work out well.