@RaiderOfALostTusken's banner p




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joined 2022 September 04 17:59:20 UTC


User ID: 50



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 17:59:20 UTC


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User ID: 50

There's nothing fancy - i looked like one of those kids in those "preteen you're arguing with on the computer" memes. I let my hair just sit flat on my head, across my forehead, 0 effort.

My mom especially begged me to throw some wax or gel, or let it get cut in a more stylish way and I just thought it was dumb, but a good hairstyle can really improve confidence and how people interact with you. Took me too long to figure out.

Spend literally 2 minutes a day on your hair, it's going to make a huge difference and you won't look so stupid in future photos