@RegressionToTheMeme's banner p




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joined 2022 September 05 19:35:03 UTC


User ID: 689



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 19:35:03 UTC


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User ID: 689

Charging shouldn’t be much of an issue. The busses just need to be designed so that batteries can be swapped in a few minutes. That kind of quick battery change is common in factories and warehouses that have even a small number of electric forklifts in constant use. Busses would probably be more difficult due to the larger size, but I don’t see any reason to think that’s an insurmountable problem.

There's a similar practice that's been around for a long time in things like pipefitting when connections are named after letters they resemble. When written, they're often spelled out as "tee", "wye", etc.

The first step would be to allow densification of existing areas instead of continuing to build more far flung suburbs. At least in my city, property in denser areas is much more expensive than in the suburbs. This means we're building out a bunch of suburbs for people who would rather live in the city but can't because bad land use policies have resulted in a shortage of housing.

TDS is still on Patreon. He did try to make a Patreon alternative for those who had been kicked off, but it kept getting shut down by the credit card processors/banks.