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User ID: 1158



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User ID: 1158

Own more land and have more power.

There's already a "scientific" space station in the southwest region, where not even Argentineans are allowed inside.

Now apparently China has almost a green light to build their own port (inside the country) in the southest part of the country, near the Beagle Channel for reference.

Good moment about wokeism is the college mascot on season 1, an 'ethnic free' person. The main character remarking how not being racist is the new racism.

Also reminds me about south park "took our jobs" episode, where people of the future is a mix of all races together.

Community has a lot of politically incorrect jokes, specially from the Chevy Chase character. Really funny.

I heard fragments of Bukele speech and this argument was part of it.

Human rights organizations suddenly show up when criminals get their deserved punishment (or don't get chicken in a meal for a day in those prisons), but when innocent people get killed in the streets the media and all citations from those organizations are silent and non-existent.

Anecdotally, I've seen the same situation many times and so I agree. The narrative from the extreme left governments in Latam, is that criminals are actually victims of society because they are a byproduct of them.

This football world cup won't end without some American culture war injected on it of course. A week ago there was a Washington Post op-ed (https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2022/12/08/why-doesnt-argentina-have-more-black-players-world-cup/) noticing that Argentina football team didn't have Black players, a lot of hypothesis are made but the easiest explanation, if any, is assimilation.

After making the rounds online, the op-ed was corrected to point out that the black population (or so Afro-Argentines) is less than 1% (actual data is close to 0.32%), nonetheless the controversy made re-emerge news about how the Afro-Argentines need to be heard.

It's frustrating how the same identity politics issues from USA are trying to be pushed into Latam countries when there are obvious cultural and historic differences. Not surprisingly, these issues (and everything that can be related to "woke" culture) are embraced by left leaning political parties.

The fact that anybody pays any mind to these absolutely ridiculous “polls” is embarrassing. It is absolutely no surprise to me, and I don’t think should be a surprise to anyone, that unhappy men are the ones following this person around online and parroting her nonsense.

Setting aside the negative tone and adjectives about this character in the first paragraph, I have to agree on this. Don't understand what's the deal with this Aella person, first time I heard about her was here and then watched a recent podcast. My impression is, this is just a regular girl that escorts and do polls on twitter. Why people care so much. I can't find any other reason than 'simping'.

I think the name change is silly and the Twitter brand is very big and valuable as to drop it. Nonetheless, as a lurker on Twitter, I don't understand the arguments for "everything is worse" or "musk is ruining Twitter". All I can see is more features and improved functionality in a sort time. Video uploads, long text, subscription for money, encrypted dms?, Group conversations/streaming. A lot of new stuff.

Maybe some real users of Twitter can tell me how is it worse, but everything seems tribal hate. I even heard journalists say "now anyone can buy the blue check" as in pure garbage functionality. In that case is status loss.