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User ID: 1158



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User ID: 1158

About the child comments format I suggest to make the line besides the comment a different color according to its depth level. I've seen this in the mobile app for reddit "Slide" and it's a good feature in my opinion, don't know if it's necessary (or good) for the desktop version, but for mobile seems a good feature.

The only drawback is when it has too many comments at many levels it didn't work as a reference because the colors started repeating. Nonetheless, here's a screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/i2vxAoQ

I'll add another good feature on this one is the button at the bottom (middle), you can configure to which depth level do you want to move (with the up and down arrows at the side). So on the culture war threads I'd switch to child comments and I could comfortably browse first child's comments.

I've been in a strange situation for a couple of months, work issues.

I can't do my tasks anymore, it's easy and I've done it very well in the past, so that the company knows what I'm capable of and is asking me what's going on, that maybe I can fix it. Nonetheless, I can't get to do it. To be clear I'm perfectly capable of doing so. I want to switch to software development since the beggining actually, but at first I really enjoyed the work and new enviroment (even though it's remote work) but it's very strange how now I'm neglecting my current responsibilities, I got to the point where I didn't do any work last two days (friday and monday), I didn't respond messages and didn't show up for the morning video call.

Now after all this failings I have no other choice than quitting and just say sorry. But it's a real pity, I wanted to last longer or at least just doing the basics. The company even gave me the opportunity to take a development role after completing a test.

Is this something that other people had experienced? I don't understand it other than me being in complete denial.

Supposedly, google also is considering removing Twitter from their store but for some reason Musk is focusing on Apple (share of market and revenue I guess)

I wouldn't be surprised if this were true though, everything is looking like a conspiracy lately, advertisers suddenly stop spending on Twitter while most "news articles" in either English or Spanish I see are biased against Musk and Twitter ("lack of moderation" is a very popular phrase now) and also lean towards the "right wing" cesspool narrative, were "right wing" is always bad.

Add this to the internet outcry and #StayWoke tshirts it's getting interesting.

This football world cup won't end without some American culture war injected on it of course. A week ago there was a Washington Post op-ed (https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2022/12/08/why-doesnt-argentina-have-more-black-players-world-cup/) noticing that Argentina football team didn't have Black players, a lot of hypothesis are made but the easiest explanation, if any, is assimilation.

After making the rounds online, the op-ed was corrected to point out that the black population (or so Afro-Argentines) is less than 1% (actual data is close to 0.32%), nonetheless the controversy made re-emerge news about how the Afro-Argentines need to be heard.

It's frustrating how the same identity politics issues from USA are trying to be pushed into Latam countries when there are obvious cultural and historic differences. Not surprisingly, these issues (and everything that can be related to "woke" culture) are embraced by left leaning political parties.

My only hot take is the obvious if it were left wing protestors then these people would be participating in Democracy and getting their voices heard. But since the color coded red tribe they are fascists destroying Democracy.

I think you are correct, although it seems too simple, no?

Most news websites I know in Latam have a left bias, example:

In Italy, when the Meloni won as new prime minister, the news articles repeatedly used keywords as 'right-wing', 'fascists', 'extreme right-wing', 'neofascists', adding a sense of preoccupation, danger and explaining how minorities will be in trouble. Only a couple of articles noticed that this was the first woman in power in Italy but still not leaving aside she is neofascist.

Contrast this when Chile had a new president, no 'extreme left-wing' or 'comunist' keywords and despite the new president is a very young 'white' male, minorities are safe.

Going back to the protests context, a particular episode in Bolivia happened in 2019, big waves of people started protesting -Wikipedia link-, because among other things, it was unconstitutional for the president to run again. Despite the big numbers of people on the streets, the president was left tribe, so a lot of coverage had the word 'coup' in it.

Obviously different context, but in red coded Brazil there were a lot of protests in 2020 and 2021, both in favor and against Bolsonaro. But even when Comunist political parties call for destitution of the president, the description of the events is watered down. Wikipedia doesn't have much information on the events Brazilian protests 2020

Relevant context in the south of the continent is the organization of left political parties. Nowadays the organization is called Grupo de Puebla (sorry only ES in wiki), which is an update on the former São Paulo Forum.

I realized it's not easy to argue that 'news' companies have a strong bias without compiling a lot of events, links and run a very extensive analysis. Even then I wonder what kind of conclusions can be drawn. I guess anecdotal evidence is all we have for now.

Do you consider Lionel Messi white?

I was answering the survey on slatestarcodex and wasn't sure how to answer the ethnicity/race question: "what race do you consider yourself?" or something like that, having anwserer "Other".

I had always pattern matched the skin color and that's it for "black" and "white". But recently I heard two comments form an American and a Russian considering themselves "white" and people from Latam as white as Messi or the Pope, not white. Maybe "Latino"? but I don't think this means anything else than the geographical place of origin, why not both?

I'm supposed the label have a different connotation for them but I also have the suspicion it's a status mark for many (just from what a Russian friend said, but not sure)

Actually only the American explicitly made the differentiation "you are not white, you are Latino".

Now that you mention this, I think the fixation or discussion about races/ethnicity mostly comes from America. Starts to feel unproductive very quickly

I thought the same, but most of his podcasts are really shallow. Last one I checked is the most recent with Python creator, the conversation started and the guest asked what's the target audience, to understand how much deep can he go explaining a concept:

Fridman: Imagine my listeners vary from a normal fisherman to an experienced elite programmer.

Guest: so programming is like a kitchen recipe...

And so a whole conversation by analogy ensues. I didn't catch any detail that would be interesting for a programmer.

Maybe that's okay, but I always expected something more interesting given his brand as an academic. To be fair, more detailed information would probably be better in another format like text.

But anyway, the original question of OP is not related to culture war thread.

I heard fragments of Bukele speech and this argument was part of it.

Human rights organizations suddenly show up when criminals get their deserved punishment (or don't get chicken in a meal for a day in those prisons), but when innocent people get killed in the streets the media and all citations from those organizations are silent and non-existent.

Anecdotally, I've seen the same situation many times and so I agree. The narrative from the extreme left governments in Latam, is that criminals are actually victims of society because they are a byproduct of them.

Now, there is obviously some attempt at humor, here. Still, I find it pretty offensive and abhorrent.

My thought process through Karl's comment got me perplexed.

Not knowing anything about this Karl guy (and honestly skimming your well-written post), I read the Father's day post and just interpreted as a guy sarcastically making fun of woke culture. After reading the "white fragility" comment well, that threw me off, maybe Karl was actually serious OR is doubling down on sarcasm, but doesn't seem so.

If it's not all sarcasm then FarNearEverywhere is right, replying "congrats" or just ignoring it's the only way. Incredible.

Good moment about wokeism is the college mascot on season 1, an 'ethnic free' person. The main character remarking how not being racist is the new racism.

Also reminds me about south park "took our jobs" episode, where people of the future is a mix of all races together.

Community has a lot of politically incorrect jokes, specially from the Chevy Chase character. Really funny.

Why? What if there isn't any other data done by someone else, the data in question can still be bad and be proven wrong.

The fact that anybody pays any mind to these absolutely ridiculous “polls” is embarrassing. It is absolutely no surprise to me, and I don’t think should be a surprise to anyone, that unhappy men are the ones following this person around online and parroting her nonsense.

Setting aside the negative tone and adjectives about this character in the first paragraph, I have to agree on this. Don't understand what's the deal with this Aella person, first time I heard about her was here and then watched a recent podcast. My impression is, this is just a regular girl that escorts and do polls on twitter. Why people care so much. I can't find any other reason than 'simping'.

I mean you can point out the methodology is faulty, in this case the data.

So what you would be doing is finding errors in it's reasoning, the conclusion may be true on its own, doesn't matter.

Who are you to decide how much @thorouglygruntled needs to pay for taxes before he can object? How much of his money goes into other people pockets, by force, before he can be against that?

It's not a numbers argument but a moral one.

And since money is fungible, we can just split it up, and say - "none of the NPR funding and more corn subsidies came out of Thoroughly's taxes, and all of the NPR funding and less corn subsidies came out of @AnarchoBidenist's taxes.

Well, this is way better argument in my opinion. The other one is a judgment call on how much money is it okay to take from someone before it's objectionable.

I really like the international updates, something different from the usual culture war topics.

Deserves it's own post outside the weekly one, but maybe most readers don't pay attention to those

Thanks for posting

Own more land and have more power.

There's already a "scientific" space station in the southwest region, where not even Argentineans are allowed inside.

Now apparently China has almost a green light to build their own port (inside the country) in the southest part of the country, near the Beagle Channel for reference.

the cash-strapped public doesn’t want their pensions going up in smoke

What do you mean by this?

I tried to access the Bloomberg link that mentions the poll (with 12ft.io too) but no luck.

I'd guess only a small percentage of the population would oppose the dollarization due to fear whilst saving money in that currency.

Interestingly, the article you linked about sterilization is written by Cachanosky one of the authors of the now main plan of dollarization for Milei to implement, if elected.

It'd be interesting to know how many reports did Soriek get. I really like the international updates :)

Reading the contributions, I recognize @Sloot from reddit. Have to say, even enjoyed some of your sarcastic low-effort comments there

There's a big problem with crypto for regular use when you hear the creator of Ethereum, in a podcast, talk about the paranoid rampage he suffered for three days to make a transaction (albeit probably the biggest ever).

He inspected and coded his own library/script because he was so unsure of the inherent safety of the running environment for that virtual money.

I think the name change is silly and the Twitter brand is very big and valuable as to drop it. Nonetheless, as a lurker on Twitter, I don't understand the arguments for "everything is worse" or "musk is ruining Twitter". All I can see is more features and improved functionality in a sort time. Video uploads, long text, subscription for money, encrypted dms?, Group conversations/streaming. A lot of new stuff.

Maybe some real users of Twitter can tell me how is it worse, but everything seems tribal hate. I even heard journalists say "now anyone can buy the blue check" as in pure garbage functionality. In that case is status loss.

Totally fair, thanks for the reply. I've only lurked Twitter and lately I've been following the with_replys of Musk.

Why do you suspect the rate limiting didn't stop the scraping? Also why would it be strange to think that bots scrap data for ai training.

The blocking logged-out browsing also think is bad user experience, but the argument to stop the scraping along the rate limit seems coherent. Always suffered the "Log in to continue browsing" pop up as a lurker and it's really annoying.

Wow, didn't know that. I glanced it over a couple of times and had that reaction, "what is this shit" but also read some confusing shitposting I didn't get. Isn't it most of it shitposting? I also remember checking out their repo and had the same comment style.
