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joined 2022 September 12 13:00:36 UTC


User ID: 1158



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User ID: 1158


I mean you can point out the methodology is faulty, in this case the data.

So what you would be doing is finding errors in it's reasoning, the conclusion may be true on its own, doesn't matter.

And since money is fungible, we can just split it up, and say - "none of the NPR funding and more corn subsidies came out of Thoroughly's taxes, and all of the NPR funding and less corn subsidies came out of @AnarchoBidenist's taxes.

Well, this is way better argument in my opinion. The other one is a judgment call on how much money is it okay to take from someone before it's objectionable.

Who are you to decide how much @thorouglygruntled needs to pay for taxes before he can object? How much of his money goes into other people pockets, by force, before he can be against that?

It's not a numbers argument but a moral one.

About the child comments format I suggest to make the line besides the comment a different color according to its depth level. I've seen this in the mobile app for reddit "Slide" and it's a good feature in my opinion, don't know if it's necessary (or good) for the desktop version, but for mobile seems a good feature.

The only drawback is when it has too many comments at many levels it didn't work as a reference because the colors started repeating. Nonetheless, here's a screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/i2vxAoQ

I'll add another good feature on this one is the button at the bottom (middle), you can configure to which depth level do you want to move (with the up and down arrows at the side). So on the culture war threads I'd switch to child comments and I could comfortably browse first child's comments.

I've been in a strange situation for a couple of months, work issues.

I can't do my tasks anymore, it's easy and I've done it very well in the past, so that the company knows what I'm capable of and is asking me what's going on, that maybe I can fix it. Nonetheless, I can't get to do it. To be clear I'm perfectly capable of doing so. I want to switch to software development since the beggining actually, but at first I really enjoyed the work and new enviroment (even though it's remote work) but it's very strange how now I'm neglecting my current responsibilities, I got to the point where I didn't do any work last two days (friday and monday), I didn't respond messages and didn't show up for the morning video call.

Now after all this failings I have no other choice than quitting and just say sorry. But it's a real pity, I wanted to last longer or at least just doing the basics. The company even gave me the opportunity to take a development role after completing a test.

Is this something that other people had experienced? I don't understand it other than me being in complete denial.