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joined 2022 September 09 21:40:35 UTC


User ID: 1085



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User ID: 1085


Well we finally have a story about the self-destruction of the Guggenheim in the summer of 2020. Unfortunately the author seems to be lamenting that the activists didn’t try to get enough people fired by framing it as a story of people choosing a scapegoat instead of fully recognizing their privilege.

This piece appearing as a headline story in The Atlantic actually makes me pessimistic that we’re ever going to get a real examination of the hysteria during Summer 2020. The analysis is so hamstrung by the fact that any mainstream author will agree with the premises of the activists.

Also it’s worth noting that any principled opposition to Lebouvier from within the Guggenheim would have left the art world decades ago. Institutional capture was baked into the cake back then, lamenting it now just seems naïve.

Who exactly is the audience for a story like that? I doubt very many women have any regrets over metoo era accusations now.

Now people will lament the post metoo sexual dynamics, but any examination of How We Got Here would be extremely predictable and limited unless it’s in small publications such as Unherd.