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User ID: 866



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User ID: 866

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I'm sure I can find a twitter account with around 500 followers who has not disavowed white supremacy if I tried.

Would that be proof enough for you?

If now then why do we care so much about TRN? What's the difference?

Because there is a high correlation between people's political affiliation and their families political affiliation.

Because TRN is a nobody, and Trump was the president of the United States.

Seems like a pretty big difference to me.

The link to your pdf document doesn't work for me.

Firefox apparently doesn't like anti-semetic, and I used auto-correct without double-checking.

Jews would have been my first guess.

Second guess would be something like SJWs.

Wrong how?

I fixed "Iceburg" and I found 2 bad "it's".

If you want to let me know of anything else, feel free.

Does this site have some sort of new users queue? I made a post yesterday, and I don't see it when I sort by new.

The point is that TRN is not analogous to Trump because Trump kinda represents the Republican party and TRN represents, like 500 people.

A more accurate analogy to what TRN is would be to take some random bozo on Stormfront and say "Look at this guy! He's not denouncing Right wing terrorism. This means that the Right is pro-terrorism"

Where can I read this article?

I think it's pretty unlikely.

Vivek might not seem very intelligent to you because you're not in his target audience, but in my opinion, the things he says and tweets are perfect for appealing to a populist American conservative.

I figured it was probably something like that. The 92 was just all I found in the time I spent google searching for it.

When someone calls a real person an "NPC" it usually means that they don't think for themselves. Their opinions on issues are told to them from outside sources, and they don't know how to adjust them when they are exposed to new information.

They are like an NPC in the sense that they behave as though they don't have any agency over their own beliefs.

Similarly, morbid obesity is undignified, and the morbidly obese are close to being a protected class (being as it is a physical disability). Thus, having them on a show is undignified and opens up the writers to criticism. Thus: total absence.

It's been more than a decade since my primary way of entertaining myself was watching TV shows, but when it was, I got the sense that there's obesity all over the TV. Is obesity really not depicted in shows nowadays?

It's not believable enough to be inflammatory.

If I posted the content of the article in here the thread would that do?

I frequently see people in the West calling for Hamas to release the hostages or complaining that other people aren't calling on Hamas to release the hostages.

I don't see the point behind this. Hamas doesn't care what people in the west are calling for. Secondly, it's hard to imagine what Israel can be expected to give them in exchange for the hostages considering that Hamas already killed 1400, and they can't give those lives back. Furthermore, if Israel does make a ceasefire in exchange for the hostages, it rewards Hamas for taking hostages in the first place, which is not something anyone wants.

Ironically, I think that if people in the west are calling on Israel to make a ceasefire, but not on Hamas to release the hostages, it's a sign that they're more aligned with Israel than with Hamas because they seem to feel like they have agency over Israel's actions. Meanwhile, they feel no agency over Hamas's actions, which is why they don't call on Hamas to do anything. To them, Hamas might as well be an animal that you can't expect it to not attack because attacking is in it's nature.

I see it now. When I first hopped into this thread, it just said "filtered"

And after reading it, it kinda made me want to reply in a way that may be skirting the rules. I almost think it's a false flag comment. That's how outside the overton window it is.

It takes more exercise than most people think to lose weight. I'm currently about 154lbs, and by the numbers, in order for me to exercise enough to lose a whole pound I have to run a literal marathon. That's more than one 5k per day for a week.

Yep. In order to get permanent weight loss, you need to make a permanent lifestyle change.

The value of writing isn't measured by the number of words. It's measured by how much you can get your reader to understand.

Hundreds of millions of people know about this shooting. If one in ten thousand of them of them posts online in favor of the shooter, then you have ten thousand online posts in favor of the shooter to cherry pick from.

This makes me more curious as to what the post actually was.