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joined 2023 January 18 02:16:30 UTC


User ID: 2103



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User ID: 2103

Unfortunately, I really want to talk about all the Bud Light stuff, and I don't want to make a new throwaway for it. So you will have to deal with this short summary of my jury duty instead of the nice effort post I've been cooking up on dog walks: 1) The pool is almost sarcastically diverse, as though someone had intentionally excluded anyone else resembling my 'peers.' 2) If someone shows up it's because they want to serve on a jury, and they find it strange that someone would intentionally decrease their chances of being selected 3) The entire experience can be a colossal waste of time and energy, 50 otherwise productive people spent all day not working because one illegal immigrant made a sexual innuendo to another illegal's girlfriend/stepdaughter. Why not just deport them?

Onto the Bud Light thing, as discussed earlier here yesterday. The short summary would be that someone (also from San Diego, coincidentally) decided about a year ago that they were a woman, and Bud Light decided to make them a special commemorative can, which apparently they drank in a bathtub as part of a marketing campaign. This has made a lot of people (including me) very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. I'm writing this post now because the company just offered its' first official response and it's perfect gpt fuel-on-the-fire. It's short so I won't give highlights, instead, a summary that suggests it pisses off everyone rather than mollifying anyone. I eagerly invite someone to provide a mirror image of 'their tribes' response but I want to share a few thoughts about mine in a few buckets:

1). For most of my adult life, I drank an incredible amount of Bud Light. Occasionally flirting with the limits of 'functional' alcoholism at ~30 a day, occasionally dipping below my typical 10-12, occasionally taking a month off because I'd been getting fat. This amount of consumption is not unusual in my peer group. Just do some napkin math: (minimally) one beer per half hour of time awake and 'off the clock.' Essentially, Bud Light is not a 6 pack that sits in your fridge for weeks, it's bought in 18 packs by people like me on the way home for the night.

2). We drink Bud Light for exactly the reason you (the proverbial 'you', of course) poke fun at it. It's thin, watery, and doesn't have a lot of alcohol. I can drink 30 a day and never get shithouse drunk the way I will after 3 bourbons on an empty stomach. I can drink more than a tiny sip and enjoy the flavor, unlike a double tangerine ipa. I like to sit around and drink beer, and it's a perfect beer for that.

3). I have my friends that drink Bud Light, and my friends that poke fun at me for drinking Bud Light. I love both, but with the later, we usually don't tool around in the garage while drinking. These days with the later it's usually more like visiting the latest pop-up microbrewery which may or may not have food (or anything drinkable). There's a culture, or if that's a bit grandiose, a vibe around a hot sunny day and a big cold box of weak watery beer.

4). Unlike most potential boycotts, I (and my people) have some purchase with this one ('purchase' for the non-english natives among us here meaning 'agency, power, or leverage'). We get a little say. There is a little verve here. This is not nike, something I already didn't buy, or every insurance company known to man, something I can't really avoid buying, this is weak watery beer!

5). Unlike most Allied marketing, this feels like it was meant to hurt. I'm aware Bud Light has done rainbow pride cans before, and I've probably even bought some without thinking about it. But something feels wrong about buying this beer now that I know they intentionally had a AMAB in a bikini drinking their commemorative can celebrating '365 of womanhood.' Not only can I effectively boycott this, but I can't unfeel the desire to boycott this! This one might have legs.

After the non-apology from the brass, Bud Light may have terminally tarnished their brand. Planting a flag and vitally interested to hear your thoughts

Who gives a fuck?

I will die on the hill that a very thin man in a bikini drinking bud light in his bathtub is not a woman in a bikini drinking bud light in her bathtub. Just because some people have absentmindedly skipped to 'okay now man=woman' does not mean I will subscribe to the changing ways of the world.

Them: Obvious demons demanding their right for public sexual performances, insisting prepubescent children must participate

You: This is a nothingburger

Me: Jesus Christ, King of Kings, King of my soul, forgive my years astray in Satan's grasp, forgive us all, for we know not what we do.

the only known way to decrease housing cost

You're not intellectually mature enough to be permitted on the internet without supervision. Decreasing demand (by, for instance) decreasing the population would also decrease housing cost.

  • -35

You're forgetting that what causes the right to rise is the left, and (just one example) in Austria the communist party is about to get seats in parliament for the first time in generations

I don't drink beer but if my favorite cider company did some ads with a NASCAR driver or Donald Trump or Kyle Rittenhouse or Ben Shapiro or whoever you think the opposite variant of Mulvaney might be then I just don't care.

You are telling on yourself, respectfully. That means NASCAR/Trump/Rittenhouse/Shapiro has never actively suggested anything like ‘man=woman’

If someone shoots up a school, there's a non-zero chance I'm gonna call them a bad name because I disapprove of their actions. I really don't think it matters if kids are dead and someone gets misgendered or called a "nigger."

NB I don't think it matters in any case, because I was raised that 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.' But I especially don't care about their feelings if they shot up a school

>Child is permanently mutilated and sterilized.

Um. Sir or Madam. Your child is not dead.

But I do care buddy and the truth is I'm not going to buy bud light anymore. life is real beyond mental calculations of possibilities and hypotheticals

I actually believe that a significant number of teachers are sexually/satanically activating prepubescent children for the purpose of future sexual gratification. That does not necessitate the groomer is the ‘beneficiary’

I disagree entirely, if Mr. Normative Man's daughter was mutilated and sterilized (or raped, or paralyzed, or brain damaged, etc), I assert his normative response to "Um. Sir. Your child is not dead" would be righteous indignation directed at the speaker.

That plaque was written by a Jew to promote 'multiculturalism' - you're not proving the point you think by raising it

Imagine being down so bad you have to buy your stuff from Iran - you can't be a serious country and need stuff from Iran

Skipping past the joke I can't quite form about the paradoxical 'trans conservative spokesperson' - my gut says no, there was something uniquely perturbing about this specific AMAB being selected as a brand ambassador. Although the bathtub aspect would be an aggravating factor regardless of who it was

It's just a personal preference, but I deeply hope you're wrong. Both about 'lots of people,' and the consequences.

Are you familiar with the phrase 'handle your business'?

This is obnoxious and you are obnoxious. Your shtick is old and tired. @SecureSignals laid out word-for-word the failure of 'signing a hate speech law in Jerusalem'

Do you support American governors enacting laws curtailing American speech, on behalf of and enacted in foreign countries? If not, why are you so snarky about this?

Surely authority is a more probative example - but thank you for teaching me something

Maybe the reason nazi-adjacent homosexuals like Cole and Yiannopoulos as well as various other figures on the alt-right

I don't recognize the name Cole, but didn't Milo originally step in shit because he spoke publicly about his first gay consensual relationship being when he was like 9?

I'm not sure quite what to label the phenomena but when I think back to being exposed to unimaginably hardcore pornography (goatse, lemonparty, 2girls1cup, that nail in dick thing) at ~8 years old I'm existentially horrified, but also just laugh it off like most of my peers.

It's also just occurred to me as I'm typing this your kids' experience with all that may be a great deal more sanitized than mine.

deportation is not fatal, hlynka. cute attempt tho

Modern HBDers, by contrast, are at best indifferent and at worst hostile to the plight of non-whites. Their approach is not one of trying to improve race relations or the human race. They're tribalists, and HBD offers a convenient narrative why Our Tribe is superior and Their Tribe is awful.

Please explain how this is not textbook uncharitable boo outgrouping

What if you're just typing letters in a sequence that make recognizable patterns but have no real meaning?

This is a 'touch grass' moment, you are setting up and knocking down nightmares of your own creation. There is (virtually, effectively, pick whatever term you like) no one on 'your team' who would not say 'sounds great!' to deporting all the violent felons. The problem is that 'violent felons' are wildly disproportionately black so everyone else screams 'racism!' whenever one of us attempts to be colorblind

Hilariously, this is the first time it's occurred to me that one can genuinely die from being denied alcohol while withdrawing. Alcoholics have a wildly stronger claim to fear of death through marginalization and failure to provide 'treatment' than 'trans people'

Why not FOX instead? Surely that is more likely to be responsive