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User ID: 2103



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User ID: 2103

arguably won the second world war

This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move

They had nuclear power plants.

That plaque was written by a Jew to promote 'multiculturalism' - you're not proving the point you think by raising it

The right answer was 'yes' dude - just be the kind of guy who knows how to handle his business. Stop being you.

Are you familiar with the phrase 'handle your business'?

Imagine being down so bad you have to buy your stuff from Iran - you can't be a serious country and need stuff from Iran

Love your stuff which is the only reason I'm bothering to comment, 'original facsimile' is an oxymoron. A facsimile is a copy. It's fallen out of use but once upon a time someone might have said 'make a facsimile of this document so we have two carbon copies'

When you say 'I'm anti-woke' when you talk about wokeness, you're saying 'I'm anti-Black.’”

How is this different from conservative commentators saying “diversity is code for anti-white”? It’s the same rhetorical game.

Because it’s not the same rhetorical game. In my experience the ‘anti-woke’ people are vocally and actively anti-affirmative action, blackwashing, pride stuff, etc and ‘diversity’ people in my general experience tend to express that it’s never meant to be anti-white, even when it is (except that’s a good thing).

deportation is not fatal, hlynka. cute attempt tho

the only known way to decrease housing cost

You're not intellectually mature enough to be permitted on the internet without supervision. Decreasing demand (by, for instance) decreasing the population would also decrease housing cost.

  • -35

This is obnoxious and you are obnoxious. Your shtick is old and tired. @SecureSignals laid out word-for-word the failure of 'signing a hate speech law in Jerusalem'

Do you support American governors enacting laws curtailing American speech, on behalf of and enacted in foreign countries? If not, why are you so snarky about this?

I disagree entirely, if Mr. Normative Man's daughter was mutilated and sterilized (or raped, or paralyzed, or brain damaged, etc), I assert his normative response to "Um. Sir. Your child is not dead" would be righteous indignation directed at the speaker.

You're forgetting that what causes the right to rise is the left, and (just one example) in Austria the communist party is about to get seats in parliament for the first time in generations

At the risk of going all 'gdp line go up' meme show me on this graph where de-Baathification was

such a ludicrous and laughable failure on every conceivable metric that anyone seriously advocating for it is obviously retarded

(To speak plainly 'de-Baathification' was apparently less disruptive than the first gulf war)

Modern BLMers, by contrast, are at best indifferent and at worst hostile to the plight of whites. Their approach is not one of trying to improve race relations or the human race. They're tribalists, and BLM offers a convenient narrative why Our Tribe is superior and Their Tribe is awful.

Modern HBDers, by contrast, are at best indifferent and at worst hostile to the plight of non-whites. Their approach is not one of trying to improve race relations or the human race. They're tribalists, and HBD offers a convenient narrative why Our Tribe is superior and Their Tribe is awful.

Please explain how this is not textbook uncharitable boo outgrouping

What if you're just typing letters in a sequence that make recognizable patterns but have no real meaning?

This is a 'touch grass' moment, you are setting up and knocking down nightmares of your own creation. There is (virtually, effectively, pick whatever term you like) no one on 'your team' who would not say 'sounds great!' to deporting all the violent felons. The problem is that 'violent felons' are wildly disproportionately black so everyone else screams 'racism!' whenever one of us attempts to be colorblind

I'll comeback with "What if we just deported all the convicted felons instead"

Okay great thanks

Hilariously, this is the first time it's occurred to me that one can genuinely die from being denied alcohol while withdrawing. Alcoholics have a wildly stronger claim to fear of death through marginalization and failure to provide 'treatment' than 'trans people'

Except that Texas will take your kids away and charge you with child abuse if you let them take puberty blockers rather than allow that variety of family life to flourish.

"Allow that variety of family life to flourish" in this instance parses to this reader much like "Allow that variety of MRSA to flourish"

>Child is permanently mutilated and sterilized.

Um. Sir or Madam. Your child is not dead.

Why not FOX instead? Surely that is more likely to be responsive

Bruh. Come on. How close are the demographics of bud light drinkers to 100% white compared to 100% trans.

Of course if you make up a stupid example your interlocutor will be made to seem stupid.

I'm not gonna make a long response because it's Sunday night, but if you think about it from 30,000ft voting is a proxy for violence. Once upon a time if my team disagreed with a decision that yours tried to impose on us, we would try to violently resist. Now we vote instead and my team (hypothetically) says 'eh, I guess we're losers on this one' rather than resort to violence. But 'cancel-culture' is pretty clearly (to me) a bridge beyond voting, that's trying to be cute about 'nonviolence.'

All of this is to say - as a general rule - I prefer voting to violence. But 'cancel culture' isn't voting and it isn't 'nonviolence.' "Heading to Africa, hope I don't get aids" does not mean you should be made unemployable and homeless and it's egregious that it's dressed up as cute nonviolence.

Surely authority is a more probative example - but thank you for teaching me something