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joined 2023 January 18 02:16:30 UTC


User ID: 2103



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 January 18 02:16:30 UTC


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User ID: 2103

Are you familiar with the phrase 'handle your business'?

That plaque was written by a Jew to promote 'multiculturalism' - you're not proving the point you think by raising it

The right answer was 'yes' dude - just be the kind of guy who knows how to handle his business. Stop being you.

They had nuclear power plants.

arguably won the second world war

This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move

Love your stuff which is the only reason I'm bothering to comment, 'original facsimile' is an oxymoron. A facsimile is a copy. It's fallen out of use but once upon a time someone might have said 'make a facsimile of this document so we have two carbon copies'

When you say 'I'm anti-woke' when you talk about wokeness, you're saying 'I'm anti-Black.’”

How is this different from conservative commentators saying “diversity is code for anti-white”? It’s the same rhetorical game.

Because it’s not the same rhetorical game. In my experience the ‘anti-woke’ people are vocally and actively anti-affirmative action, blackwashing, pride stuff, etc and ‘diversity’ people in my general experience tend to express that it’s never meant to be anti-white, even when it is (except that’s a good thing).

Imagine being down so bad you have to buy your stuff from Iran - you can't be a serious country and need stuff from Iran