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User ID: 716



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User ID: 716

I guess either you have product-market fit, or you don't. PMF = customers knocking down your door, can't keep up with demand, servers on fire, bottlenecked by scaling, etc. The company struck gold and you must dig it out as fast as possible. No PMF = nobody cares, no users, no problems.

Is it? I personally found the human aspect awkward and embarrassing, and could have done without it. Admittedly I never found therapy useful.

In the VICE article, Dan stays up till 4am talking to it, while Gillian says the words are empty. The Discord users that Koko fooled presumably skew male, so may be a gender thing. I know that my very male approach was "I have a problem that needs to be fixed", not "I need to spend an hour talking to an empathetic human".

It sounds like an anxiety disorder. Has no one offered to treat it as such (diazepam, CBT, etc)? Almost all your symptoms can be manifestations of anxiety.

Here are some examples


You can do a lot with intelligence. By inventing Bitcoin, Satoshi is worth billions, all while remaining anonymous and never leaving his bedroom. What could a super human intelligence do?

This guy is great. I was just reading his very long "Notes on Nigeria" published yesterday

Kamala will just implement policies that give current big players a regulatory moat

I'm not sure it matters because the Copilot code that has been committed has been filtered by a developer, so it's a bit like RLHF. The human is still in the loop, so the only qualities that get amplified are the ones the humans want.

How do you keep track of what you've read online? How do you manage your personal research? Do you have a system? Do you have collections, and keep notes? Is this an actual problem you have?

Personally, I often read something and then struggle to find it again months later, or open something in a new tab to read later only to lose the tab. Or I might write down my thoughts but then lose the context of what I was looking at when I had them. It just feels like things here could be much better.

Have you seen Four Lions? https://youtube.com/watch?v=xR5rKr-p6lc

I got top 0.22%, better than I was expecting since I have relatively weak verbal skills. But hey, apparently vocab tests are highly g loaded, so I'll take my suggested 142(?) IQ!

I'm not much of a reader. I only knew avarice because of Dark Souls (ring of avarice), and alacrity because of Dota (an Invoker spell).

What does the third kid add?

Why language models specifically? From a cursory google I found a couple of papers which may make more sense to you than me



To overcome the challenges faced by manual gating, many computational tools have been developed to automate every step of the cytometry data analysis, including quality control (5), batch normalization (6, 7), data visualization (8–10), cell population identification (11–16), and sample classification (17–20). The tools utilize a wide range of computations methods, ranging from rule-based algorithms to machine learning models.

Do you want LLMs so you can "talk to" your lab results? Otherwise it's easier to analyse masses of data without the LLM middleman.

  1. Software is not abundant. Software is expensive. Software developers are expensive.

  2. Google and Facebook are not build on dirt-cheap software. They pay some of the highest salaries in the industry.

  3. Price is a negotiation. Say I sell a software product for $50/month. Either it generates more than $50/month value to you, in which case you buy it, or it doesn't, so you don't. How much it's costs me to deliver it is irrelevant to you. If you think you can get a better deal using a different product, then go do that. If enough people do that, I am forced to lower my prices, change my product, or go out of business.

  4. If software is that easy, you should start a software company.

Presumably a dial

Does anyone have experience of fixing poor forward-neck posture? I'm happy to do 10 mins of daily stretching, as long as the stretching will actually work. Or is it fixed by doing something else? What exactly is the mechanism?

I do facepulls at the gym, which may have helped my rounded shoulders, but my cervical spine still gives me away as a nerd.


I started going to the gym 2-3x/week a few months ago around March. So it was quite easy to throw in a few sets of facepulls at the end of every workout, at the very least it's another way of hitting my shoulders and back. I do about 2-3 set of ~10 most times I go to the gym. Regarding weight, bias towards lighter with good form, and if you can finish the set easily, increment the weight, but not so heavy that your form gets worse towards then end of the set. I do them on the cable machine and as described here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=eIq5CB9JfKE

I can't 100% vouch for their efficacy as I don't have before/after pics, nor was I carefully tracking my posture. I also do other back exercises which could have helped too.

Perhaps a long shot, but there was a website I came cross in the LessWrong comments, where you could click a button and it would give you random "interesting" thing to read from a seemly large curated list of sources. Does anyone know what that website is?

Thank you, I'm pretty sure that's it

I believe it. Watch this video to get an idea of what he's doing https://youtube.com/watch?v=509wv0cohgA

You read on your phone?

Why are gays over-represented in the arts and creative fields? Even in tech, I go to an artsy coding meetup and it's hosted in an LGBT space. I go to a discord of people building interesting things and they're 50% furries.

I would presume there's a biological/psychological explanation, if the effect is even real, but it's hard to find good answers. My first guess would be the same loosening of priors that allows for creativity also loosens the heterosexuality prior; but then why gay and not bi?

I don't have strong conviction. More of an assumption on my part. Many may very well be bi, which would fit better with the theory.

  1. I didn't know it was an LGBT space until I walked in and saw the pride flags and pro-trans slogans. The meetup had been previously held in a neutral space. But this is just one data point. I can imagine that normies enter a discord server of furries and get put off, but then where do they go? I find it hard to find more 'normal' spaces.

  2. Do gays have higher IQ? This is news to me.

  3. No, I don't live in America or a 'liberal' city. But my town is full of students and young people, and we all live in Amerika.

The term Lindy comes from Taleb.

Lindy is a deli in New York, now a tourist trap, that proudly claims to be famous for its cheesecake, but in fact has been known for the fifty or so years of interpretation by physicists and mathematicians of the heuristic that developed there. Actors who hung out there gossiping about other actors discovered that Broadway shows that lasted, say one hundred days, had a future life expectancy of a hundred more. For those that lasted two hundred days, two hundred more. The heuristic became known as the Lindy Effect.


There are two classes: perishables and non-perishables. For humans, the older you get, the more likely you are to die. For non-perishables, it is the opposite. The older a building gets, the more likely it is to survive. In 200 years, the pyramids will still be standing, the Eiffel tower will probably still be there, and those newly erected apartment blocks almost certainly not. Same goes for books, ideas, countries, laws, and so on. Shakespeare will live on longer than the latest Hugo Award winner.

That's the Lindy effect. The adjective lindy is used to describe anything that's old, that has stood the test of time, and thus implied that is it true or useful or valuable. Or at the very least, a certain lens worth applying.

Video games? “Not Lindy.”

Nightclubs? “Lindy. In fact, deep Lindy.”

Sleek midcentury modernism? “Anytime you get away from fractal patterns and ornate details, it’s not Lindy.”

How about sex toys? “Lindy,” he said, adding, by way of explanation, “ancient Egypt.”

The Jeffrey Epstein scandal? “Some rich guy going around and doing criminal behavior and abusing people? It’s pretty Lindy!”


TPOT just means "this part of twitter". Recently there was the second annual Vibe Camp, a tpot meetup, but I don't think there is much more to it than that. I think a lot of it is excitement when people find others that 'get' them.