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Civilization is simply a geno-memetic-techno-capital machine

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joined 2022 September 06 13:34:27 UTC


User ID: 853


Civilization is simply a geno-memetic-techno-capital machine

13 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 06 13:34:27 UTC


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User ID: 853

I don't think you fully understand, the "5 million plus non-Jews killed in the Holocaust" was a propaganda hoax created by Jewish Holocaust influencers in order to manipulate gentile feelings towards the Holocaust.

Yehuda Bauer, an Israeli Holocaust scholar who chairs the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, said he warned his friend Wiesenthal, who died in 2005, about spreading the false notion that the Holocaust claimed 11 million victims – 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews.

“I said to him, ‘Simon, you are telling a lie,’” Bauer recalled in an interview Tuesday. “He said, ‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”

Bauer and other historians who knew Wiesenthal said the Nazi hunter told them that he chose the 5 million number carefully: He wanted a number large enough to attract the attention of non-Jews who might not otherwise care about Jewish suffering, but not larger than the actual number of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, 6 million.

It caught on: President Jimmy Carter, issuing the executive order that would establish the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, referred to the “11 million victims of the Holocaust.”

People don't understand how easy it is for whole-cloth lies to be embraced as truth by masses of people, or as the world's most famous anti-Semite put it in Mein Kampf:

All this was inspired by the principle – which is quite true within itself – that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.

Rudolf was deported in 2005 for allegedly being in the US illegally.

He was married to an American wife. How many people with an American wife would be arrested and deported when they show up to apply for a Green Card? His treatment was obviously due to his Holocaust denial. And now he has children with his American wife who were born in America. To pretend that him facing deportation has nothing to do with his Holocaust denial, and the average person in his situation would face the same treatment, is completely delusional.

The evidence that he faces deportation is that the last time he was in a similar situation he was deported. It has already happened to him. If he shows up to an immigration office to apply for a Green Card, how do you know he won't be arrested and deported just like last time?

However, they would have had no good reason to invent it.

They did have a good reason to invent it, and the reason is described in the article. Wiesenthal wanted to psychologically manipulate gentiles into caring about Jewish suffering. That is the motive which was identified for the creation of the lie, it's not a mystery.

If you include civilians/combatants who died in the war as Holocaust victims you would end up with more than 5 million in any case. The 5 million number was not based on the logic you are proposing, it was just a lie intended to manipulate people. It had no scholarly basis whatsoever.

He has an American wife and children, but his application to be a U.S. citizen was terminally rejected in 2020. The German authorities have issued numerous arrest warrants for him. His passport expired in 2019, and Germany refuses to renew it, and this was followed by the US refusing to issue him a new Green Card after it expired in 2021. His request for political asylum was also rejected many years before. He has every reason to believe that there's coordination between Germany and the US to get him arrested and deported again.

His German arrest warrant, the rejection of his citizen application, the German refusal to renew his passport, and the American refusal to issue him a new Greed Card. Is it 100% certain he would be deported? No, but there's a risk, and it's absurd to think that none of this has to do with his notoriety as a Holocaust denier.

How often is the spouse of an American citizen who applies for a Green Card arrested and deported? He was in the United States illegally because he was actually escaping political persecution unlike the millions of asylum seekers who are welcomed with open arms while their cases are adjudicated, but it did not qualify as such in the eyes of the United States and his application for political asylum was rejected. The United States deported him even though he faced prison for what would be legally protected speech in the United States.

On 11 September 2004, Rudolf married a US citizen and settled in Chicago; the couple later had a child.[8] He applied for political asylum, or at least for the right not to be expelled, but this was rejected in November 2004 on the basis that the application had no merits and was a case of frivolous litigation. Rudolf appealed against this ruling, and in early 2006 the US Federal Court in Atlanta found that his application was not "frivolous", but upheld the decision that it had no merit.[1] The Immigration Services said that Rudolf did not have a right to file an application to remain with his family. On 14 November 2005, Rudolf was extradited to Germany where he was wanted for incitement of racial hatred (Volksverhetzung).[9] On arrival there, he was arrested by the police and transferred to a prison in Rottenburg, then to another in Stuttgart in Baden-Württemberg

If you want to split hairs, what I actually said was:

he is in hiding so he doesn't face deportation by the United States

Which is supported by a statement released a few months ago by CODOH. No doubt Rudolf and his lawyers know more about his risk of deportation than we do. But in any case, Rudolf dropping contact is motivated by the concerns as I said in my comment.

Reading the ruling from the Eleventh Circuit court, there is no doubt that Rudolf has been treated unfairly by the US system:

As to Scheerer’s first argument, the administrative record is devoid of any evidence that the German government ascribed a political opinion to him and then punished him for that imputed belief. Rather, as the IJ held, the evidence only reflects that Scheerer was “held to account by a highly developed and sophisticated legal system, . . . received due process, was convicted, and sentenced to a term well below the statutorily established maximum.” Substantial evidence thus supports the IJ’s conclusion that the only inference to be drawn from the record is that “[Scheerer] has been subjected to legitimate prosecution” in Germany. Scheerer has, therefore, failed to produce sufficient evidence to compel a finding that he suffered past persecution, or has a well-founded fear of future persecution, on account of an imputed political opinion.

This is just absurd, as persecution based on an imputed political opinion - a prosecution of so-called "racial hatred" based on his Revisionist work, is clearly what happened. The United States sent him directly to a jail cell in Germany for political opinion that would be protected under the First Amendment.

Nobody is asking for your sympathy, just a recognition of the fact that Rudolf has faced unfair treatment from the United States due to his holocaust denial. The US courts declared that he didn't prove he faced persecution "on account of imputed political opinion", and then deported him to a German prison where he was persecuted for his Revisionist work. I don't care if you have sympathy, but don't play dumb and pretend that his role as a prominent Holocaust denier didn't influence his treatment by the US immigration system.

Germany had many, many labor camps in the East, here is a map of only some of them put together by a Revisionist. The best known camps were all along the transportation lines that became the subject of the gas chamber extermination rumor.

Germany was setting up camps and collection sites everywhere:

THIRTEEN years ago, researchers at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum began the grim task of documenting all the ghettos, slave labor sites, concentration camps and killing factories that the Nazis set up throughout Europe.

What they have found so far has shocked even scholars steeped in the history of the Holocaust.

The researchers have cataloged some 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps throughout Europe, spanning German-controlled areas from France to Russia and Germany itself, during Hitler’s reign of brutality from 1933 to 1945.

The figure is so staggering that even fellow Holocaust scholars had to make sure they had heard it correctly when the lead researchers previewed their findings at an academic forum in late January at the German Historical Institute in Washington.

“The numbers are so much higher than what we originally thought,” Hartmut Berghoff, director of the institute, said in an interview after learning of the new data...

When the research began in 2000, Dr. Megargee said he expected to find perhaps 7,000 Nazi camps and ghettos, based on postwar estimates. But the numbers kept climbing — first to 11,500, then 20,000, then 30,000, and now 42,500.


So you say "sprinkling them piece-meal... makes absolutely no sense" when it is absolutely proven there were at least 42,000 different camps and collection sites.

Out of curiosity, do you have a link to the IJ’s actual order? I can only find parts of it as quoted by the appeals courts.

Same, I'll look a bit more into it and let you know if I come across it.

If you look at the maps you linked, you will see that the camps are mostly concentrated in the territory of the former Polish Republic and thin out rapidly the further east you go... That same year he ordered that no Jews were to remain in the GG except absolutely essential workers, so they weren't there either.

Yes, no plan survives contact with the enemy. The eastern front collapsed and Germany lost the war. Plans in 1942 or orders in 1943 are not going to necessarily reflect the state of the East in 1944. The point is that it is demonstrable that Jews were separated piecemeal across tens of thousands of camps and used as a mobile labor force in a network of camps which existed along the lines that are alleged to have been homicidal Holocaust trains.

On the other hand, you claim to know the precise GPS coordinates of where every single one of 1.5 million+ Jews were murdered and are buried, but 0% of those remains have ever been identified in scientific excavation. In order to reverse the burden of proof for your extraordinary claim: that they were murdered in homicidal gas chambers disguised as shower rooms, buried, then unburied and burned on makeshift open-air pyres, the gambit is to demand that Revisionists find the Jews which would have remained in Communist-occupied territory.

Wilhelm Kube complains about a single transport of 1,000 Warsaw Jews sent to work at a Luftwaffe plant

His complaint proves that Warsaw Jews who were deported during the period of operation of the Treblinka “death camp” ended up to the east of it, across the Bug River. By all accounts the first transport of Warsaw Jews to Treblinka was 23 July 1942. Kube's telegram is one week later, 31 July 1942, so a complaint about a "single transport" is no indication there were not further transports. Kube's complaint was about the partisan problem and spread of disease, but he actually protested against “further independent import of Jews” (weiterer selbständiger Judeneinfuhr), suggesting further transports with coordination would be acceptable.

Kube's protests wouldn't have changed the plan in any case, as the response to Kube read "the practical realization of the solution of the Jewish problem is exclusively a matter for the police".

Kube's interaction shows the arrival of Warsaw deportees East of the Bug after the departure of the earliest transports. What is lacking in any of these interactions is a mutual understanding of a general, secret extermination plan, and Kube's threats given further "independent import of Jews" rings hollow if the policy was to kill them all in the first place.

Andrzej Kola verified the presence of huge quantities of human ash in the ground at Belzec, Mattogno's cope arguments to the contrary aside.

He verified no such thing, as was shown by Mattogno. Core samples and a bunch of fallacious estimates are not a substitute for an actual excavation. There's no legitimate excuse for a lack of excavations of the alleged mass graves.

He also says that the danger the Jew poses outweighs even his worth as a skilled laborer.

His opinion has no bearing on the actual policy, his complaints suggests he was not aware of any top-secret plan to kill all the Jews. Nor does the response to his complaint hint at any top-secret plan to exterminate all the Jews. At no point in any of this correspondence does either party hint at the extermination policy you are alleging, the correspondence suggests Kube was not aware of such a policy.

On the other hand, Kube's complaint confirms the deportation of Warsaw Jews across the Bug during the precise time they were all allegedly exterminated at Treblinka.

There's nothing wrong with Kola's results or his method, and they are the same methods used to investigate Soviet mass graves at Katyn and Kommunarka.

There are enormous problems with Kola's methods. There was no attempt at all to quantify the amount of human remains. Mass graves are known to have burial density of as low as 1-2 bodies per square meter, but the claimed burial density of the Holocaust mass graves are unrealistically higher than that. Without even any attempt to quantify the amount of remains with any excavations, the problem with the story stands unanswered. Kola also found many corpses that were not cremated, which stands directly contrary to the official story that all the bodies were cremated to hide the evidence. That would also make it more worthwhile to conduct excavations and study the remains to have a better understanding of what transpired.

The Revisionist hypothesis that Sobibor was a transit camp would imply a level of mortality during resettlement, given the large number of people who passed through the camp. The lack of any attempt whatsoever to identify the quantity of remains at Sobibor, the investigation (by design) fails to differentiate Kola's results with either hypothesis.

Mattogno discusses Kola's results at length in his work on Sobibor.

We can compare the result to the testimony of Rudolf Reder, the principal witness to the alleged extermination at Belzec:

“A grave was 100 m long and 25 m wide. A single grave contained about 100,000 persons. In November 1942 there were 30 graves, i.e. 3 million corpses"

So nothing was found that at all resembled the account of the most important witnesses. The incongruence of what was found with the testimony is a major problem and would warrant more through study in a sane world. Your estimate of 3,000 people in Pit 5 is based on nothing and pulled from thin air. Even if it were true, that would represent 0.5% of the alleged victims buried at Belzec.

Even if 3,000 people were buried in that pit, and all pits also had 3,000 victims (even though they are much smaller), that would "only" amount to 99,000 people, 500,000 short of what is claimed by mainstream historiography. The sheer scale of the orthodox narrative is completely untenable from every dimension: burial space, cremation capacity, soil displacement, fuel requirements for cremation capacity.

The assertion is that those 600,000 victims were cremated on open-air pyres at Belzec, but as Mattogno notes:

The cremation of a corpse of 46 kg (average assumed weight, including allowance for presumed children) requires about 160 kg of firewood. To burn 600,000 corpses, one would therefore have needed (600,000×160=) 96 million kg of wood, or 96,000 tons; this corresponds to the harvesting of 192 hectares of a 50-year-old fir forest, about thirty times (!) the surface of the Bełżec camp. Photographs taken of Bełżec from the air, published by John C. Ball, show that in 1944 the forests around the Bełżec camp were the same as in 1940. So where would this immense quantity of wood have come from? Its transportation would have required some 19,000 trucks or over 3,800 freight cars, the equivalent of 95 trains of 40 cars each! However, none of the numerous local witnesses interrogated by the investigative judge of Zamość between the end of 1945 and the beginning of 1946 ever saw such an enormous flow of trucks and/or trains full of firewood.

As we have seen in section 4.1., according to the findings of the Polish courts the cremation of 600,000 corpses went on without interruption for three months, from December 1942 through March 1943. This corresponds to an average of 6,650 corpses per day! For each and every day about 1,064 tons of wood – over 42 freight cars or over 200 trucks – would have been needed.

In consideration of the orthodox Holocaust narrative claim of 6,650 corpses being cremated on outdoor pyres every single day, with the corpses exhumed from graves "100 m long and 25 m wide" according to the most important witnesses, Kola's results are not at all consistent with this narrative and do not bring it closer to the realm of reality.

Höfle telegram has 430,000 Jews shipped to Belzec by the end of 1942, after which Belzec pretty much ceased operations, so 600,000 is much too high.

You say "much too high" and then act like 430,000 solves the problem, which it does not. Another notable aspect of Kola's investigation is that while he found some corpses that had not been cremated (it would be quite helpful for everyone if they were actually excavated and studied) there were very few relative to the claimed victim count, so there's no room for you to claim, contrary to the official narrative, that masses were left uncreated. With respect to Treblinka, I recall that you argued some significant proportion of victims must have been left uncremated to try to get around the problem of mass cremation. You can't resort to that for Belzec, you have to actually account for the logistical feasibility of the operation you are claiming took place: an operation that is completely void of documentary evidence or witness account, with nobody seeming to recall where the fuel was procured in order to cremate 430,000-600,000 people in a matter of a few months.

The Belzec camp was well-known among the population and much of the camp was in full view of spots from the surrounding area. Are you familiar with any contemporary reports of the raging infernos that would have been burning hundreds of cords of wood on a daily basis to cremate thousands of people per day, every day?

"Artificial demand due to propaganda" describes so much of what we value and consume, I wouldn't press that narrative towards your girlfriend because it might pressure her against something she would actually prefer. If she wants a diamond, get her a diamond, it's not the time to cheap out. You could also consider getting a non-diamond center stone and surround it with a couple melee diamonds. That will give it more of the classic engagement look but also satisfy your other criteria.

Make sure getting a non-diamond ring is not your idea.

The report from the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland estimated the number of people murdered at Belzec at 600,000, which became widely accepted in the literature. Raul Hilberg estimated 550,000. Yitzhak Arad accepted 600,000 as a minimum estimate. The lower estimates among the literature come from Pohl and Witte who estimate 480,000 to 540,000.

But we'll move ahead with your 430,000 estimate, noting that it's a significant downward revision from the literature but it isn't going to make a difference. On April 11, 1946 the Polish prosecutor wrote:

In December of 1942, the transports of Jews to the Belzec camp were stopped; the Germans then started to erase systematically the traces of their crimes. The corpses were unearthed with special excavators and burned on piles of wood doused with a flammable mass. Later, the cremation process was improved by using railroad rails to build scaffolds, on which layers of corpses were placed in alteration with layers of wood soaked, as before, with an easily flammable liquid. To separate valuables that the corpses might have contained, the ash of the cremated corpses was passed through a grain separator and then buried again. The cremation of corpses was terminated in March 1943. Then all camp buildings, fences, and watchtowers were dismantled, the area was cleaned, leveled, and replanted with young pine trees.

The witness Kozak declared in his report:

The disinterred corpses were piled on pyres that were burning and were doused with a liquid. Two or three pyres were burning simultaneously. While this was going on, a horrible stench of decomposed human bodies and burnt human bones and bodies floated over Belzec. This stench could be smelled up to 15 km away from Belzec. The cremations went on without interruption for three months; after that, the Germans started dismantling the camp.

So the position of investigators and historians is that all the victims of Belzec were cremated in 90 days. Even using your lower revision for the number of victims at Belzec, that is still an average of 4,777 corpses that would have been cremated on a daily basis on makeshift, outdoor pyres. Mattogno, based on his research and experiments, estimates it would have required 160 kg of firewood per corpse for cremation. The daily requirement of fuel consumption at Belzec would have been in the zone of 764,320 kg of wood (about 1.7 million pounds) burned on a daily basis. For what it's worth, Chat GPT gives a much higher estimate of fuel requirements than Mattogno at "450 to 900 kg" of wood per body, with no gains of efficiency from stacking.

When it came to Treblinka, you acknowledged that the standard work on the Reinhardt camps by Yitzahk Arad contained a history of Treblinka that could not have been true. You said "I read Arad's book a while ago, but if he indeed claims that 800,000 people were fully cremated between March 1943 and August 1943 using nothing but dry branches then yes he is wrong, you win." I was surprised to see you acknowledge this, because it's the first time I've ever seen a non-Revisionist concede that point. You then stated that some large, unspecified portion of the victims must have been left uncremated at Treblinka due to the impossibility of what mainstream historiography claims. That's a convenient rejoinder, because there has not nor will there be scientific investigation that would validate your hypothesis of hundreds of thousands of uncremated corpses on the grounds of Treblinka today.

At Belzec, the story is different. The (highly limited) forensic investigation of the site shows there is no mass of uncremated victims. So either the impossible cremation operation described happened, or the extermination narrative at Belzec unravels at the seams.

Since you already acknowledged that Revisionists are correct and the cremation operation at Treblinka described by Yitzahk Arad is impossible, what is your position on the alleged cremation operation at Belzec which is nearly identical?

I presume you specify "contemporary" reports to exclude any reports made after the end of the German occupation, which to me raises the question of to who locals should have made these reports to in 1942 and '43. The Nazis?

There was no shortage of rumors and reports from underground spy networks operating in the area. There are other contemporary accounts of activity at the camp, like trains arriving. The daily cremation of 4,000+ people within a small area of a small camp would appear as an enormous forest fire a stone's throw from civilian train station!

The supposed secrecy of the extermination operation was restricted to an extremely small number of people. Nearly every single German soldier or Polish peasant or whoever would not have known that this was supposed to be a cremation pyre from a secret extermination conspiracy. There would have been reports and rumors, of which there was nothing.

The biggest problem with the narrative isn't even the complete absence of documentation, or the complete absence of contemporary reports, the biggest problem is that the claim itself is totally absurd. Before you even consider the evidence, which is essentially non-existent outside witness testimony, you would have to acknowledge that what is being claimed is prima facie impossible. You conceded that with respect to the "standard work" on Treblinka, but now for Belzec you accept the truth of the official narrative which is equally ridiculous?

Well there's the walk-back I was expecting. I even cited the relevant passages from Arad at the time to refresh your memory, multiple passages, but this one suffices:

In Treblinka, the camp command faced the most difficult task—unearthing over 700,000 corpses and cremating them while at the same time continuing to receive new transports with Jews for extermination. In this camp the entire cremation operation lasted about four months, from April to the end of July 1943. To accomplish the task, the cremating took place simultaneously in a number of sites and the largest number of Jewish prisoner-workers were put to work in the various required stages.

So you are back to claiming that this is plausible, even though I presented it to you at the time specifically to give you the opportunity to assess it in context- and you did not defend its plausibility then. But now that you realize the Belzec story relies on the plausibility of a nearly identical operation, without the possibility to claim masses were left uncremated, you are now saying "what Arad said is plausible."

And again Mattogno insists that only wood can be considered as a fuel at Belzec

By all accounts wood was the primary fuel source.

There is no scientific source describing the technical operation and results of the pyres at Dresden. Available evidence in terms of empirical results for using gasoline in mass cremation shows it is not feasible. An official report on the 1967/1968 UK foot-and-mouth disease epidemic, during which many animals were cremated on open-air pyres, explains why:

We asked the Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment of the Ministry of Defence about other methods of burning which might be more satisfactory than the use of coal and wood, but none was available. Napalm for instance would not be successful because of the high water content of carcases; the water must be evaporated before combustion takes place and since the rate of heat transfer from outside to inside the carcase is slow the process of evaporation is also slow. It has not yet been possible to improve on the method of burning other than by using “Isocal 1” (an exothermic product used in the iron smelting industry) to enhance the heat and burning qualities of coal and wood. This material was used extensively during the 1967/1968 foot-and-mouth disease epidemic to replace tyres which leave an inconvenient residue of wire.[134]

This analysis of the problems with the use of napalm applies a fortiori to gasoline. There is no way around in this logistical problem, and a picture of uncremated bodies in Dresden provides nothing in the way of scientific evidence.

The Belzec investigation was exactly what I had in mind when I made the suggestion about Treblinka. Unless Kola happened to hit literally the only bodies on the grounds then there there have to be more down there.

This is nonsense- if hundreds of thousands of corpses were at Belzec they would have been found by the core sampling. It is utterly impossible that hundreds of thousands of bodies were in the ground that were missed by Kola.

The cremation of the bodies of the dead constitutes in and of itself neither proof nor evidence in favor of the official theses, because this was the practice in all concentration camps and had a well-established hygienic function. With no attempt to quantify the amount of human remains, we are left with the fact that:

The alleged 600,000 corpses at Bełżec would have required a total volume of (600,000÷8=) 75,000 cubic meters. The average depth of the graves identified by Professor Kola is 3.90 meters. Assuming a layer of earth 0.3 m thick to cover the graves, the available depth would be 3.60 meters.261 It follows that the burial of 600,000 corpses would have required an effective area of (75,000÷3.6 =) approx. 20,800 square meters. On the other hand, the surface area of the graves identified by Kola is 5,919 square meters and their volume 21,310 cubic meters, theoretically sufficient to inter (21,310×8=) 170,480 corpses – but then where would the other (600,000 – 170,480 =) 429,520 corpses have been put?

Even assuming the downward revision of 430,000 victims, that is still 260,000 bodies with absolutely no space where they could have been buried. And that's assuming a 100% capacity with 8 corpses per cubic meter. For comparison, the Soviet report on Katyn reported a mass grave density of 1 body per cubic meter of grave volume for the 11,000 Poles found in those mass graves (11,000 Poles buried in 10,947 cubic meters of mass grave volume, which is half of the entire volume identified by Kola).

These stories Belzec and Treblinka are a massive outlier in every respect. Even making extremely conservative estimates and throwing in the kitchen sink:

  • Assuming a revised/lower death toll than what historians and courts estimated, and what witnesses said.

  • Assuming cremation started earlier than witnesses and investigators claimed (do you have a source for the November 1942 start of cremation at Belzec by the way? I can't find an account that says this).

  • Assuming much more efficient fuel consumption than empirical results from mass cremation.

  • Assuming the most densely packed mass graves in history.

None of this, even when taken all together at the same time, makes the story plausible. Precisely because of Kola's investigation you have even less room to navigate because you can't claim "graves of 5m deep, probably much deeper" (which you claimed for Treblinka) or hundreds of thousands of uncremated corpses. Kola's investigation is a good example of how the more scientific investigation there is, the less room the mainstream has to handwave these issues with "probably" and "maybes." No, you actually have to explain how 430,000 people were buried in this space, or how these people were all cremated in 3, 4, 5 (take your pick!) months without any written record of anybody noticing anything unusual, or any record or account of where the fuel was acquired for this enormous operation. The arrival and departure of trains sparked rumor and speculation, but according to you, the mass cremation of 430,000 people on open-air pyres was apparently not reported on by anyone.

I could tell you were weasel-wording so I provided clarifications at the time. Here is what you initially said:

You're right that it's infeasible to completely cremate several hundred thousand corpses on open air pyres in the space of a few months.

Well here we are with Belzec where the claim is... several hundreds thousand corpses were completely cremated on open air pyres in the space of a few months. Kola's results don't leave room for you to speculate on incomplete state of cremation for any significant portion of the alleged victims like you did for Treblinka.

I could tell you were weasel-wording at the time so I asked for clarification:

That's a vague concession. Can you instead concede specifically that the cremation operation claimed by Yitzhak Arad: Late February/March 1943 - August 1943 cremation of 800,000 people, was not possible as described?

To which you responded with more weasel words you are now using to walk-back your position:

I read Arad's book a while ago, but if he indeed claims that 800,000 people were fully cremated between March 1943 and August 1943 using nothing but dry branches then yes he is wrong, you win.

I could tell you were still weasel-wording with qualifiers that nobody asserted so I provided the exact text from Arad to refresh your memory and give you the opportunity to assess the plausibility of exactly what Arad claimed. At the time, it was not convenient in that argument for you to dwell on Arad's claims of 800,000 corpses cremated between March and August 1943 (such a claim ought to raise the eyebrows of people here to appreciate the sheer implausibility of what the "history" claims), so you distanced yourself from it, but in this conversation you can't distance yourself from it without hurting the mainstream orthodox case for Belzec.

Do you still maintain that:

You're right that it's infeasible to completely cremate several hundred thousand corpses on open air pyres in the space of a few months.

Or are you walking that back, too?

Assuming you maintain this position, we can dismiss the claims of the Zamość prosecutor in the 1946 investigatory report as impossible, and likewise the testimony of key witnesses as impossible. The HC paper cited testimony from Gley to argue for a November 1942 start of cremation, but I noticed that they did not acknowledge Gley's statement form his 1961 interrogation, which said "I say that I am sure no corpses were as yet being cremated when I arrived" and placed the start of cremation operations at January 1943 at the earliest. So Gley's accounts are inconsistent, and his first interrogation can likewise be dismissed as infeasible.

Of course the next question is, if it's infeasible to "completely cremate several hundred thousand corpses on open air pyres in the space of a few months" then why is four months any more plausible? It isn't.

I'm reminded of a criminal interrogation YouTube video I watched last week where a teenage girl confessed to tragically murdering a 9 year-old neighboring girl. The suspect claimed it was an accident, and she panicked and burned the body and scattered the ashes in the river (!). As you can imagine, the investigators didn't buy that for a second, frequently remarking how difficult it is to cremate a body. The girl didn't want the body to be found because the autopsy would contradict her story. They immediately knew she was lying and she couldn't provide plausible details for how she conducted the cremation. This is the problem the Holocaust "witnesses" run into: they have no concept for what would be involved in cremating 800,000 or 430,000 people on open-air pyres so the accounts they give are infeasible and completely void of the details that would be most important to describe the operation if it actually happened. So they say things like, little or no fuel was used, or fatter bodies were used as kindling and burned on their own. It's the marker of people making up a story with no conception of what would actually be involved in what they are claiming.

This photograph shows a heap of ashes on the ground next to a currently burning pyre

I said "a picture of uncremated bodies in Dresden provides nothing in the way of scientific evidence" and you respond with a picture of uncremated bodies. There were ashes everywhere in Dresden, we have no scientific knowledge whatsoever of what those ashes are, their quantity, how they were cremated (or even if they were cremated or just dumped from a pile of rubble for a photo-op), how the pyre was setup and the type and quantity of fuel used... we have no information about any of this. Your picture as a source base for the Dresden pyres is inadequate for a technical analysis. The technical analysis we do have refutes the feasibility of using gasoline for mass cremation.

I actually don't know what the revisionist explanation for intact corpses in the ground at Belzec is.

IIRC The Belzec camp was in the vicinity of labor camps in the area since 1940 for building fortifications and the like, and Belzec was built on one. They could be from before the camps operation as a transit camp, or during, or after. Without excavations and forensic analysis it's just speculation. I will point out that mass graves of intact skeletons found at Sobibor were widely speculated to have been Holocaust victims, and they were excavated and forensically studied- the only intact corpses to have ever have been at any of these "extermination camps." The December 2021 paper recently published concluded that they were indeed Jewish and most likely victims of... the NKVD! And that they were executed after the Soviets conquered the area of the camp! Historians had widely speculated that these were prisoners from Treblinka who were transferred to Sobibor to dismantle the camp. That hypothesis was rejected by the study. This story shows the importance of excavation and not just speculating based on what appears to be in the ground.

There is no plausible non-sinister reason for the established volume of the graves.

Without any attempt whatsoever to quantify the number of victims in the graves, this statement is moot. If the Belzec graves had the same victim density as the Katyn mass graves in the Soviet report, that would imply ~20,000 deaths.

What we can do is acknowledge the maximum volume of possible burial space, which is 21,310 cubic meters. We can then apply a theoretical maximum burial density of 8 corpses per cubic meter and see there is only space in theory for a maximum of 170,000 corpses, not even volume enough for half of what is claimed to have been buried at that site.

This is an example where Revisionists prove the strength of their argument by taking the most unfavorable assumptions possible and proving the official story does not check out. They will for argument's sake assume 100% capacity of absolute maximum burial density and show that the story is still contradicted by the evidence. Whereas the mainstream story is always desperate to make the most favorable estimates along every dimension to try to bring their claims closer to the realm of possibility...

Based on the character of the discovery, the case was taken over by the Institute of National Remembrance in Lublin at the end of 2013. Initially, two possible hypotheses were articulated as to whom those remains may belong. One connected the burials with the executions of the last prisoners from Treblinka, who came to Sobibór to liquidate the camp in 1943 (hypothesis rejected). The second hypothesis explained the rush of the execution and burying the bodies by connecting it to the activities of The People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs (abbreviated NKVD), which was the interior ministry of the Soviet Union. There was a report on NKVD activity after the war in the area of the former camp. Residents of the villages in the area surrounding the extermination camp witnessed shots. The archaeological analyses of the burial sites suggested that the graves were rather connected to the crimes committed by NKVD between 1945 and 1956... These observations suggest that the execution of people, whose remains were discovered in grave 16, but also in graves 12–14, occurred after the end of the criminal activity of the German Nazi extermination camp.

Yes, I know all the supposed "examples" of some Ukrainian decades ago used some symbols that triggered somebody because it looked like Nazi estetics.

Enthusiastic Ukranian collaboration with Germany during the war is well-documented and not exaggerated. It's not merely a matter of symbols being appropriated decades after the fact, there's a real historical legacy. If anything, the extent of Ukranian collaboration with Germany is understated because the fact the Germans fielded one of the largest foreign volunteer armies in history, composed primarily of Slavs who were Soviet Citizens, is not exactly compatible with the prevailing WWII narrative.

Biden-⁠Harris Administration Releases First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

Last week the Biden administration published the anticipated national strategy to counter antisemitism.

This national strategy sets forth a whole-of-society plan that both meets this moment of escalating hatred and lays the foundation for reducing antisemitism over time. Informed by input from over 1,000 stakeholders from every sector of American society, it outlines over 100 new actions that Executive Branch agencies have committed to take in order to counter antisemitism—all of which will be completed within a year. The strategy also calls on Congress to enact legislation that would help counter antisemitism and urges every sector of society to mobilize against this age-old hatred, including state and local governments, civil society, schools and academic institutions, the tech sector, businesses, and diverse religious communities.

To support the whole-of-society call to action, today the Biden-Harris Administration also announced commitments to counter antisemitism and build cross-community solidarity by organizations across the private sector, civil society, religious and multi-faith communities, and higher education.

The Full Report starts with a legal disclaimer that it does not supersede any existing regulation or law- it should be viewed as a blueprint and aspirational. However, the 100+ "calls to action" touch every corner of government, even the USDA and and Department of Forest Services. One of the main architects of the initiative is Kamala Harris's Jewish husband, Dough Emhoff.

The first question you may have is "what's antisemitism?" I have discussed the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism in the past, and it is acknowledged in the report as the most prominent definition which has been adopted by the US:

There are several definitions of antisemitism, which serve as valuable tools to raise awareness and increase understanding of antisemitism. The most prominent is the non-legally binding “working definition” of antisemitism adopted in 2016 by the 31-member states of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which the United States has embraced.

The IHRA working definition of antisemitism includes:

  • Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
  • Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
  • Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust
  • Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
  • Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
  • Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
  • Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
  • Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
  • Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.

The Biden administration's strategy to counter antisemitism includes censoring criticism of "the power of Jews as a collective", even while there exists a whole-of-society effort to engage in mendacious criticism of the power of white men as a collective.

There are indeed well over 100 calls to action, which includes things like:

  • AmeriCorps will distribute resources on antisemitism and countering antisemitism through its national service programs. (By September 2023)
  • Federal agencies will organize or participate in communications or events marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27) and Jewish American History Month. (By May 2023)
  • The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) will launch a campaign featuring artists who engage, unite, and heal communities through the arts, and who incorporate themes of countering antisemitism and other forms of hate in their artistic practice. (By September 2023)
  • IMLS will increase learning opportunities in rural libraries and museums on both Jewish American history, such as Jewish contributions to agriculture, and histories of antisemitism, including the Holocaust. (By March 2024)

The most tangible impacts of this strategy in the short term are the mandated propaganda initiatives described here and in many more "calls to action" in the document. By my view, the most alarming dimension of the strategy is in combatting online antisemitism (emphasis in original):

The Biden-Harris Administration also encourages all online platforms to independently commit to taking several actions that will counter antisemitism, including: ensuring terms of service and community standards explicitly cover antisemitism; adopting zero-tolerance for hate speech terms of service and community standards and permanently banning repeat offenders of these policies; investing in the human and technical resources necessary to enable vigorous and timely enforcement of their terms of service and community standards; improving their capabilities to stop recommending and de-rank antisemitic and other hateful content; increasing the transparency of their algorithmic recommendation systems and data; treating antisemitism as a distinct category in transparency reports; and more.

In today's day in age, where something like Twitter is unambiguously the public square, this call to action is clearly intended to abridge the freedom of speech even though it wouldn't run afoul of constitutional checks in the court system. In particular, the call for permanent bans from the public square in the face of a "zero-tolerance" policy is chilling. If you rob a Walmart, or assault someone, even if you are a repeat offender, you will go to jail but then eventually be released. A permanent ban from the public square is tantamount to a worse punishment than faced by many criminal offenders.

The Call to Congress is even more alarming:

We call on Congress to hold social media platforms accountable for spreading hatefueled violence, including antisemitism. The President has long called for fundamental reforms to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, and Congress should remove special immunity for online platforms. This should include removing immunity if an online platform utilizes an algorithm or other computational process to amplify or recommend content to a user that promotes violence, or is directly relevant to a claim involving interference with civil rights or neglect to prevent interference with civil rights.


We call on Congress to pass legislation requiring platforms to enable timely and robust public interest research, including on the spread of antisemitism and other forms of hate, using platforms’ data and analyzing their algorithmic recommendation systems, while maintaining users’ privacy.

The Right Wing has naively supported changes to Section 230 that would prohibit politically-motivated content censorship, on the logic that if they aren't publishers they shouldn't be censoring political speech. The more likely changes to Section 230 would be that social media companies will be required to have strict content policies and moderation against antisemitism and other forms of hate speech in order for social media companies to have legal protection.

This call to action doesn't seem unrealistic, I noted last month that Ron DeSantis travelled to Jerusalem to sign a hate-speech law which was described as "the strongest antisemitism bill in the United States". Likewise, this all-encompassing initiative by the Biden Administration has sparked absolutely no opposition of any note, indicating it's one of the rare areas of bipartisan consensus among "our" representatives.

Generative AI is only mentioned in one part of the fact sheet:

The ADL will partner with the Interparliamentary Task Force to Combat Online Antisemitism to convene a meeting in the fall to examine the impact of artificial intelligence and generative artificial intelligence on online antisemitism.

No doubt AI will be more prominent in the Second-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism.

One of the most tired memes is "replace 'Jew' with 'white' in this article and look how 1488 it looks loool", but I have to say if this document were a whole-of-society effort to combat anti-white hatred online, among our society, and institutions, it would be unambiguously identified as fascist, white supremacy.

Why would these actions discourage the treatment of those platforms as a "public square"? They will continue to fulfill that function while they deplatform content that criticizes Jewish power or anything else deemed antisemitic by the IHR definition. Their purpose is to set the boundaries of acceptable speech within the public square, and the boundaries of acceptable speech will entail incessant criticism of white people with a zero-tolerance ban on criticizing Jews.

Update on Felony Charges for Tiki Torch Marchers

A month ago I mentioned the announcement that several people from the Charlottesville 2017 torch-light march were indicted on felony charges for "burning an object with the intent to intimidate." There was a lot of skepticism that this would stick given that the statute is being stretched quite far from its incarnation as an anti-cross burning law. @netstack wrote "For the record, I don’t expect the Charlottesville tiki-torchers to be convicted."

Last Thursday it was reported that a South Carolina man entered a guilty plea, the second one to do so. He was sentenced to five years in prison / four and a half suspended:

A South Carolina man has pleaded guilty to a charge in connection with a torch march that occurred at the University of Virginia in 2017.

Tyler Bradley Dykes entered a guilty plea to burning an object with the intent to intimidate on Thursday.

He was sentenced to five years in prison, with four and a half years of that suspended.

Dykes is the second person to plead guilty.

Earlier this month, Will Zachary Smith of Texas also pleaded guilty to a charge of burning an object with the intent to intimidate.

As part of his plea deal, another charge associated with the Unite the Right rally was dropped.

Smith is scheduled to be sentenced in August.

The significance of this is that it's now precedent for "intent to intimidate" as an avenue for outlawing hate speech, which has traditionally had first amendment protections. I noted that Ron DeSantis's hate speech law signed in Jerusalem also contained verbiage surrounding an intent to intimidate, allowing for protestors to be asked to leave or be arrested/charged if they demonstrate on a university campus for the purposes of "intimidation." There was skepticism that "intimidation" could be stretched so far- but here we are, and it's already happened.