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joined 2024 March 29 00:50:21 UTC


User ID: 2959



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User ID: 2959

It just feels like a weird idea to seek jobs in the hinterlands? Impressionistically isn't hinterland resource extraction jobs unstable and mostly passed down generationally? In any case for places that the lack a existing immigrant community it is even more alien and harder to figure out how the place works at all for new immigrants.

Well coming from countries with free healthcare for everyone, once the system is established and shown to be functional, there is general social support far outside of socialists. On the other hand even in different environment the memetic-social cluster still distinctively exist just with other issues raised.

I'm new here, having just finished watching a months long war on Chinese internets on how to remove hostile feminist influence on gacha games. Watching how culture wars can spring out in radically different political environment increases my belief that the cluster of tribes is not due to historically ideas but natural evolution of modern economy and social relations. Well, nothing like how sitting on the front seat looking at gaming companies pumping money out of users by shaping the culture to see why the heights of politics don't matter that much to what people actually think and do.

Another thing I've been thinking about is on choosing what to believe. If there is a set of winning memes that helps its host and generate systems of replication then it should be rapidly growing, until it saturation and neutral variations starts diversifying. It appears that in the current environment, ideas are too different to be neutral differences, yet nothing that looks like a clear winner exists. There has to be tradeoffs like how religious beliefs can sweep a region.

Now I'm going to just wing it spew out my intuition on the matters:

"Rationalists" focus on epistemology, but have nothing for superego, nothing for social capital generation, ideas transmission or anything for non-intellectuals. The inability to deal with superego means decades long struggle with akrasia, getting community focal points around likes of Scott or TLP. It won't be an idea that takes over the world. There is also a baseline non-intellectual self interest focused group that probably get thrown into the right due to lack of "pro-social" ideology. The lack of ideology gives them the base problems of rationalists if not even less true cohesion.

The Religious have historical solutions for superego and social structure, but loses epistemology and evaporative intellectual escape means it gets less and less capable of intellect. The world view probably also prevents certain category of analysis the more you believe in it.

Now I personally have very little contact with leftist/socialists so I can only provide vague comprehension of their system of "beliefs." I think it is a system growing out of tight, sensitive and dysfunctional social web with intense status competition that gains its influence out of specializing in bureaucracy. The thing isn't the correctness of beliefs but the grandiosity and focus of ideas that don't matter for the lives of people thinking about it. There is a whole set of luxury beliefs not in the sense that it is necessarily dangerous to lower class, but useless and take too much effort.

I also think that more trench warfare culture war across sociological divides is not going anywhere. The long term winner will be new social institutions like religions and schools but superior and replacing the old. Values systems is downstream of operating prestiage and power structure of society. Robust novel social organizations that generates desired results always should have been a field of study, it appears that the only attempts are in business and all human values that can't be fully monetarized is attacked by economics-optimizing-superintelligence.