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I wake up 🔄 There's another psyop

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joined 2023 May 18 09:50:19 UTC

Just a 34-year old lad from Eastern Europe. Straight, male, white. Interested in videogames, books, chillstep and running. Lean towards libertarianism/consequentialistism/determinisism.


User ID: 2412


I wake up 🔄 There's another psyop

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 May 18 09:50:19 UTC


Just a 34-year old lad from Eastern Europe. Straight, male, white. Interested in videogames, books, chillstep and running. Lean towards libertarianism/consequentialistism/determinisism.


User ID: 2412

How do you keep track of what you've read online? How do you manage your personal research? Do you have a system? Do you have collections, and keep notes? Is this an actual problem you have?

I have a backup folder that I update and copy to a flash drive a few times a year. I've named the .txt files by intentionally adding a number at the start of the name (0 to 5) to signify the importance and make it easier to sort them. For example, "2contacts.txt" lists my acquaintances, their contact information, birthdays, etc.

The downside is that this system takes a moderate amount of effort to regularly update/trim/reorganize everything. The upside is that I basically never forget anything.

I guess I'd need to know about the content of the stories to judge if they were "political", but painting a mech in rainbow colors strikes me as so milquetoast that deleting such posts is petty.

I disagree strongly. Rainbow colors are a political statement in the same way that a swastika is a political statement.

I didn't find it too woke. There's the character creation thing and a lot of blatantly gay people around. And as always, the evil choices are objectively worse than the good choices in terms of writing and content (in other words, saving people is better than being selfish).
For reference, I'm in mid chapter 3, about 150 hours in.
On a woke scale of 1-10, I'd give BG3 a 3.5. Tolerable, with the occasional, rare, cringe-inducing moment.

I hate the inventory management and gameplay but love the writing and sheer number of choices and consequences. I'm still seeing decisions I made 150 hours ago impact my current story. Minor, barely noticeable decisions in side-quests early on in chapter 1 still matter late in chapter 3.

I am once more reminded of that one Bioware lady who wanted a "skip gameplay" button.

Is there anyone who wants to argue the other side?

Try it for yourself, maybe sail the seven seas if you don't want to give the possibly woke people money? I'm fairly conservative and am enjoying the game a lot.

I thought the writing was quite good actually (8/10). A bit predictable at times but very pleasantly deep at others. Both in terms of consequences for actions and in terms of ethical questions. I had a very serious 20minute long discussion with my sister regarding one particular issue in act 3: is it morally correct to kill a predator who has done nothing but help you in a MAJOR way and insists that he will continue to do so?

Beautiful story. My favorite part is the abrupt and anticlimactic ending.

How would you lessen or "cure" transphobia in an individual?

  • -10

Okay, I can give a bit more context. It's very likely that I'll travel to the US and live there in the coming years.
I feel a great deal of disgust at the mere thought of having to coexist with "trans people" and possibly having them as coworkers. I can't simply ask companies if they have any working for them because the mere question is a faux pas.

And how long did the death from starvation take? A few weeks, maybe a month at most? Meanwhile human will force human into a prison to suffer for decades. I would much, MUCH rather starve in a month or two.

I've had similar success but with caffeine instead of nicotine.

I had the same problem and CBT (David burns, "Feeling Good") mostly fixed it. Not completely, I still feel a little lonely from time to time. But I am no longer the living stereotype of the seething incel.

As for reasons for Japanese peacefulness I'd say a lot is, indeed, homogeneity of upbringing and socialization, on which I could write volumes. But won't.

I wish people would. I find Japan and Japanese culture fascinating.

I'm surprised at how few insults were aimed at you. There were only a few and they were at least somewhat disguised.
Overall, I think you're wasting your time. You assume rationalists are good at/focused on thinking rationally because they say they are. In reality, the thick jargon, the nerdy topics and all the other pretenses are nothing but a way to signal "I'm a part of this tribe". Similarly to the rainbow flag and saying "diversity" at least once every 5 sentences for progressives.
But if you're having fun, more power to you!

You just helped me realize "Trans women are women" is a motte-and-bailey. There are 2 ideas there:
"You should treat trans women as women because that is the morally correct thing to do" and
"Trans women are literally women".
I've seen a lot of people attack and mock the latter on forums but I never noticed the implied former idea until now. I guess that's the one US progressives actually believe and they use the offensive/latter version to piss off the outgroup.

Been looking for an answer to this question for the past 25 years... Seemingly, some people just have a raison d'être and others don't.

I don't think it's a lack of backbone, I think it's a lack of knowledge. How many people read online forums, how many were even aware there was a boycott happening?
(I read quite a lot of gaming forums and this is the first I'm hearing of it)

I disagree very strongly actually. CS2 and Dota2 are great examples of how exactly multiplayer went wrong. 20 years ago, there was no MMR system punishing you for getting better at the game, there was very little (if any) moderation and most people played with small groups of friends.
Whereas now? You go play dota, here are some random people who will flame you for not magically knowing the game. You will probably never see any of them ever again so you don't have any motivation to behave with kindness towards them either. You worked hard, learned the game and got better? Well now your MMR is higher, which means the people in your games are even sweatier tryhards, even angrier at the game. And you'll have to work even harder if you want to keep winning. This will continue until you burnout and stop playing or become the #1 top player on the planet (hope you don't mind playing for tens of thousands of hours because that's what it takes).

What stops you from playing with your small group of friends now?

It's really, really hard! If you'll allow me to put on my tinfoil hat, I almost feel like publishers are intentionally making it hard. We went from "just download this torrent and install hamachi" to "you have to buy this game, install all 100GBs of it, make sure it's the correct version, you have to play it through steam or similar, the servers might brick at any point. And games are just not made for small groups of friends anymore. Compare Heroes of Might and Magic 3 or Age of Empires 2 or Diablo 2 or even Dota 1 to any of the million Call of Duty Clones, which are blatantly made so you'll click "soloqueue". A lot of the time there isn't even an option for party play. If there is, you might have to wait 30min or longer because the game forces groups of players to only play against other groups of players. Oh, and there's censorship, of course. Even innocent, casual-friendly games like Minecraft have to make sure you can't say any naughty words anymore.

What's "punishing" about having to play with better players as you become a better player? Is it your desire to instead stomp lobbies 1v5 (or 1v9 if your teammates are bad enough)?

Honestly? Yeah, I do want to stomp newbies. As long as it takes me dozens of hours to learn a game or map, I should be rewarded with a vastly increased win chance. Otherwise, what's the point? Why am I learning and trying to get better if the game will just become harder and harder up until I give up? This is just the Moloch problem again, btw.

Unfortunately, that would likely not be the desire of 5-9 people playing against you.

There's nothing stopping them from playing for a few dozen hours, getting better at the game and stomping newbies too. This is how WC3 works and it's great. This is how the natural world and evolution work too.

Why do you feel Disco Elysium is explicitly leftist? I'm not disagreeing necessarily, just curious. I thought the game satirizes and mocks all political leanings, including leftists.

That is the greatest dub of all time!

In fact, before this controversy, the main thing gamers were complaining about was in-game transactions.

I've seen a lot of people complaining about the uglification of women in videogames as early as ME: Andromeda.
But until now, if you weren't in one of a tiny number of underground forums, there was essentially no way to know this is the opinion of a very large number of people. Any complaints about the situation on major social media sites would be banned under the excuse of the usual "racism/sexism/bigotry".
The only reason you're hearing about this now is SBI Streisand-ing themselves into the spotlight.

I understood most of those individual words...

HighResolutionSleep is suggesting he could give a sufficiently intelligent AI all the memories and experiences he has of his now gone ex/wife and have a realistic facsimile constructed. It's a very dark direction to think in and will probably become a serious problem for many people in the future.

I'm finishing up a heavily modded playthrough of Mass Effect. Super excited for the Rimworld expansion. SCP/Eldritch horrors are exactly my jam.

Mass effect is ...fine, I guess. The story is interesting, the characters are fun. But the gameplay is just incredibly boring. There's a part of my brain that keeps repeating "If you wanted to shoot at things, why not boot up Stalker GAMMA? The much better shooter experience."
Incidentally, for any Gamma fans out there, Grok posted his plans to completely revamp the artifact system in the near future.

Yeah, I feel the same way. Sometimes I just want to post a neat little fact or news story and I don't see the point in adding 20 lines of cultural war BS about why This is A Big Deal and People Need to Care About It.
LLMs can help add some random BS but they often post passive aggressive "wrongthink is bad, mkay" lectures when they're not happy.

I wish there was a forum for actual neutral news. Like what reddit used to be 10 years ago.