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joined 2022 September 04 19:08:00 UTC


User ID: 84



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:08:00 UTC


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User ID: 84

No, the lack of information is not the problem, the overabundance of it is.

That and insistence on "You absolutely MUST do these extraneous things in addition to the few exercises required to actually get into better shape".

If breaking the nuclear taboo isn't a strategic decision, nothing is.

The only thing Israel would gain from using a nuke over conventional weapons is the strategic value: A sign that they're willing to use nuclear weapons and a threat that the next move would be to cause massive casualties at the attacker's home front.

the actual number of up or downvotes can matter from a receiver point of view. Like, for downvotes (for me on reddit at least), one or two is like "okay the one person I got into a replychain with disgrees with me, big surprise" or "I knew this wasn't super popular"; some middle number is "okay did I actually have some error/wrongness?" self doubt; a lot of downvotes is usually me getting at least a little upset that something I believe and is true was downvoted in a dogpile typically without much thought.

This is a major reason why I tend to avoid diy subs on reddit. The groupthink in those trumps knowledge 9 times out of 10, even if I'm more qualified to answer the question than 99.99% of readers. Usually the result of "No, that's not correct. You should do this instead because it solves problems X & Y" gets just downvotes in response.

Do you have any sources that elaborate on Japan's plans and how much of that is validated vs speculation?

Israel launches one or more tactical nuclear strikes to change the situation on the battlefield.

Unless a nuclear war is already in progress, there is no such thing as a "tactical nuke". Using a nuke has massive strategic implications and so-called "tactical nuke" is just a low yield strategic nuke.

So basically what you're saying is that as long as Biden doesn't invade Italy or try to appoint bishops, he's going to be fine.

They can make real sounding very mid music

TBF, that barely differs from the top 40 these days.


The mods have always had the problem that their number one overarching goal is to minimize shade, never to maximize light. Thus the steady stream of bans for many of the best contributors starting from the old reddit days.

That's the effect of five decades of large segments Anglo-American media being absolutely obsessed with counterculture & rebellion. We're luckily somewhat isolated here in Finland (when did you last hear journalists hyping "working class artist / musician" as a term outside niche stuff?). Alas, it has leaked everywhere in English speaking countries (although I'd love to hear any Australian / New Zealand perspective on this).

Jamaica is by far the largest country, and has the highest murder rate in the world at 53/100k

Holy shit. That really is higher than even Haiti and that place is as failed state as they come.

That solved the problem. Thanks!

Well, the last-last one did just get banned...

iPad mini, Safari. It's been there since this site was started so at least two iOS versions ago.

It looks like this.

jannies are treated as valued curators of harmony, not power tripping egoists.

That applies to almost all jannies here. Alas, there is always that one or two who end up power tripping and should be forbidden from any janny duties that aren't just obvious spam removal. This has been the case since almost the beginning back on reddit.

Is there some way to disable the goddamn annoying and completely useless bar that sticks to the top bottom of the screen when scrolling threads here?

On desktop I can use uBlock Origin to just hide it, but that doesn't work on mobile.