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User ID: 1874



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User ID: 1874

Can anyone direct me to some useful writings about the experience of psilocybin? Effects of persistent use, personality changes, therapeutic stuff. I find myself frustrated that clinical discussions are too clinical to convey much actual insight, while most other writings about shrooms are Wellness gibberish about auras. The most useful text I've found on Shrooms has so far been Dune, which says more about me than it does about hippies.

Examples: I've found myself accidentally rattling people by inferring personal details in conversations with them. I've started to experience what I can only call "visceral intellectual distaste" towards lots of specific things, but a common theme is people having their social instincts exploited. Slot machines, chatbots, any automated voice that "pretends" to be human, (which has now spread to include actual human people who speak in slogans, talking-points, or cliches.)

I'm not sure how much of this is specific to me, and how much is just what happens to Melange users.

Where exactly is the reservoir population of this style of Christianity? It often reads like the fanfiction of someone who pieced together Christianity from some Children's Bible Stories, three Chick Tracts, and daytime TV.

And Whitewolf let themselves die and completely fail to capitalize on the D&D craze and the Vampire trend because one guy had a few 1488 jokes hidden in the text of the new edition.

I thought accusing people of dogwhistling and being crypto-____-ists was retarded hysterical crap that smart people should ignore.

In the offline places I frequent, I mostly run into women who say "I hate men" or "I'm afraid of men" with big grins on their faces. Often.

This is my issue as well. I want them to respond with an R2-D2 beep, not a "sure! One sec, let me find that for you! :) "

I feel trapped in In Bruges, around the part with the cocaine and the Midget.

I think that Rick and Morty's goofy Shmoopy-Doop soul owes way more to Roiland than Harmon. Also, based on the changing DVD Commentaries, I think Harmon went low-effort and now the writer's room exists to launder people's neices and nephews. (A bunch of writers who go on to get shitty streaming shows have mediocre later-season rick-and-morty episodes as their only significant credit).

[Harmons] get lazy, and they [bring in guest writers].

And then the guest writers bring in guest writers and eventually...there be Season 4.

Also, your repeated emphasis on Nihilism says to me you've been watching too many YouTube video essays on how great Rick and Morty season 1 is because of it's Themes. Get away from this sort of content.

I actually see a lot of the 4chan style of geek humor in Solar Opposites; the contempt for the modern/normie world, the utter refusal to believe that everyone else hasn't seen the films/TV you've seen, the intentionally arch, tropey Wall story feels like a rushed shitpost. The aliens themselves look like laundered Pepes.

Re-watching 30 Rock might be instructive, as it plays with a lot of these affluent status-signalling tropes, but written by someone that isn't native to any of it and hates it, and it pre-dates the omnipresent obnoxiousness of wokeness.

Why does Ross, the largest Friend, not simply eat the other five?

I've been trying to watch a few of the "Northern European" shows that have been streaming lately, 1899 and Elves are both at the top of my mind.

I don't understand what people get out of these shows. Characters don't react to things in recognizably human ways, they don't communicate with each other. No one expresses curiosity, no one remembers what other characters say, they seem to follow an internal script that doesn't match up with that's actually presented on screen. I'm reminded of Westworld Hosts shuffling through a hackey, rushed scenario with no actual human there to riff on it. My attitude really is becoming the meme:

Why does Ross, the largest Friend, not simply eat the other five?

I'm just not sure if what I'm seeing is due to Cheapness/badness. It's not bad ACTING, the production is all solid and competently staged. The IDEAS are there in the premise, they're just executed so shallowly I'm not sure the writers themselves understood them.

The American equivalent is excessive #CurrentYear dialogue and a gibberish handwave-y moral myopia.

Are regular Nordics/Germans actually this stiltedly dull in real life? Is there some sort of cultural context I'm not getting? I "understand" Anime, in that it has a lot of genre conventions, and I might be doing the equivalent of asking why the loser has a hot girl living in his closet, or why every fight is just characters standing still in a field while they internally narrate/charge up their ki blast.

This is in my head in particular because of "Troll." I've seen Shin Godzilla, and I've seen Trollhunter, and I just don't know how to relate to human beings who can't tell that two of those films are good and one is shit.

Also, feel free to complain here about bad TV that confuses and infuriates you. Maybe I'll feel less alone.

Oh, that's a great call.

I just miss the episodes where Rick's solution to problems was to hit the problem with a blunt object and shout "Run, Morty!"

Now he just flips out augs. Rick's Inspector Gadget augs enable lazy writing.

Now, bear with me here, my public school experience was overall good. But if you're talking about preventing the abuse of children, I think you're going to run into the problem of Child Abduction Is Not Funny. As much ideological weirdness happens in schools, and as infuriating as these incidents are, they're infuriating because it's public officials that are supposed to be accountable being unaccountable. Like being killed by a seatbelt or airbag or police officer.

But, most child abuse happens at home. It's mostly the parents and close family doing it, and at school there's people who will notice bruises, and so long as the parent isn't too Intersectional, they will investigate. I'm just not a fan of widespread homeschooling; the more of it there is, the harder it becomes to audit, and I don't trust un-audited homeschooling

The natural state of children is to be with other children doing children stuff. It's unfortunate that school is the main place where other children are.

This is, ostensibly, the whole point of edgy jokes and ironic bigotry. It exposes you to the meme in it's crippled, cringey form, innoculating you against later infection.

Welcome to the Elysium future


I think we need a different model of what to expect from AIs. Maybe they should be designed to pretend to be very well-trained animals rather than pretend to be Pod Person humans.

Enough of this chummy "let me think about that" stuff, I want it to say "Processing".

Question for those familiar with the Chicago area:

Where are the geeks? Back in Milwaukee, there were several gaming pubs and a hole-in-the-wall LGS that was packed to the gills Saturday nights, with Warhammer players, at least one 4-player EDH game going, and maybe a D&D session in the corner. There were one or two women there, typically someone's SO, but they held their own in Magic, and knew the references.

I go to a much larger store in a "real" city, and it's a godsdamned ghost town. Empty tables on a Saturday evening. It's got a handful of lumpy, poorly-dressed beardless dudes who use "diversity" in every other sentence, but there's no women, and fewer actual black people than the podunk hole-in-the-wall. I feel like the coolest person there (which is not a good sign).

My love of Sci-Fi has actually made me deeply HATE this incarnation of AI, and all automated voice systems.

My preferred AI tropes are the sort you see in Wall-E, Short Circuit, and Chappie, where the only robots you can trust are the ones not doing what they're supposed to.

I'm convinced that if we want useful real-world AIs that don't derange us, they should be designed to give the impression of a very well-trained animal. None of this please, thank you, come again crap. Call it a soft butlerian jihad; computers don't pretend to be human outside of games/VR/sims, and anyone who "socializes" IRL with an AI should be viewed as a loser.

If the game is so hard that Pun-Pun nonsense-jank is necessary to beat it, then it isn't encouraging people to explore a wider space of options. Everything converges on the one broken nonsense build, and "cookie-cutter" archetypical builds become, perversely, rarer. everyone is a GensaiWarlockPaladin

My typical self-imposed challenge in RPGs is to find a sub-system or strategy or archetype that I LIKE or isnt used by Power builds and make it work anyways.

I think your use of the term "Dehumanizing" has derailed the discussion.

I've had somewhat similar thoughts/frustrations. It seems really hard to find stories with antagonists that use Woke tactics, or narratives that roughly align with the Anti-SJW ethos, that aren't tediously cringe or partisan or obviously ABOUT being Anti-SJW. It'd be really easy to wind up doing "straight white men are the REAL oppressed class," which is cringe even when true.

30 Rock: plenty of episodes involved Tracy or Jenna or some other character being super-entitled while claiming to be oppressed, using proto-woke, or just straight-up Woke, lingo. Or that black guy who flat-out says any woman who won't date him is racist or gay. This stuff is funny, but becomes less funny and more kafka-horror-y when every other character buys in hook-line-and-sinker.

House: there were plenty of situations where House was just being an equal-opportunity-asshole but gets interpreted as being racist or sexist or whatever.

Some of those women just have personality disorders. I remember the first time I was accused of "Gatekeeping" was in 2012.

A woman asked me to teach her to play magic and to " help me build a deck or whatever." I said it's best to learn with something preconstructed before building your own, let's sit down together with some starter decks, and she immediately accused me of Gatekeeping by not letting her make her own deck. Then she said I was just like her Father and her Brother. Then she called me a Niceguy and then a Creep. I guess she was more interested in bullying male geeks than actually engaging in any geeky hobbies.

Take your brainworms back to Reddit. If you'd arrived at these opinions through personal experience, you'd have your own way of talking about it, rather than the exact same PUA Redpill lingo that gets compulsively parroted.

You really don't have any original dating advice to pass on?

They've gotten their fear of social danger mixed up with their fear of physical danger.

I've spent lots of time around women who actually have been physically assaulted, and they don't pull this "I feel unsafe" crap. They have some idea of what dangerous men actually look and smell like, and don't regard all men they meet as incipient rapists.

My own theory is that women get told constantly to Be Afraid, but don't actually know what it is they're supposed to be afraid of and thus their Danger Sense isn't particularly well-calibrated.

Ive always preferred Dwarves as the fantasy-jews, myself.

I think you underestimate ironic Nazi slogan larping.

I'm afraid of contemporary communists not because they'll otherthrow the government, but because it's a clique of smug hypocrites that pull out Marxist slogans to excuse them doing what they want to do anyways, and imagine problems that they can pretend to fix. Infesting and hollowing out subcultures, scenes, and organizations that were created and nurtured by people who have better things to do than jockey for clout.

Actually Dive Dojo is the place I mentioned that was a ghost town full of diversity lingo, so the neck beard stronghold has fallen.

you only have 7-9 years when it requires 10, and this concerns you? I get that it's an actual nerd (,who might be similarly autistic) you're dealing with and not an HR gremlin, but come on.

That's an excessive degree of scrupulosity you're exhibiting. Go for it with zero guilt. Pretend your time studying at uni counts as "experience" if you must.