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joined 2022 November 16 18:09:10 UTC


User ID: 1874



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 November 16 18:09:10 UTC


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User ID: 1874

My main noting of Current Year elements of Fallout has been the lack of tits. The only sexuality in the show so far was a full-body above-the-dick male shot. Because if there was a hint of something a heterosexual man might enjoy, someone somewhere would have complained.

Otherwise, good so far.

WTF is the motivation here, anyways? Dude isn't making some sort of power-play, is he? Is there an ideological angle to his behavior? Does he suddenly hate people in the group for not being cool enough? As presented, it just looks like he's being a dick for funsies.

My impression is that telling obvious lies to temporarily confuse people is more in the Russian national character than the Iranian national character.

I find this satisfactory, the MC isn't a Girlboss and the black guy is more morally ambiguous than people of color are typically allowed to be. It's just good.