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joined 2022 October 13 05:54:22 UTC


User ID: 1573



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User ID: 1573

Fat is not in itself unhealthy.

BTW, it's weird that you didn't seem to read my entire comment, even though it was fairly short. It included these words: "outdated, incorrect ideas: like 'low fat' being the be-all, end-all (as opposed to aiming to eat good fats like in olive oil, nuts, etc.)"

Yet you still thought you had to explain to me that "fat is not in itself unhealthy"? Srsly??

Bacon is healthy?!? Uhhh...got a cite for that?

It's the type of fat (saturated nondairy fat), and the chemicals added in the curing process. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/are-all-processed-meats-equally-bad-for-health/

It's a good point. I can support jacking up taxes on foods no one can credibly deny are unhealthy (donuts, soda, bacon), but not so far that it's a de facto ban (like the marijuana stamps they used to technically require weed dealers to buy, but which no one actually bought because it would entail admitting to a crime).

But you do get into problems when health authorities operate based on outdated, incorrect ideas: like "low fat" being the be-all, end-all (as opposed to aiming to eat good fats like in olive oil, nuts, etc.), or insisting on lowfat dairy even though there is much research showing full-fat dairy (particularly if it's from grass-fed cows) being healthier.

Does anyone know why the Red Scare podcasters are so warmly positive toward Jones? I know they are not exactly doctrinaire progressives, but that struck me as quite the limb to go out on.