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So, I admit this is a well-written, convincing argument. It's appreciated! But I still find it contrasts with common sense (and my own lying eyes). I can, say, imagine authorities arresting me and demanding to know my email password. I would not cooperate, and I would expect to be able to get access to a lawyer before long. In reality there's only one way they'd get the password: torturing me. And in that case, they'd get the password immediately. It would be fast and effective. I'm still going to trust the knowledge that torture would work perfectly on me over a sociological essay, no matter how eloquent.

Really? Name the centuries-old historical counterpart to movies on DVD, music on CD, videogames, software suites, drug companies, ... I could go on. Sure, people used to go to live plays and concerts. Extremely rich patrons used to personally fund the top 0.1% of scientists and musicians. It was not the same.

Maybe IP can be justified because it brings value by incentivizing creation?

Um, yes? This is literally the entire and only reason IP exists, so the fact that you have it as one minor side point in your post suggests you've never actually thought seriously about this. A world without IP is a world without professional entertainment, software, or (non-academic) research. Capitalism doesn't deny you the free stuff you feel you richly deserve... it enables its existence in the first place.

Ugh, what a ridiculous take. The ability to move a body and process senses and learn behaviour that generates food is miraculous, yes. We can't build machines that come close to this yet. It's amazing that birds can do it! And humans! And cats, dogs, pigs, mice, ants, mosquitos, and 80 million other species too. Gosh, wow, I'm so agog at the numinous wondrousness of nature.

That doesn't make it intelligence. Humans are special. Intelligence is special. Until transformers and LLMs, every single story, coherent conversation, and, yes, Advent of Code solution was the creation of a human being. Even if all development stops here, even if LLMs never get smarter and these chatbots continue to have weird failure modes for you to sneer at, something fundamental has changed in the world.

Do you think you're being super deep by redefining intelligence as "doing what birds can do?" I'd expect that from a stoner, not from a long-standing mottizen. Words MEAN things, you know. If you'd rather change your vocabulary than your mind, I don't think we have anything more to discuss.

Wow, you're really doubling down on that link to a video of a bird fishing with bread. And in your mind, this is somehow comparable to holding a complex conversation and solving Advent of Code problems. I honestly don't know what to say to that.

Really, the only metric that I need is that ChatGPT makes me more productive in my job and personal projects. If you think that's "unreasonably low", well, I hope that our eventual AI Overlords can hope to meet your stringent requirements. The rest of the human race won't care.

In fact, one line of argument for theism is that math is unreasonably useful here.

Um, what? It really is "heads I win, tails you lose" with theism, isn't it? I guarantee no ancient theologian was saying "I sure hope that all of Creation, including our own biology and brains, turns out to be describable by simple mathematical rules; that would REALLY cement my belief in God, unlike all this ineffability nonsense."

Maybe I'm missing some brilliant research out there, but my impression is we scientifically understand what "pain" actually is about as well as we understand what "consciousness" actually is. If you run a client app and it tries and fails to contact a server, is that "pain"? If you give an LLM some text that makes very little sense so it outputs gibberish, is it feeling "pain"? Seems like you could potentially draw out a spectrum of frustrated complex systems that includes silly examples like those all the way up to mosquitos, shrimp, octopuses, cattle, pigs, and humans.

It'd be nice if we could figure out a reasonable compromise for how "complex" a brain needs to be before its pain matters. It really seems like shrimp or insects should fall below that line. But it's like abortion limits - you should pick SOME value in the middle somewhere (it's ridiculous to go all the way to the extremes), but that doesn't mean it's the only correct moral choice.

Then I tried it on Day 7 (adjusting the prompt slightly and letting it just use Code Interpreter on its own). It figured out what it was doing wrong on Part 1 and got it on the second try. Then it did proceed to try a bunch of different things (including some diagnostic output!) and spin and fail on Part 2 without ever finding its bug. Still, this is better than your result, and the things it was trying sure look like "debugging" to me. More evidence that it could do better with different prompting and the right environment.

EDIT: Heh, I added a bit more to the transcript, prodding ChatGPT to see if we could debug together. It produced some test cases to try, but failed pretty hilariously at analyzing the test cases manually. It weakens my argument a bit, but it's interesting enough to include anyway.

So, I gave this a bit of a try myself on Day 3, which ChatGPT failed in your test and on Youtube. While I appreciate that you framed this as a scientific experiment with unvarying prompts and strict objective rules, you're handicapping it compared to a human who has more freedom to play around. Given this, I think your conclusions that it can't debug are a bit too strong.

I wanted to give it more of the flexibility of a human programmer solving AoC, so I made it clear up front that it should brainstorm (I used the magic "think step by step" phrase) and iterate, only using me to try to submit solutions to the site. Then I followed its instructions as it tried to solve the tasks. This is subjective and still pretty awkward, and there was confusion over whether it or I should be running the code; I'm sure there's a better way to give it the proper AoC solving experience. But it was good enough for one test. :) I'd call it a partial success: it thought through possible issues and figured out the two things it was doing wrong on Day 3 Part 1, and got the correct answer on the third try (and then got Part 2 with no issues). The failure, though, is that it never seemed to realize it could use the example in the problem statement to help debug its solution (and I didn't tell it).

Anyway, the transcript's here, if you want to see ChatGPT4 troubleshooting its solution. It didn't use debug output, but it did "think" (whatever that means) about possible mistakes it might have made and alter its code to fix those mistakes, eventually getting it right. That sure seems like debugging to me.

Remember, it's actually kind of difficult to pin down GPT4's capabilities. There are two reasons it might not be using debug output like you want: a) it's incapable, or b) you're not prompting it right. LLMs are strange, fickle beasts.

I'm glad that, at the start, you (correctly) emphasized that we're talking about intelligence gathering. So please don't fall back to the motte of "I only meant that confessions couldn't be trusted", which you're threatening to do by bringing up the judicial system and "people admitting to things". Some posters did that in the last argument, too. I don't know how many times I can repeat that, duh, torture-extracted confessions aren't legitimate. But confessions and intelligence gathering are completely different things.

Torture being immoral is a fully sufficient explanation for it being purged from our systems. So your argument is worse than useless when it comes to effectiveness - because it actually raises the question of why Western intelligence agencies were still waterboarding people in the 2000s. Why would they keep doing something that's both immoral and ineffective? Shouldn't they have noticed?

When you have a prisoner who knows something important, there are lots of ways of applying pressure. Sometimes you can get by with compassion, negotiation, and so on, which is great. But the horrible fact is that pain has always been the most effective way to get someone to do what you want. There will be some people who will never take a deal, who will never repent, but will still break under torture and give you the information you want. Yes, if you have the wrong person they'll make something up. Even if you have the right person but they're holding out, they might feed you false information (which they might do in all other scenarios, too). Torture is a tool in your arsenal that may be the only way to produce that one address or name or password that you never would have gotten otherwise, but you'll still have to apply the other tools at your disposal too.

Sigh. The above paragraph is obvious and not insightful, and I feel silly having to spell it out. But hey, in some sense it's a good thing that there are people so sheltered that they can pretend pain doesn't work to get evil people what they want. It points to how nice a civilization we've built for ourselves, how absent cruelty ("barbarism", as you put it) is from most people's day-to-day existence.

It's more of a variation of your first possibility, but RT could also be acting out of principal-agent problems, not at the behest of Hollywood executives. The explanations probably overlap. There's also the possibility that they care about their credibility every bit as much as they did in the past, but it's their credibility among tastemakers that's important, not the rabble.

Yeah, I'd be surprised if RT's review aggregation takes "marching orders" from any executives. In fact, I think RT is owned indirectly by Warner Bros., so if anything you'd expect they'd be "adjusting" Disney movies unfavorably. I like your explanation that RT's just sincerely trying to appease the Hollywood elite, rather than provide a useful signal to the masses. It fits.

I'm not sure why you'd put a low prior on the first, though. Particularly for high visibility productions, "everyone" knows to take politics into account when reading reviews. Positively weighting aligned reviews doesn't seem like an incredible step beyond that.

I knew to take that into account with the critics score, which I would usually ignore for the "woke" crap. But in the past I've generally found the audience score trustworthy. Maybe I was just naive, and it took a ridiculous outlier for me to finally notice that they have their fingers on every scale.

Heh, yeah, good example. I happily commit atrocities in videogames all the time. I hope there will continue to be an obvious, bright-line distinction between entities made for our amusement and entities with sentience!

I'm not putting limits on anything. The problem with the "ascension" idea isn't that it's impossible - we can't rule it out - but it's that every single member of the ascending civilization, unanimously, would have to stop caring about (or affecting, even by accident) the physical galaxy and the rest of the civilizations in it. Despite a lot of fun sci-fi tropes, ascension isn't some macguffin you build and then everybody disappears. Our modern civilization didn't stop affecting the savannah just because most of us "ascended" out of there. I consider the explanation "everybody's super powerful but also invisible, coincidentally leaving the galaxy looking indistinguishable from an uncivilized one" to be very unlikely. (Not impossible, though.)

What do you think our long-term future in the galaxy looks like? Is it really likely that our technological civilization will just poof out with no real impact? (Even the AI doom scenario involves a superintelligence that will start gobbling up the reachable Universe.) This is the argument underlying the Fermi Paradox: we have only one example of an intelligent civilization, and there seems to be little standing in the way of us spreading through and changing the galaxy in an unmissable way. Interstellar travel is quite hard, but not impossibly so. The time scale for this would be measured in millions of years, which is barely a hiccup in cosmological terms. So why didn't someone else do it first?

On a similar note, I'm very confident I'm not standing next to a nuclear explosion (probability well below 0.001%). Am I overconfident? Ok, yes, I'm being a bit cheeky - the effects of a nuclear explosion are well understood, after all. The chance that there's a "great filter" in our future that would stop us and all similar civilizations from spreading exponentially is a lot larger than 0.001%.

I've lost pretty much all respect for Yudkowsky over the years as he's progressed from writing some fun power-fantasy-for-rationalists fiction to being basically a cult leader. People seem to credit him for inventing rationality and AI safety, and to both of those I can only say "huh?". He has arguably named a few known fallacies better than people who came before him, which isn't nothing, but it's sure not "inventing rationality". And in his execrable April Fool's post he actually, truly, seriously claimed to have come up with the idea for AI safety all on his own with no inputs, as if it wasn't a well-trodden sci-fi trope dating from before he was born! Good lord.

I'm embarrassed to admit, at this point, that I donated a reasonable amount of money to MIRI in the past. Why do we spend so much of our time giving resources and attention to a "rationalist" who doesn't even practice rationalism's most basic virtues - intellectual humility and making testable predictions? And now he's threatening to be a spokesman for the AI safety crowd in the mainstream press! If that happens, there's pretty much no upside. Normies may not understand instrumental goals, orthogonality, or mesaoptimizers, but they sure do know how to ignore the frothy-mouthed madman yelling about the world ending from the street corner.

I'm perfectly willing to listen to an argument that AI safety is an important field that we are not treating seriously enough. I'm willing to listen to the argument of the people who signed the recent AI-pause letter, though I don't agree with them. But EY is at best just wasting our time with delusionally over-confident claims. I really hope rationality can outgrow (and start ignoring) him. (...am I being part of the problem by spending three paragraphs talking about him? Sigh.)

Hi, bullish ML developer here, who is very familiar with what's going on "under the hood". Maybe try not calling the many, many people who disagree with you idiots? It certainly does not "suck at following all but the simplest of instructions", unless you've raised this subjective metric so high that much of the human race would fail your criterion. And while I agree that the hallucination problem is fundamental to the architecture, it has nothing to do with GPT4's reasoning capabilities or lack thereof. If you actually had a "deep understanding" of what's going on under the hood, you'd be aware of this. It's because GPT4 (the model) and ChatGPT (the intelligent oracle it's trying to predict) are distinct entities which do not match perfectly. GPT4 might reasonably guess that ChatGPT would start a response with "the answer is..." even if GPT4 itself doesn't know the answer ... and then the algorithm picks the next word from GPT4's probability distribution anyway, causing a hallucination. Tuning can help reduce the disparity between these entities, but it seems unlikely that we'll ever get it to work perfectly. A new idea will be needed (like, perhaps, an algorithm that does a directed search on response phrases rather than greedily picking unchangeable words one by one).

To be honest, it sounds like you don't have much experience with ChatGPT4 yourself, and think that the amusing failures you read about on blogs (selected because they are amusing) are representative. Let me try to push back on your selection bias with some fairly typical conversations I've had with it (asking for coding help): 1, 2. These aren't selected to be amusing; ChatGPT4 doesn't get everything right, nor does it fail spectacularly. But it does keep up its end of a detailed, unprecedented conversation with no trouble at all.

Sorry, it sounds like you want some easy slam-dunk argument against some sort of cartoonish capital-L Libertarian, but that's not who you're speaking to. :) I don't want NO government and NO regulations - of course some regulations are good. But that says nothing about whether we have TOO MUCH government and TOO MUCH regulation right now. Most of the important obviously good stuff has been in the system for decades (if not centuries), because it's, well, important. And even if we kicked legislators out for 51 weeks out of every 52, the important stuff would still pass because it's, well, important. I happen to believe that most of what our modern legislators do IS net-negative, and I'm afraid you can't just hand-wave that away with a strawman argument.

As for YIMBYs, bless your heart Charlie Brown, you keep trying to kick that football. Surely one day they'll win! You yourself linked an article about the dire straits we're in. "Don't try to stop or slow down the government, we need it to fix all the problems caused by the last 50 years of government!"

"Brutally" slaughtering a pig in "disgusting" "industrial" conditions? Those are very subjective words. The pig doesn't care that it's not being given a dignified sendoff by its loving family at the end of a fulfilled life in a beautiful grassy glade with dandelions wafting in the breeze. Humans fear death; animals don't even understand the concept. As long as we kill them quickly, I really don't give a shit how it's done.

Which isn't to say I don't have concerns about factory farming. The rest of the pig's life may be filled with suffering, and (IMO) we're rich enough, as a society, to do better. My morality-o-meter is ok with sacrificing, say, 0.01% of value to humans to improve the life of pigs by 500%.

So, I guess your argument is that it doesn't feel icky because you claim he's lying when he says he's doing the icky thing, and his hidden motivation is more practical (and, well, moral)? That's still beside the point - the fact that Dems are completely fine with announcing a racist appointment is the problem, not the 4D chess Newsom might be playing.

Also, I actually do think Newsom would have chosen somebody completely unsuitable, with the right characteristics, if he'd had to. We've seen a string of skin-colour-and-genital based appointments already from the Dems, from Karine Jean-Pierre to Ketanji Brown Jackson to Kamala Harris herself. I'm sure there are more, but I don't pay that much attention. It would be coincidental if all these people, selected from a favoured 6% of the population, really were the best choices. It really does seem like this is just what you have to do to play ball on the Democrat side.

Well, sure, in a vacuum most people gravitate towards censoring speech they don't like. That doesn't mean it's a good idea. We shouldn't structure society around people's natural destructive impulses; we should structure society around what allows humans to flourish. And we've known for centuries that that is a free and open exchange of ideas. Not because there are no ideas which are genuinely harmful! But because humans and human organizations are too fickle, ignorant, and self-interested to be trusted as arbiters of which ideas meet that standard.

I had an argument about torture here just a few weeks ago.

Bluntly, I absolutely do not buy that torture is "inherently useless". It's an extremely counterintuitive claim. I'm inherently suspicious whenever somebody claims that their political belief also comes with no tradeoffs. And the "torture doesn't work" argument fits the mold of a contrarian position where intellectuals can present cute, clever arguments that "overturn" common sense (and will fortunately never be tested in the real world). It's basically the midwit meme where people get to just the right level of cleverness to be wrong.

I think your hypothetical scenarios are a little mixed up. You mention confessions in your first case, because (yes, of course) confessions gained under torture aren't legitimate. Which has nothing to do with the War on Terror argument, or the second part where you mention finding an IED cache. That's information gathering, and that's the general case.

Note that:

  • All information you get from a suspect, voluntary, coerced, or via torture, is potentially a lie. Pretending that torture is different in this way is special pleading.

  • You invented a highly contrived scenario to show the worst-case consequences of believing a lie. There are dozens of ways of checking and acting on information that are less vivid.

  • The main difference that torture has is there are some suspects for which it is the only way of getting useful information. It sucks, but this is the Universe we live in.

As for the "ticking time bomb" thought experiment, that's not highlighting one special example where torture works. That's just showing where the torture-vs-not distinction (the ethical conundrum, like you said) becomes sharpest. Most people have some threshold X at which saving X lives is worth torturing one person. It arguably shouldn't make a difference whether those lives are direct (a bomb in a city) or indirect (stopping a huge attack 2 years down the line), but we're human, so it does.

I am already getting tremendous value out of GPT4 in my work as a programmer. Even if the technology stops here, it will change my life. I have still never ridden in an AV. I reject your analogy, and your conclusion, completely.

VERY strong disagree. You're so badly wrong on this that I half suspect that when the robots start knocking on your door to take you to the CPU mines, you'll still be arguing "but but but you haven't solved the Riemann Hypothesis yet!" Back in the distant past of, oh, the 2010s, we used to wonder if the insanely hard task of making an AI as smart as "your average Redditor" would be attainable by 2050. So that's definitely not the own you think it is.

We've spent decades talking to trained parrots and thinking that was the best we could hope for, and now we suddenly have programs with genuine, unfakeable human-level understanding of language. I've been using ChatGPT to help me with work, discussing bugs and code with it in plain English just like a fellow programmer. If that's not a "fundamental change", what in the world would qualify? The fact that there are still a few kinds of intellectual task left that it can't do doesn't make it less shocking that we're now in a post-Turing Test world.

I'm assuming you didn't watch the GPT-4 announcement video, where one of the demos featured it doing exactly that: reading the tax code, answering a technical question about it, then actually computing how much tax a couple owed. I imagine you'll still want to check its work, but (unless you want to argue the demo was faked) GPT-4 is significantly better than ChatGPT at math. Your intuition about the limits of AI is 4 months old, which in 2023-AI-timescale terms is basically forever. :)