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Perpetual Civil War Guerilla

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joined 2022 September 04 22:17:25 UTC


User ID: 206


Perpetual Civil War Guerilla

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:17:25 UTC


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User ID: 206

My understanding of the ruling is that Title VI applies only to institutions who receive federal funds, but that the Equal Protections argument is separate and affects any government institution under the Constitution, including Universities for the several States.

Yes. The ruling specifically calls out "indirect" ways of re-implementing the same system. They can try it, but my guess is most of their lawyers will be advising against it because they will auto-lose if anyone sues.

The Civil War was about slavery

This is endlessly repeated but breaks down fairly quickly. The North did not invade the South "to end slavery." The North invaded the South to end secession.

Yes, the South seceded to preserve slavery as they rightly saw that they were losing at the national level in the long run. But secession is not a synonym with war.

So there were two essential steps:

  1. The South secedes.
  2. The North attacks to prevent secession.

If it could be maintained historically that 2) was caused/motivated by abolitionist ideals, "The Civil War was about slavery" might make sense in its very ambiguous, general way. But it really cannot.

Eliding that preventing secession was the motivation for war by Lincoln and the North allows those "on the right side of history" to pretend that they and their allies were holy. On the contrary, their motives were at best Machiavellian.