What’s the likelihood that this just ALL flops back in 4 years?
Just one giant omnibus EO that every flipping presidential party signs which renames the gulf of America, Mount McKinley, Fort Bragg, re-establishes affirmative action, cancels the keystone XL/Stargate/Moonbase etc?
I’m kind of in shock that for the first time in my life a politician actually seems to be looking out for me, but I’m still cynical. We have about 1200 days to run as hard and as fast as we possibly can, but after that then what?
I mean…yeah that’s pretty vague. Yeah if somebody is shouting “heil” and throwing their arm out like that it’s a problem, but I don’t think we should maintain a ban on holding your hand up above chin level or anything like that.
If you search YouTube for “Nazi salute”, this is also almost every result.
The reason I’m searching is: I don’t actually know what a “Nazi salute” looks like. From what I can tell, it doesn’t really have any specific characteristics other than holding your arm out with your palm flat. But this is basically identical to the way that anybody would wave at a crowd.
The whole thing is so stupid. The bad part about the Nazis was the whole extermination of the Jews thing, not the Hugo Boss uniforms, or the hand gestures.
And there’s really no question that Elon Musk is not trying to exterminate all the Jews. It seems like he was waving in a weird spergy way.
It could also be an over correction from the USSS. After two assassination attempts you can’t blame them.
This interviewer is intolerable. He keeps trying to make these sortof "dunks" or sarcastic remarks, but he just comes across as annoying.
Even if you're not interested in Moldbug, or listening to him, just seeing how bad this interview is is impressive.
The other reason they would replace comfortable furniture with wood is that it's cleanable, and much harder for bed bugs to hide in.
I keep seeing this take, and it frustrates me.
Somebody was tasked with designing a system to deliver water to fire hydrants. They designed the system in a way where it fails during a fire.
California is a cargo cult of government competence. It's all performative. They make things that look functional until they need to be used and, like the bamboo airplanes, they do nothing when needed.
Where does this logic lead you other than genocide of the Russian people and complete destruction of Russia as a nation?
This is the exact logic that the US has used for every ridiculous war we've gotten into for the last 70 years.
So what's the plan? Just keep the war going until there's nobody left to kill him?
If Zelensky will give up the disputed territories the war ends today, and young Ukrainian men stop dying.
If these Ukrainian people are so intent on fighting to keep control of the Donbas and Crimea, then why the need for conscription?
I think you nailed it with why does Zelensky speak Russian first?
And to steel man the point: the people Zelensky really needs to convince are the citizens of the LNR and DNR; those people consider themselves Russian, they speak Russian, and they want to be a part of Russia, not Ukraine. Speaking in Russian does have some symbolism, and the symbolism is “I’m not your enemy”. Refusing to even speak the language of the people you are supposedly fighting a war over certainly signals something.
Imagine Mexico invaded the US because El Paso, TX votes to secede from the US and rejoin Mexico.
What would be the symbolism if the Governor of Texas, in this thought experiment, spoke Spanish first, but refused to talk to the people in El Paso in that language, but instead insisted that he and by extension they, all spoke English.
What is your ideal situation here?
The implied trade is: I won’t immediately quit when you want to move everything to azure, and you will train me to use it. Eventually I’ll move on, and you hire a new junior.
This seems…totally healthy? This also seems like the exact type of cycle that H1B workers destroy.
Tim Dillon truly is great. Here is one of his all times greatest if you haven't heard it: https://youtube.com/watch?v=U1jPKVQ09-M
Just in the realm of comedians being oddly excellent political commentators, here is Sam Hyde's thing from today: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Hcsm1B8Z8d4
It literally comes down to immigration. Bad faith posters will argue that H1B immigration is “legal” and therefor not the problem, but theyre deliberately missing the fact that the problem is H1B visa abuse, which is technically legal, but practically identical to the type of illegal immigration wr see from Guatemala and Mexico.
There’s an entire grifter set that I wish we could all just ban collectively (not really, but I wish people would stop falling for them). People like Laura Loomer, Tim Pool, Sam Seder, Kyle Kulinski, Saagar Enjeti, Milo Yionoppolus, and I’m sure many others seem to exist just to post and share comically misinformed takes about current events and rile people up.
Maybe we already know each other but are behind seven boxxies alt accounts and won’t ever know it.
I’m not comparing US and EU innovation. I’m saying that India, despite having a billion residents, has little to no high tech or innovative companies.
Ariane is not necessary to make my point. You’re arguing against the words here, not the point.
Just want to endorse the second part of what you said. It’s probably some of my Catholicism leaking through here, but I am explicitly not a white nationalist. I am an “American nationalist”. We’re a Christian country, we like guns and big trucks and big tits and bikinis and apple pie and baseball and chicken wings and bigass rockets and we consider the moon our sovereign territory. We hate the government, are naturally suspicious of authority.
That has all led to the most prosperous, most badass nation on earth and if you want to be an American you can, but when you get here you need to assimilate, and part of that means having a near-contempt for the country you fled. I don’t want to hear you talking about your ex girlfriend old country for 3-4 generations.
Maybe that’s a good analogy. Imagine you meet a girl in an abusive relationship with a loser guy. You fall in love with her and help her move from the slums to a giant mansion on the coast.
Now imagine she refuses to be seen in public with you, goes to her exes house for holidays, and talks to you about having dual citizenship a polyamorous relationship with her ex, who she also keeps sending remittances money to. Now imagine she also wants to talk about your toxic masculinity (which saved her) and the problematic nature of your wealth.
Yeah no thanks. We’re down to marry the super models (Werner Von Braun), but not so much the cheating gold digger.
Is your point that there are no high tech aerospace companies in France?
Holy shit man, same. I have so far added word filters for:
And it’s still flooding me. I need AI based filtering and I need it now.
Does India have an equivalent to Ford or Lockheed?
Because I’ve ridden in many Tata cars and…it doesn’t seem so.
The argument is not “Indians aren’t capable of doing technical work” since that is obviously wrong. It isn’t even “there are no high skilled Indians”, since that is also obviously wrong. It’s that India is not uniquely predisposed to producing technical geniuses in a way that would justify the number of allegedly “high skill” Indian men who come to the United States and Canada.
There are kind of too many to list that disprove your point. Germany has BMW, festo/festool, SAP, Siemens, etc etc. England has rolls Royce and BAE, and honestly countless others. France has Dassalt, Ariane, and Airbus.
I mean it honestly just goes on and on.
My point is that India is implying a radical claim, that their country is uniquely full of highly desirable high tech genius workers. France, England, Germany, etc. aren’t making that claim and yet they appear to have high tech companies.
China could make that claim, and if they did it would be valid. China has tons of high tech companies (although some might claim it is stolen technology, but whatever).
India has no high tech companies, and it seems to follow that since they have a high population and still not innovative companies, they must be uniquely bad at innovation. There should be VERY FEW (if any?) Indians coming to the US on the claim that there is no America alternative.
That isn’t the case. It seems like something else is going on.
Like most things this is just people getting into semantics arguments, when they likely agree with each other.
The MAGA people: yes to high skilled immigration. Yes to operation paper clip, and draining the rest of the world of their geniuses.
The tech people: same.
But there is a contingent of people who, when they say “high skilled” mean: useless Indian code monkeys, “IT consultants” and the like. Anybody who has worked with these people has had the following experience:
They lie about their abilities
They’re rude
They lie about when things are going to be finished
The work they do produce is low quality
This also does seem to be something unique to whatever system Indian uses to educate its population. It also seems to be demonstrated by the fact that India, despite supposedly being full of “high skilled” tech workers, hasn’t produced any high tech companies. There is no Indian OpenAI, spacex, Tesla, Google etc.
When the MAGA right hears “H1B” or “high skilled tech workers”, this is what they’re thinking of. They’re fine with Werner Von Braun coming here. They don’t want an endless stream of people who are claiming to have skills they don’t have, in fields where our own workers are apparently struggling to find work (although I doubt the truth of that as well: tl;dr skill issue).
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