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User ID: 441



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User ID: 441

"Let's shut down some nuclear power plants and replace the energy with imported Russian fuel."

-Actual for-real recent German policy.

It's like they read Frank Herbert's bit about hydraulic despotism and decided to become the dependant helpless party in that exchange.

I'll climb aboard this train. I saw the recent Dune movies and she is a very plain woman. She's lean in a bad way I don't like. She's entirely flat and lacks a feminine figure. Her face looks decent in photos. But I'm wondering how much careful makeup and editing went into the photoshoots. Her face looks much worse on film.

Comparing her against women her age: she's in the bottom third. Not ugly, but aggressively plain and flat in a unattractive way.

And that's fine for an actress. Not every woman in Hollywood needs to shapely and big breasted.

The classic story of Chuck Palahniuk being a diesel mechanic while writing Fight Club. Frankly a grittier man than some other authors.

I don't know about Catholics in Europe, but in America most sexually active Catholics use birth control. The hard ban on birth control is not much respected.

I take it many American Catholics are Catholic in name only and mean to say they are Catholic in a vague cultural sense but not in any way that inconveniences their lives.

bell weather

This is a strange one. It is a bellwether. A "wether" being a castrated male sheep. If you want to more easily keep track of your sheep you would want to put a bell on one. You wouldn't want a bell on an intact male or a female sheep given all the furious ringing that would occur.

Known incel Elon Musk getting dunked on constantly by redditors. He has threesomes with celebrities and has enough kids to field a baseball team with extras. But no matter, he's a rightoid of some sort, so he's an incel.

Yeah these are anti-LGBT laws dawg.

But no, not L, G or B. I'm sure some transwomen don't at all like these laws. Almost all LGBT people aren't transwomen.

From a redditor:

When you try and make the hips bigger, it makes the hands massive.

More just dumb than clearly some ideology. Unless the ideology is merely that ugliness is desirable.

So what, exactly, are our leaders thinking?

I've said it before, I'll say it again: bleeding Russia is on sale right at an amazing discount right now, so we're buying a bit.

"But [list of reasons why long term Ukraine is screwed, won't be able to get back lost territory, etc, etc]." Yeah, sure. Also Russia is exhausting itself at a very small cost to the American taxpayer.

If Russia spends years grinding away to a standstill in Ukraine, then they won't have the ability to attack any further anytime soon.

And very optimistically, it serves as a warning to other countries wanting to invade their neighbors. If they badly desire a drawn out conflict that drains their resources for no obvious gain, we'll give it to them.

but the signal-to-noise ratio has increased exponentially

To be a nerd about this: you mean decreased.

shift hard and fast to the Right and mean it

This is not going to happen. But also I predict almost all American jews will not move to Israel. The author is really setting up a false choice here.

ring video of him berating his pregnant wife for taking the car when he needed it or something

I heard the audio and it was egregious. Articles about it may sound like hit pieces because of how very bad he sounds in that recording.

Varg certainly does. Literally burning down historical churches and making a whites only pagan tabletop RPG.

Himmler was big on this, but other Nazis made fun of him behind his back about his faux Germanic pagan mystical stuff.

why are we banning TikTok and not everything else

CCP controls TikToc. For all their many sins Facebook and X are not similarly run by the CCP.

A lot of the populace already thinks Israel's guilty of ethnic cleansing

"Ethnic cleansing" is so broad that I think Israel is doing it.


Israelis built a truck with a remote control gun on it and killed Iran's top nuclear scientist with it in Iran.

There is a draw Muhammad day and at least two would-be Muslim mass shooters were themselves shot trying to shoot up a draw Muhammad celebration. With bonus the FBI had a hand in the almost-enacted mass shooting and a couple FBI agents actually followed the terrorists on order to observe the shooting.

Yes. And their male child would unite the Atreides and Harkonnen families. The emperor has no male children. His daughter would be married to this person.

“ban all the good cars by 203x” initiatives? Does it look like that will happen?

California, Washington state, Massachusetts, the EU, Canada, etc are banning the sale of ICE cars in 203x. Hypothetically it is happening. Maybe they'll push back the deadlines as we approach them.

As an ignorance American I read that article and am confused. They don't have a Constitution, so how is anything unconstitutional?

One of these is not like the others.

In the places I have lived they appear to be extremely strongly correlated.

Vermont or New Hampshire?

There was a good thread around here about this a few weeks ago. A white nationalist moves to the Midwest and lives among only all-American whites. He despises them of course.

You'd think Midwesern whites were cattle in the form of men the way he describes it.

In 2018 I moved from a racially diverse swing state in the Sun Belt to a homogenous red state up in corn country. This decision was largely motivated by politics—I was looking to retreat to an imagined Hyperborea free of crime and degeneracy where my volk had political autonomy.

The next two years were the most miserable of my life. But they were also among the most instructive, and ultimately were what made me leave WN on an emotional level.

To put it bluntly, most of my white neighbors and coworkers basically resembled hobbits. They had no ambition to them, nor any aspirations of greatness. Nor did they think about the world in a dynamic way—the more educated among them certainly stayed informed about the wider world, but they largely took it for granted that their immediate universe was a static place where nothing would ever happen.

And the horrifying thing is that’s how they liked it.

I quickly discovered that Midwesterners had no sense of imperial destiny and “right to rule” like you see in New Yorkers, Texans, or Californians. They had nothing like the feisty Faustian individualism of Floridians or “fuck you” pride of Appalachians. They didn’t even have the air of faded glory and gothic tragedy you see in the Deep South. It was nothing but aggressively bland conformity everywhere you looked.

At this point I hope he moved back to his sunbelt home and found a good Mexican woman to marry. He certainly doesn't like (non-hispanic) white women.

I'll bet this is literally true. The President on the same day denouncing their actions and shipping more weapons. That happened recently according to a report I heard on the radio.

Let's not overthink it. It's SS (or is it ϟϟ?) He has to mention Jews every post even if he has an unrelated topic to discuss. I'm just glad this one is about a real topic instead of questioning the Holocaust again.