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joined 2022 September 05 04:40:40 UTC


User ID: 441



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 04:40:40 UTC


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User ID: 441

They never grappled with him. They shot him from a distance from their trucks. They were quite safe.

I take your larger point about the intent needed for the legal definition of muder. I don't much care to play mind reading games, other than noticing that for people not intending to kill him, they sure aggressively acted in a way that led to them shooting him. Riding someone down with trucks and brandished firearms is very aggressively manslaughtering then and I'd even say "hunting them down". Perhaps even murdering them depending on the jurisdiction.

If they weren't intending to kill him, or at least holding reckless indifference to the possibility of killing him, then riding him down in trucks with guns out sure is a special way to not intend to do it.

They saw him jogging on the public street. They chased him in trucks for a bit until he got tired of running from them. When he turned on them, they killed him.

That is fairly characterized as hunting him down.

Arbery's trespassing on a building site was a felony

But the building owner says he has security cameras and doesn't think that Arbery trespassed. Other people did at previous nights. Including a black guy. But as best the property owner knows not Arbery and especially not on the day of his murder.

His murderers never saw him on anyone's private property. They saw him on the public road and killed him there. And people around here argued it was justified by adding a lot of fictional information to their description of what happened.

He wasn't on anyone's property. Given the private security cameras at the partway built home, we know he didn't visit there either that day.

He was jogging down the public street. Not trespassing anywhere. Maybe he had bad motivations for jogging down the street. Such as possibly taking a look at houses to remember later for burglarizing.

Given what they did, sure, you could describe it as them hunting him down.

Not according to the people I argued with online about this. That was here or in the culture war reddit threads.

Do the "let's unilaterally surrender" people think the beatings will stop if only we submit more meekly?

"Don't fire back at them when they are shelling us. That will only make them shoot at us even more."

You are comparing apples and oranges here. The US is 15% foreign born, Canada almost 25%. There's a large difference in magnitude here.

There is a far greater difference in firearm availability.

It is popular to be excessively critical of the US. I think pretending the US is as bad as Canada is an example of that. By any measure other than how many maple leafs are on the flag, the US is far better than Canada.

Canada is almost 1/4 immigrant and their gun control laws are extreme by American standards.

I really don't sympathize with pretending the US is as bad as Canada. We really aren't. Canada is our really poor and badly mismanaged neighbor.

Willie Brown is a titan of California state politics. Back when Kamala was young she was decent looking. Proof for those in shock she was ever passable. She was also abandoned by her father as a young child. Willie Brown was a much older patronizing man to her.

He gave her no-effort high-paying political sinecures. And advocated for her advancement to higher office in a state in which merely being the Democratic anointed candidate near-guarantees election.

She gave him something else in return.

My experience dealing with Koreans in Korea. There needs to be training for dealing with Westerners. If an American asks you a yes/no question and the correct answer is no, say no. Don't repeatedly say yes many times and then entirely fail to deliver as promised.

I reject pretending that the US and Canada are equivalent. Especially when it comes to portion of the population that are first generation immigrants. And their meager crumb of gun ownership privileges.

No one cares how blue her clothes are. Formerly sighted blind people included.

It isn't weird for videotaped presentations among a certain crowd. Such as some people who work for some major tech companies that employ me.

Sure. But as a matter of principle, if someone ruins my expensive stuff, should they make me whole or instead give me the minimum viable product as recompense?

I would really prefer to be made whole and am unsympathetic to arguments about me having expensive things being a negative externality on everyone else.

Outside seating only if dining in.

campaign finance laws

Didn't federal prosecutors consider Trump's actions and determined he didn't violate Federal campaign finance laws? Or at least didn't bother charging him.

He lied about something to such a serious degree

Marking paying his lawyer to execute a NDA as legal expenses? That lie? This seems to me to be "three felonies a day"ing Trump. Making a mockery of what should be serious and impactful crimes.

fuck you

Message received. Follow your hostile meta-contrarian opinion or get internet-yelled-at.

sex and skin color have been the driving factors in her entire political career

Yes. And also at the beginning of her career: her sexual availability for Willie Brown. What a great patron to start her off.

How far does this logic extend? Does you accidentally burning down my """needlessly""" expensive home count as me owning expensive things as an externality foisted onto you? The existence of any other not-minimum-viable-product that I own?

They don't stage releases sending them out to limited groups one at a time? They do one global update and hope for the best?

There's such obvious ways to limit the impact of this sort of screwup.

Automatic Windows updates destroyed two of my work laptops at my last job.

I was going to do a lot of stuff at work today. Was.

Allegedly will not endorse Harris.

Uh oh. The Democrats may actually win the election.

Let's see how "allegedly" this turns out to be.

Your gut feeling isn't wrong, but it isn't quantitative. I appreciate actually checking the proportions on this obviously true thing.