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User ID: 441



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User ID: 441

And they're free to post here and now. Unless they feel such unbearable mental pain from seeing other posters' contrary opinions that they ragequit.

wielding two assault-style rifles and a pistol

What video game logic is this? Not to make light of tragedy or offer constructive criticism to mass killers, but this is silliness.

From a redditor:

When you try and make the hips bigger, it makes the hands massive.

More just dumb than clearly some ideology. Unless the ideology is merely that ugliness is desirable.

Agreed. Why is an American teacher flying a foreign flag?

I could understand a Japanese flag in Japanese language class or something. But just flying a foreign flag in some unrelated class is jivey at best.

Yeah. It is a matter of routine for politicians or rich people who are strong advocates for gun control to have private armed security and even concealed carry licenses. Famously Dianne Feinstein had a CCW issued in San Francisco, which is about as common as unicorns when it comes to exclusive gun rights.

They don't want to disarm all of society. They want unimportant people like you and me to be disarmed. Important people such as them and their important possessions will still be defended with privately owned guns.

Okay. And progressives will use their cultural influence to shame you for not being one of them. You want to swing a dangerous weapon around. It will predictably be turned on you and me.

the local Minnesota Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) chapter condemning the professor as Islamophobic

Yes, standard accusations of Islamophobia. But also:

“If you want to know how people respond, you've seen what happened in the horrible tragedies of Charlie Hebdo..."

-Jaylani Hussein, executive director of the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations

Option c: blacks are 5x as much "overpoliced" or white criminals are 1/5 as likely to be caught and convicted.

I took a college class that claimed that black drug users were much more likely to purchase and use drugs in public, where the cops eventually catch them. White drug users buy and use illegal drugs in private residences. White and black Americans have comparable drug use rates, but the black ones are caught more.

This obviously doesn't explain differing homicide rates. And take stuff a college class asserted with a big grain of salt. But to some degree maybe white people are better criminals and cops don't typically crack down on upstanding whites.

So what, exactly, are our leaders thinking?

I've said it before, I'll say it again: bleeding Russia is on sale right at an amazing discount right now, so we're buying a bit.

"But [list of reasons why long term Ukraine is screwed, won't be able to get back lost territory, etc, etc]." Yeah, sure. Also Russia is exhausting itself at a very small cost to the American taxpayer.

If Russia spends years grinding away to a standstill in Ukraine, then they won't have the ability to attack any further anytime soon.

And very optimistically, it serves as a warning to other countries wanting to invade their neighbors. If they badly desire a drawn out conflict that drains their resources for no obvious gain, we'll give it to them.

If China dominates all of Asia and Russia dominates all of Europe, the U.S. would be in a far weaker and more precarious position than it is today. The China-Russia axis would then be able to dominate America economically by cutting us off from trade and raw materials at will.

If my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

This so isn't happening it is comical. But I accept it as an example of the hysterical detached-from-reality "what-if"ing that some people like to do about Trump and why he will ruin the entire world.

They could just wear condoms and survive. In fact I've wondered if PrEP is going to usher in a wave of STDs as it makes not wearing condoms seems like a valid choice for some.

Also lesbians have especially low STD rates. Shall I accept that as a reason to advocate lesbianism since we are apparently concerned with STD rates? Or is this concern selectively targeted?

Russia is not going to dominate Europe, force of arms or otherwise. Again, an economy about equal to Italy.

Hydraulic despotism using their oil is their only possible influence on Europe. Push come to shove we'll bomb every oil pipe and free Europe from that addiction.

predilections can be substantially altered through a combination of conditioning, cognitive therapy, and repetition

And if this isn't true then we should seriously consider making pedophilic urges result in irreversible life imprisonment (but I bet a popular alternative would be execution).

more space for your children to grow up physically and socially distant from their peers, in places without sidewalks, where mom has to deliver them to and pick them up from soccer practice or their friends house ... A place where you have to drive to walk your dog in sanctioned green space nearby. Hell, a place where you have to drive to walk at all.

I've lived in many suburbs in a few states. This describes zero of them. My son's friends are right down our walkable suburban street. A really nice and large park is a few minutes walk away. It even has a large dogs-only section. It conveniently lacks a drug den/homeless encampment, so I can actually bring my young son there.

As a lifelong suburban dweller, I'm not suffering from childhood social and physical isolation. Suburbs are overrun with children who visit each other's houses and go to local parks. Most houses in my neighborhood have kids.

The bank and the Starbucks are indeed too far to practically walk to. The high school is much too far away for walking. I'll gladly bear that burden.


But if predilections are indeed not mutable by conditioning or therapy, then at the very least all convicted pedophiles must never be released from prison.

If my coworker buys a condo that's a two hour series of public transportation transfers to our work, should he get to work half days every day?

And me paying much more for my house and car that affords me a 20 minute commute. Shall I work a full day to pick up his slack?

Is preservation of the status quo worth any amount of blood or treasure?

No, but in Ukraine's case it isn't our blood and only a miniscule portion of our treasure. Bleeding Russia is on sale right now, so we bought a little.

Points taken, but the definition of "groomer" has recently expanded to cover activities that are not sexually grooming children. So I'm going to say a taboo would be valuable.

Is someone claiming that an adult is preparing a child for an illegal sexual relationship or are they claiming that somehow LGBT material is being discussed? These are two very different things.

I still haven't heard a remotely sane answer for why vaccines had to be agonisingly slowly tested while the bodies piled up

I thought the vaccines were developed and approved really quickly?

If you define quality of life as dense walkable urban living then I live a wretched life indeed. If you define quality of life similarly, but also forgive a 20 minute commute to work and 3 to 5ish minute drive to shops, then I live a great life. My American suburbanite cup overflows.

I went kayaking last weekend. I put my kayak on the roof rack of my big SUV. I built a new AR recently and I'll go shooting when I get some time. The guns and stuff will go in the back of my big SUV. I built a long set of retaining walls on big side yard. I made a stepped double retaining wall with a waist high middle section that is a very long garden. Too many strawberries are coming in recently. I'm a few minutes walk from a very large and clean park. I walk there or somewhere else in my neighborhood every day with my kid. Good thing I don't live in a dense urban core and instead can have high quality of life in so many ways in my big suburban house, really nice clean neighborhood and car.

Just for fun: let's define high "quality of life" for men as including satisfying sex with women. Then point out that gay guys lack high "quality of life". No matter how good their sex lives are they don't include women in this arbitrary and narrow definition.

the rot set in

I gladly accept the "rot" of not having Catholic moralists imprisoning people for distributing condoms. We should be very hesitant to use the police powers of the state to enforce rules at the point of a gun.

A rifle to dump and drop followed by a second one

Yeah. This part right here. Reload rather than dumping your longarm and carrying an entire second long arm. This is the silly part.

Tarrant was strictly suboptimal since carry weight is the limiting factor.

This happened to me years ago. A work computer refused to run executables that I made on that machine. Corporate security policies one ratchet click tighter than the Windows standard will cripple your ability to make your own programs as standalone executables.

Windows Defender Smartscreen shall decide when and if executables may run on your machine.

The government got involved by subsidizing demand

This is why I'm so suspicious of technocrats. They consistently do this.

Modern Windows pisses me off so much. What the hell, Microsoft.