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User ID: 553



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User ID: 553

If you select a specific subgroup from a certain ethnic group as immigrants, their descendants will regress to the mean of that subgroup and not their entire ethnic group.

If you select a specific subgroup from a certain ethnic group as immigrants, their descendants will regress to the mean of that subgroup and not their entire ethnic group.

Liberals assume minorities can't speak English well, conservatives don't. Maybe you were the blue-tribe progressive all along?

I was under the impression that carbon monoxide poisoning is extremely unpleasant and not at all painless. Nitrogen is the way to go, in my opinion. You don't even need the benzos.

Why wouldn't you be able to walk to a park in a dense urban area? Or go kayaking or shooting (presumably at a range, not in your backyard)? Gardening is a bit more difficult, depending on how dense the city is exactly. On the other hand, in an urban area, you could be 3 minutes away from shops without even needing to drive.

America is better for the middle class (and for doctors), but I’d rather be rich in London than be rich anywhere else in the world (and so, seemingly, would quite a lot of people).

Why? Not doubting, just curious. You didn't really explain your claim.

This is too low-effort for the main thread. You should have either added a more detailed explanation or posted this in the Sunday thread. I'd suggest a better explanation in any case, because I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

In what sense? To me, from a Catholic background, what stands out the most about Mormons is the addition of the Book of Mormon to the canon. Quranists, as I understand, don't add anything, they just reject the hadiths. In this sense they are very similar to sola scriptura Protestants. Did you mean that all the other Muslims think they're weird?

To be clear, you are saying that wokeism is why an age of consent exists in the first place? This is the exact opposite of the claim others are making in this thread, that wokeists are secretly paedos who want to abolish the age of consent.

Medical transitions are a form of genital mutilation which cause massive harm similar in kind but greater in magnitude to rape. I would rather a child be groomed into sex with a pedo than groomed into undergoing medical transition, because the former would leave fewer long term irreversible trauma and could hopefully eventually be healed and recovered from.

  1. Medical transition involves HRT and not just surgery. There are trans people who choose to only get HRT and to never have genital surgery.

  2. There are many trans people who voluntarily have genital surgery and are happier afterwards. There are no (or negligibly few) children who voluntarily have sex with adults and are happier afterwards.

What about Quranists?

What is the advantage of cryptocurrency here as compared to conventional digital currencies, or indeed conventional currencies?

Isn't her quote above basically about nominal price rigidity and optimal currency areas? She's saying that if Detroit, hypothetically, had its own currency, it would depreciate and the real prices and wages would decrease, but this isn't possible because its currency is shared with the entire US.

I agree it's pointless and annoying and I would like to see it removed.

Apologies for the late reply.

I agree that social contagion/ROGD is a real thing. The denial of this phenomenon by trans activists is one of their more ridiculous stances: they are essentially asserting that teenagers are not susceptible to fads and peer pressure and general social reinforcement, which is of course absurd. Though I want to note that, as with other mass psychogenic disorders, those with ROGD are not faking it or doing it for attention, etc.

I think there exist some people who are, for lack of a better term, "really" trans. They experience intense dysphoria which is alleviated by transitioning. These are the sorts of people who identified as trans long before it became fashionable. The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft in interwar Germany performed experimental sex reassignment surgery "in response to the ardent requests of patients". I vaguely recall reading about a trans woman who requested a legal sex change from the German emperor (before the war) and was obliged. I couldn't find any sources on that, but I did find this.

The distinction I draw here is similar to, but IMO not quite the same as, transmedicalists/truscum vs transtrenders/tucutes.

I'm curious how people square the circle of child-safeguarding and the risk of social contagion/sociogenic trans.

Ideally, we would identify who is really-trans and who is suffering from social contagion/ROGD. The latter would be made to wait it out and the former would be given treatment as soon as possible. Some people on this website have expressed the view that they are fine with adults doing what they want but that they object to any kind of treatment for minors. But if you accept that really-trans adults exist, then it naturally follows that really-trans minors exist too. Going through the puberty of their birth sex is extremely distressing for them and it also makes it permanently harder to pass, so we would want to provide them with treatment sooner rather than later.

Here's my practical policy proposal. There should be paediatric psychiatrists who specialize in treating trans patients, to whom any children or adolescents claiming dysphoria would be referred. They would approach the case with a degree of scepticism, acknowledging that really-trans people exist but so does ROGD, and with their experience, they should be able to tell the two apart. I think this is feasible. After all, wasn't the existence of ROGD first postulated by a psychiatrist?

My proposal is not a compromise between two sides, rather, it is the policy that maximizes everyone's welfare, derived from first principles. I think it would have been arrived at eventually by the medical profession had trans stuff not become so politicized. As is, anything may happen, though I still hope it will become the standard. In any case, I am very annoyed by the politicization and the dishonesty coming from both sides of the transgender debate.

(Aside: Why do those who disagree that really-trans people exist, those who believe everyone claiming to be trans is delusional or has an extreme fetish, etc., care about ROGD? Shouldn't they advocate treating all trans people the same – ostracizing them, forcing them to desist, or what have you? Why does the aetiology or time of onset of the perversion matter?)

So I agree that there should be some restrictions, especially relating to children and adolescents, and I fully support debate on what the optimal policy is. My comment about "metaphysical discussion" was in reference to, for example, the incessant questioning of "what is a woman?" by anti-trans activists. The question has no practical implications, it is pure posturing.

Here we go again. The Russians aren't even trying!

You'd think after more than a year of the world laughing at them, they'd start trying already.

Are you from the EU?

People in the Twitter replies are suggesting it's a psyop, presumably to trick the Ukrainians into underestimating them. The Russians do have a reputation for maskirovka, but this seems too elaborate for that. Besides, the CIA would have surely found out beforehand, just as they did with the invasion. And what if the rank and file take it seriously? I would assume many are unhappy with how the war is going and would welcome a change in leadership.

"Eugenics" in the popular imagination means Nazis executing people with disabilities. Embryo selection is "eugenics" in a strict dictionary definition sense, but not "eugenics" as most people understand it.


Lest I get modded for low effort: most people don't "hold that life begins at conception". This already happens with IVF where some embryos are created and never used, and those who hold that life begins at conception already oppose IVF for that reason. But even among opponents of abortion, not all believe that life begins at conception.

If the ship was directly above, I don't see why a few kilometres of cable wouldn't work.

Alternatively, acoustic communication.

It seems you have rediscovered the principle pushed by Ibram X. Kendi and company that there is no such thing as being neutral and by being neutral you are siding with the oppressor.

This is something possible for almost everyone during a narrow window of time

Something I read a while ago:

Some studies have suggested that valproate may reopen the critical period for learning absolute pitch and possibly other skills such as language.

"Some studies" appears to be just one study. This paywalled article talks about the topic, but I'm not sure if it's just about that one study or if there are others. When I first heard of this I tried to find if Scott Alexander had written anything about it because this seems like it would be right up his alley but there doesn't seem to be anything.

Fascinating. Would it not be possible to just tell them explicitly that you were doing it for fun and not because you wanted to help anyone or were expecting something in return? Can the on debt be forgiven?

Or you could have a dense city with a park no more than 10 minutes away from anywhere, where kids can play on grass rather than asphalt.

Notwithstanding the problems with density alleged in the comment above. If those problems didn't (or don't) exist, parks would clearly be better than cul-de-sacs.