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Per Aspera ad Astra

3 followers   follows 12 users  
joined 2022 September 05 16:04:17 UTC


User ID: 616


Per Aspera ad Astra

3 followers   follows 12 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:04:17 UTC


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User ID: 616

Hah I’ve done the same…

For the record I also grew up reading constantly all the time, to the point I got in trouble at school and home for it. You aren’t alone!!

Data science?

People perceive Biden as old in politics because he's been in politics so long, where Trump (while in the public consciousness longer) only entered politics in earnest in 2016.

Interesting take. I think a big part of why people perceive Biden as old is that he acts old whereas Trump has a lot more energy and generally is more present.

Then again I do struggle to model the normie political person so eh.

Part of me wonders though if there's a sort of psychological need in most people to feel a connection to a sort of wise, guiding elder, given that that role in our society has pretty much gone kaput. I do think we need wise older people to give the young guidance, but unfortunately our elders have either shat the bed, or just haven't been able to keep up with the extremely rapid pace of change. Probably a bit of both.

Yeah this is where I heard it to. And yeah not very actionable sadly.

Yeah I’m actually more on the psychosomatic pain train myself. It’s a sort of terrifying prospect when you consider just how wrong our understanding of pain is.

Well I'd be happy to talk to you about it, given that I've suffered from this sort of thing for a while and don't see myself as having any of those traits. Of course I may be wrong.

That being said, you really think over 25% of the U.S. population has those characteristics? And even if they did, why would this still not be a problem?

I'd say between 1995 - 2005. Just based on vibes. Seems that identity casting starting ramping up mid 2000s and has gone off the rails since then.

Cigarette smoking, by and large, does not do shit. The vast majority of smokers will not develop lung cancer; cigarettes are not some sort of existential threat whose danger anyone needs to fear.

what are the stats on this? Im' curious...

EDIT: looked it up, and wow yeah it's a 7.7% chance if you smoke 1-5 cigarettes a day. That's WAY lower than I'd imagined, and maybe the stats there are even cooked since anti cigarette is now the culturally accepted stance.

What do Mottizens think of the CIRS research aka the hypothesis that fungus and mold in poorly built buildings causes a lot of chronic pain, depression, and other issues?
