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Per Aspera ad Astra

3 followers   follows 12 users  
joined 2022 September 05 16:04:17 UTC


User ID: 616


Per Aspera ad Astra

3 followers   follows 12 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:04:17 UTC


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User ID: 616

I hate reading unfinished series. It's awful!

Regulators in the US are notoriously corrupt. See the 2008 fiscal crisis.

Are you serious? Biden got kicked out by his party after the debate. Debates definitely matter.

Seems like a stretch to me. She's just saying a random political slogan.

The whole "the elites are secretly occultist Satanists doing magic spells right in front of us" can seem kind of compelling but... I haven't found good enough evidence to buy it. Yet.

Just finished reading the Raven's Mark Trilogy. It was pretty good fantasy.

Well put. Hadn't thought about it this way but yeah, compared to historical norms modern society is highly risky. No wonder there's so much anxiety abounding.

Going to Boston for a vacation. Anyone have recommendations for things to do in Boston? @FiveHourMarathon looking at you.

I don't really have specific talking points, no. Just whatever has caught my interest, what we might have in common, et cetera. I guess a lot of it depends on context like if you meet someone at a job, might start by asking them job things. Most of it is figuring out what you might have in common and going from there.

Asking open ended questions (instead of yes/no questions) helps a lot.

Practice. Exposure. That’s what worked for me. It’s not a quick or easy path though.

Hah yeah I’ve had fun with that one.

Oh baby I'm a MASTER of small talk. No worries there.

Preparing to enter a corporate job for the first time, anyone have advice for me on dos and dont's and/or how to navigate the corporate environment?

Dude, this looks awesome. Thank you for the heads up!

Played this! Yeah it was great.

Any good discounted games folks recommend on the steam summer sale? Specifically interested in co-op games if anyone knows any good ones.

Overcooked 2 is on sale, probably grabbing that. As well as Trine who someone here recommended.

EDIT: I like fun single player games too! @SubstantialFrivolity pointed out Arkham Knight which looks awesome for $2.

????? Where???

I'm getting back on XTwitter. What are some good meme accounts with high brow humor?

Also interested in following religious/spiritual stuff, maybe some light politics, and tech/investing news.

What are your fathers day traditions?

And a hearty congratulations/sympathy too all the fathers out there.

Hah I’ve done the same…

For the record I also grew up reading constantly all the time, to the point I got in trouble at school and home for it. You aren’t alone!!

Data science?

People perceive Biden as old in politics because he's been in politics so long, where Trump (while in the public consciousness longer) only entered politics in earnest in 2016.

Interesting take. I think a big part of why people perceive Biden as old is that he acts old whereas Trump has a lot more energy and generally is more present.

Then again I do struggle to model the normie political person so eh.

Part of me wonders though if there's a sort of psychological need in most people to feel a connection to a sort of wise, guiding elder, given that that role in our society has pretty much gone kaput. I do think we need wise older people to give the young guidance, but unfortunately our elders have either shat the bed, or just haven't been able to keep up with the extremely rapid pace of change. Probably a bit of both.

Yeah this is where I heard it to. And yeah not very actionable sadly.

Yeah I’m actually more on the psychosomatic pain train myself. It’s a sort of terrifying prospect when you consider just how wrong our understanding of pain is.