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Per Aspera ad Astra

3 followers   follows 12 users  
joined 2022 September 05 16:04:17 UTC


User ID: 616


Per Aspera ad Astra

3 followers   follows 12 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:04:17 UTC


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User ID: 616

This may sound ridiculous but I got stuck on the developer site for a few minutes looking around for the culture war thread. Maybe we should put a sticky thread on the developer site to direct people to the new website?

Thank you for all the effort you have put in and continue to put in! You're the best.

Heh I'm not the brightest crayon in the box apparently.

When I type on my kindle fire I don't get word autofill above the keyboard. I do get it when swiping however. I also dont have autocorrect.

Site ex: https://imgur.com/a/pt6SzB8

Reddit ex: https://imgur.com/a/DItXsAg

Curious if/how to scale up font size? Also hide comment threads?

Should we have a separate sticky thread for small ?s like these?

I think your view may be skewed from looking only relationships that use hook up apps. I know quite a few people in open or polygamous relationships and from my anecdotal experience those tend to have the opposite dynamic.

Is most chronic pain 'in our heads?'

I spent almost a decade dealing with chronic pain of various sorts. I had many diagnosis such as TMJ, Hypermobility, Repetitive strain injury, Carpal tunnel, Tennis elbow, Conversion disorder, etc. What finally ended my pain was close to 5 years of serious meditation, stretching, dance training, and most importantly yoga. Eventually I developed the ability to relax muscles at will even if they were tense from stress.

Right now 20.4 Americans experiences chronic pain(1), with more people in rural populations dealing with chronic pain than in urban populations. Early research shows that this rate has been rising over time. (2) My pet hypothesis is that over time Americans have become more stressed for a variety of factors, which has lead to an increase in chronic pain. This is also most likely linked to a lack of mobility and a sedentary lifestyle.

However, doctors are very wary of telling a patient something is 'in their head'. This isue has probably gotten worse due to the recent backlash against doctors for ignoring someone's personal experience or opinion. I'm afraid that with the current state of our culture this problem will not get better at any time soon.

The most common way to get chronic pain fixed is seems to be to look for non traditional sources of information, typically 'woo' stuff like crystal or energy healing. Unfortunately I have seen a number of chronic pain suffers fall to these types of outlooks, after 'getting in tune with the universe' seemingly healed their pain. In reality I believe that these people simply develop the ability to visualize and relax their muscles.

I think this is a highly neglected problem and something that many people do not realize because chronic pain is often not talked about, and if you do talk about it most of people will either ignore you, give trite and terrible advice, or stop wanting to listen to you. Perhaps most people innately have the ability to relax their muscles, or lose the skill over time for one or another reason.

Has anyone else experienced something similar or observed it among others?

Sources (Cant figure out how to link text from my mobile device)

1 - https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db390.htm#:~:text=Interview%20Survey%2C%202019.-,Summary,65%20and%20over%20(30.8%25).

2 -


Edit: fixed spelling/formatting errors.

Agreed! Helps with sorting by new.

Fixed! Ty

I agree with all of your statements! To be a bit more nuanced, I certainly think strength/flexibility/mobility training is an important component of this, and helped me quite a bit. Perhaps to put it another way even though I spent 10+ years learning various types of strength training regimens and fitness programs, I never found a method that focused enough on the general idea of for instance, "when doing a crunch, make sure to relax your head/jaw/neck etc." Yoga was the first method that actually taught me to do that, eventually, after years of semi-regular practice and six months of daily practice.

I also made huge breakthroughs right after quitting a high stress job so I now think stress was an important factor in many of my physical issues. To be clear I don't believe in Sarno's stuff though I have read through it. I briefly used the Curable app, which is much more nuanced and focuses on body scan meditations and other ways to hone your awareness of your muscles.

Could you give an example of "And most woo-seeming things that work don't work for the reasons people think they do?" I find this topic very interesting.

As an aside, I'm very excited for the new site! The move was a good enough reason to motivate me to post this though I've been thinking about it for months. Thanks for your positivity and hope for this place, your comments were useful in convincing me to join.

Could we make it so that the comment box automatically disappears after we post a comment?

Any thoughts about bringing over the RES feature of keyboard shortcuts to upvote/downvote selected comments? Believe they use 'a' for upvoting and 'z' for downvoting.

Now that this is our site, could we make it so that on clicking the culture war thread it 'auto-scrolls' past the rules after say the third time you've visited every thread?

In addition I want to second preferring an option to keep collapsed threads collapsed if you refresh or revisit the page.

Sorry to be clear I was referring to whilst reading text, not posting! This is on mobile.

Edit: Also thanks for the tip about collapsing threads. I am used to a mobile app for reddit so I was doing a different method.

This is an excellent quote thanks for sharing. I have been anti-censorship for most of my life but recently have fallen off in emphasizing its importance. This quote convinced me to be more vigilant in the future.

I think what the other poster is trying to say is that instrumentally it's much more effective to pretend deference for a while, then do exactly what you are suggesting - migrate to another venue and hopefully keep 'fighting the fight', whatever that means to them.

This type of aggressive and short-sighted thinking is a large reason why censorship has successfully killed off so many communities, in my mind. We are incredibly lucky that the mods had the forethought to migrate the community before we were killed off as well.

To put it another way, do you think Cloudflare would be 'more satisfied' with a successful migration of the community, or with the current situation?

Agreed. Personally the fact that modern society has by and large rejected using outright, violent force to solve disputes is something that makes me quite happy.

If we start to push violence against others as a way to settle disputes, we risk falling back into the pre-modern hellhole of constant warfare and massive, cyclical societal devastation.

Do you not think the fact that these 'betters' enjoy flexing their power is a weakness that can be exploited, even if you subscribe to a total war mindset?

Why are you counting Islamic countries as a success story? I certainly would not want to live in an Islamic country, they have also been beaten by the Cathedral by being forced to a far weaker form of statehood than their natural resources should allow.

For instance, look at Norway - they have similar amounts of natural resources but played along with the progressive beast to some extent, even though they haven't joined the EU formally. Even though they have a much more socialized system, Norway still has a surprising amount of anti-woke thought and is not as censored as the US.

So do you think the best way to avoid a lot of stress/chronic pain is having a stronger social net and not consciously doing the wrong thing?

I think I can agree with that basic concept, but the problem seems to lie in communicating what exactly is the right thing, how you figure out what you believe the right thing is, etc. This is notoriously difficult to communicate which is why so many specialized and esoteric systems have developed to attempt it.

What would you suggest as an alternative way to help rid people of 'negative thought patterns' etc?

Agreed! There are all sorts of diagnoses that make no real sense, such as Trigger Point issues, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, MS, Cluster Headaches, Hypersensitivity, the list goes on and on. As someone who's spent the better part of a decade in this space it boggles the mind how many potential options there are when you spent a lot of time going through them.

I didn't know about Jordan Peterson's issue - I also think a lot of 'diet sensitivities' can be explained by severe stress or anxiety as well. On another note I think this ability of training awareness and using it to relax muscles may be a large reason why meditation is so persistent as a practice, and so many claim it has extraordinary powers.

Sweet! Everyone is putting in excellent work on the site, thank you.

ETA: Would it be easier to put suggestions directly on Github?

Interesting point! I hope self_made_human has joined the site migration, would love to hear their thoughts on this.

How do you feel about body modification in ways that are distinctly non-human? Not necessarily talking about furry-type animal transmogrification, but more steampunk/cyborg style turning yourself into a car or something equally outlandish.

I can during moments of intense meditation or after a lot of physical activity, mainly yoga or dance. However I seem to be getting much more skilled at producing it more frequently.

Intense music that I really like can also help me get into that state.

Also where does Doglatine bring this up? Would love to see another similar discussion.