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Lord, have mercy.

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joined 2023 February 15 19:59:17 UTC


User ID: 2188


Lord, have mercy.

2 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2023 February 15 19:59:17 UTC


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User ID: 2188

No they're doing fine.

My state banned fishing and then later on one of its counties promoted having sex through a hole in a shower curtain.

Link please

Man I have got to get me a wizard van.

Congratulations! 👏

She's been very clear about it on numerous occasions.

The only way out is to stop producing so many dysfunctional people. We have so far failed to figure out how.

Seems to me that a good first step would be to stop subsidizing their production.

It would be disingenuous to argue that Christianity is true because Constantine saw a vision of a cross. No one who’s studied the issues would hold that position.

Well sure. Because he saw a chi-ro. =P

Which would you recommend most highly?

But I believe the American Heart Association etc absolutely does endorse seed oils and warn against animal fats.

Nothing is wrong with salt or (saturated) fat though.

And actually another major reason they taste better is the incorporation of acid, which most home cooks ignore.

I'm pretty skeptical of this narrative. See:


In short, it's a good takedown of the default, overconfident narrative of American migrant assimilation. If your idea of 20th century immigration is wretched refuse coming ashore, moving their way up, and merging economically and politically into the uniform White America we know today, that pretty much didn't happen. By most measures, identifiable European ancestries are still differentiated within America, and in ways that parallel their differences in Europe. The story of white America, then, is less one of assimilation, and more of selection bias and attrition.

There's not much selection pressure on Sweden's migrants if they and their children all get free rides.

It can be both. One of the things I'm always on about is the way that humans can coordinate with/against each other without even being aware that we're doing so. We have a conscious mind which spins up plausible excuses, and another hidden one which knows exactly what we're doing but also hides that from us, which makes us better liars. Including to ourselves.

Consider the old saying, "It is impossible to make a man understand something his income depends on him not understanding."

Well yes, actual interbreeding will do the trick, but again only if the ones who don't successfully make the jump to marriage with the native population don't continue reproducing themselves. If they do, you'll just end up with one partially- (slightly-)mixed population and a mostly-separate perpetual underclass.

In the US there used to be enormous economic incentive to integrate. Now we're subsidizing degenerate lifestyles on the backs of the productive.

Scylla has scales. Giant six-headed hydra-like thing. Is gonna make a solid run at your crew but only has so many mouths.

Charybdis is one giant mouth that will swallow the entire ship.

If Christians typically went out and executed people for mocking Christ, that would indicate that Christianity is dead.

Well it's an interesting question -- is there any sort of intrinsic character to Christianity, or is 'Christianity' whatever people do while declaring themselves 'Christian'?

Can a group like Antifa call themselves "The Anti-Bad Guy Squad" and thereby make all their actions good?

Any idea what causes this? Just another big question mark in the autoimmune basket?

Or, Christianity is defined by the Orthodox Church, which also limits how the Bible is to be interpreted, and all else is Christian heresy.

We are coming at this from different perspectives and common ground seems unlikely.

Thanks for the conversation.


I'm excited to see you pointed in this direction and greatly anticipate whatever you come up with next.

I'm low-key trying to sneak back in and start answering people. You're welcome, and thanks for expressing your gratitude. I find that when I bother to openly bare my naked thought patterns to others I tend to get 40% telling me I'm dumb and crazy in one direction, 40% telling me I'm dumb and crazy in the opposite, incompatible direction, and 20% who seem to feel as though I've just expressed something that had been driving them crazy at best or totally opaque to them at worst. It's that 20% for whom I write, and their gratitude is what I want to keep going.

Sure, it's better to be alive now in the first world than at any previous point in time. Our material well-being is historically pretty maximal, though we may have peaked just about now.

This is a popular talking point and even Jordan Peterson capitulated on this when he was murdering those Swedes, but I have my doubts. The worthiness of human existence is not defined by material comfort, and I suspect that many a man exists in these benighted latter days who would have been much happier in an era of shitty rights, worse food, and a faithful and stalwart wife who would bear him many children. Your mileage may vary but I know which I would choose, were I not blesséd enough to have both.

Re: Germanity, what can I say but F. I doubt very much if that race can be reconstituted but if I have the opportunity and no greater obligation I surely will accomplish this thing.

For reference, an Orthodox Christian is expected to pray upon waking, at noon, and upon retiring, if not twice also through the night if a monk; he is expected to pray before each meal and upon exiting a doorway, initializing a car, or upon seeing an ambulance, etc., and I really do mean etc.. Faith without works is dead.

To be clear the question was rhetorical. Of course an outsider can see things an insider cannot, but so vice versa.

What can I tell you of Germans? I have only recently discovered that I am not one. Yet I feel a great affinity for what that people, begging your pardon, had been.

You tell me - how would you go about restoring an entire nation that's almost a century into its own dismantling, dilution and degradation?
