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Lord, have mercy.

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joined 2023 February 15 19:59:17 UTC


User ID: 2188


Lord, have mercy.

2 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2023 February 15 19:59:17 UTC


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User ID: 2188

more socially functional African Americans would probably have an IQ above 85, albeit still lower than whites by a noticeable amount

These are also much more likely to have higher proportions of white genetics.

although she balks at me reading the copy of the Hobbit I slipped in the drawer. Just not old enough for all those words without pictures yet.

FWIW there's a pretty good comic version.

And getting drunk makes me want to get drunk, and getting high makes me want to get high.

And doing either makes me want to consume really alarming quantities of industrial sugar/fat slop.

I mean obviously they’re not expressing the majority opinion, because their opinion is ridiculous

Sorry, walk me through the logic here?

So many times!

My two favorite characters are

Westernized Dark Elf male, starts in the Imperial Legion which is his introduction back to his ancestral country, initially in Imperial Cult. Starts to get into the thick of things, abandons the Cult, goes native in the Temple. Joins House Redoran, goes full Nerevarine, but still with an eye to trying to preserve the good parts of Imperial influence even while re-establishing Morrowind as an independent power. (And screw Bethesda for what they do to it afterward!)

Westernized Dark Elf female, scrupulous apprentice in the Mage's guild by day, moonlighting as a thief by night, supplemented by her budding arcane powers. Becomes intrigued by the native culture and joins the Morag Tong until she's well-steeped in that tradition. This opens the door for her to decide that her future lies on Vvardenfell and particularly in House Telvanni, as it's what will best-allow her to capitalize upon her inherent abilities. Always becomes the Vampiric Lady of Uvirith's Grave, complete with many of the truly-excellent expansion mods for that site. Has little use for the Tribunal. Uses Vivec's soul as a doorstop.

My wife and I tried to watch The Walking Dead but even in the first season I was baffled by the decisions of the characters with such regularity that eventually I decided that even if the zombies don't exactly deserve a win the characters certainly deserved the loss.

Made myself a little flag with a "Z" on it to wave whenever they did something outrageously idiotic and nonsensical.

I think we finished the first season. But I'm not married to her any more.

Just as a point of order, AI can be a superstimulus or it can offer superstimuli; the phrase "a superstimuli" should never occur and it seems to happen a lot for some reason.

It's certainly way below the level you want but I have a soft spot for Gombrich's A Little History of the World. Highly readable -- I picked it up in a bookstore and read half of while standing on that spot -- and a decent topical overview, though overly focused on Europe. It's not going to do everything you want but has extremely high return on investment if you're looking to get a basic picture. Perhaps will serve as a good jumping off point?

Really the book is a sweet little pleasure and I'll probably enjoy re-reading it myself soon.

For sure you should be squeegeeing off your skin with your hands before applying the towel.

Also, /u/Interversity of the subreddit pilled me on the wholesomeness of briefly using a blow dryer on one's body after toweling to really just get rid of the excess moisture. But this is an advanced technique and I usually don't.

Disagree. If not here, where? I'm in my mid-30s and still occasionally pick up on some new optimization for routines like this. This is precisely the community, and precisely the thread, I'd expect to find such insights.

Cultivate this skill and it can take you far.

How did you like Ketty Jay? Don't know much about it but sounds like it could be fun. Woke?

Let's also not overlook testosterone. Athletes are both young and flooded with the stuff by dint of lifestyle, even on the occasions when they don't happen to be juicing.

Initially considered recommending Bauer's book, so I guess I'll just second that.

You're right that there are absolutely people who want the old-school religion with Absolute Truth and Faith Not Works and a God who smites unbelievers, and they will find your wishy-washy Episcopalian and Methodist congregations unsatisfying.

This is true but I think... uncharitable-adjacent?

If one believes that Christ actually is who he says he is, and that he instituted a Church for our benefit, it's enough to want what that is without resorting to vengeful deities. "Faith Not Works" also isn't a particularly central member of this category for several reasons.

Generally, we can note that Christianity has had certain historical understandings and that these have been under constant pressure from outside perspectives to 'modernize'.

It's enough to be cognizant of these forces and broadly against them.

I'm with AOC on it making fascism look benign

This part really threw me when she said it, and since you seem to agree I'd like to ask: What? How? Is Christianity fascism now?

I believe this was most lucidly established in the Hulu documentary "The Handmaid's Tale".

Didn't find it especially persuasive, myself, but have no shortage of female friends and relations who whisper about it in hushed tones with many significant glances.

Then again, I could possibly be described as a Christian theocrat.

You say that until you get in a fight. Yes, they still happen, and should the current order weaken significantly they'll be happening a lot more. Women are smart to select a man who is physically capable of at least standing up for himself and his family.

It's just weird because from where I'm sitting Protestantism is already hopelessly-progressive Christianity.

Are you suggesting "they" weren't right every time?

Instead, they suggest that without the fear of god and the set of rules there's simply no other way to create internal drivers for morality.

No -- instead I'll suggest that without the fear of God "morality" is an unintelligible term.

If you think it's somehow 'wrong' to put your unwanted infant on a dung heap to die of starvation or be sold into prostitution; if you think it's 'wrong' to sail down the coast to where the people talk funny and kill the men, rape the women, and enslave the children; if you think that all humans are of equal (and infinite) moral worth; you just might be descended from a Christian culture.

Baseline human 'morality' looks like Genghis Khan, and I don't recognize it as such. It's just game theory.

if you went to Japan and started preaching about how you should sail down the coast and rape and enslave, people would think you're insane

Boy of all the examples to pick. Japan was precisely that way within living memory. What changed?

As to Israel, modern Judaism is younger than (and a reaction to) Christianity, and also Israel is heavily populated by Western (somewhat Christianized) Jews, and if you go ask the Jews who are still fairly un-Christianized they'll gladly tell you that non-Jews are only there to serve Jews.

IMO what brings order in society is not any particular ideology but the enforcement, through violence, of the rule of law.

Yes. We're not talking about order. We're talking about morality.

Looks pretty noncommittal to me. More interesting is what we read into it.

Right, my point here is that without reference to God 'morality' is an unintelligible term. We can talk about order, or smooth social functioning, or game theory -- all kinds of things! But those are not what we mean when we talk about morality. Morality is what is right above all those other concerns by dint of our relationship to our creator.