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BANNED USER: ban evasion




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joined 2023 April 14 14:15:31 UTC


User ID: 2334

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

BANNED USER: ban evasion



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 April 14 14:15:31 UTC


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User ID: 2334

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

I'm not blaming anyone, merely noting that it's not actually impressive. It's actually ridiculous to give Obama any credit here.

God bless you for reminding me of my genuine love for my country as I daily watch endless efforts to destroy it and render it unrecognizable by the left. Should you ever make it to this country, I would be happy to take you shooting.

Commercially brewed beer has been a predominantly male occupation for about 500 years. Basically, since the time where it was something a modern person would drink and recognize as beer.

While I think you have a point about the forgotten utility of full scale war, I wouldn't characterize the suppression of Tamils in Sri Lanka as a genocide. Nor does the Israeli's potential suppression of the Palestinians require the moniker. That's simply edginess on your part.

That’s far from clear

If people eat all my lunch and I starve to death I would hope that it would be a comment on their greed, and not my stupidity.

No, it would be a comment on your stupidity.

In this scenario, everyone has lunch already. Anyone who chooses not to eat their lunch can not have been said to have been coerced or denied lunch (the ability to live). Taking the blue pill is effectively stating "I choose death."

And why should they get worse? No one has explained why replacing an incompetent bureaucracy should make things worse.

No, I'm proposing a spoils system.


Machine politics are fine and dandy as well though. Ethnic voting blocs are sensible.

Why not? It's very simply: You've been given a sugar pill or other harmless pill (red pill) and what is potentially a poison/suicide pill (blue pill).

Under what circumstances (other than wishing to die) does it make ANY sense to take the suicide pill? Everyone has been given the gift of life via the red pill, why reject it? And if you do reject it, why would you expect anyone to think you're moral for doing so?

As a mature human male, this seems like a trivial complaint.

Minnesota features Minneapolis, a large city of 430k or so which is about 18% black. Norway has Oslo, a larger city but one without such a population.

I am rapidly losing faith in humanity here.

This is very much like saying "the desire to genocide armenians is not evil, only acting on that desire is evil." Or "the desire to torture dogs is not evil, only actually torturing dogs is."

No. The desire to commit evil acts is evil. Pedophilia is evil, even if never acted upon. And everyone is right to be wary of anyone who claims to be, or appears to be a pedophile, because that is evil.

That said, it is laudatory to resist temptations and to refrain from evil, even if you desire to do evil. And the Lord will reward those who are faithful and commit no evil though they have the desire.

So you’re saying child rape isn’t evil?

Are you saying that the rape of children is not an inherently evil act? I’m not sure how I provide evidence for this. Is a simple moral fact not enough?

Obama was far cleaner than any Jersey politician could ever hope to be.

The Mormons are mostly of English Protestant extraction and almost entirely of Northern European extraction beyond that. They’re wearing the clothes of a universalist religion but the reality is very different.

I would say shame does work, but it needs to be more constant and even. You should feel shame evenly and not at distributed points.

Maybe Samsung has actually figured out the software updates, but a few years ago they had not.

Samsung is probably closest to Apple in terms of build quality.

Some of us are of certain descent such that we don’t tan. No matter how much time we spend unprotected in the sun.

And do you think that this is a good description of more copyright situations?

No. It is, in itself, evil. Even if never acted upon.

Loyalty to the Ukraine regime? Obviously?

And I want all US servicemen and equipment brought back to the USA, all foreign military entanglements ended, and for our supposed allies to defend themselves.

Well I don't need to break out the hammer drill to put a picture up on my wall. Also the noise issue can be solved by having a house instead of an apartment.

I've found Europeans get really weirded out when you tell them about drywall.

What, are they still using plaster and lathe? It's admittedly thicker but it takes much more labor to put up. Drywall is perfectly fine.