@UraniumDonGER's banner p


Marie Curies last wish

2 followers   follows 1 user  
joined 2022 September 04 22:06:49 UTC

This user is an absolute genius and will be available for his own demise

Komm! Trink ein Bier, S.T.A.L.K.E.R!

Patron Giga Saints:

Hired by:
Ex contracts:

Marie Curies last wish

Landlord_Messiahs dick extension

Al Quaidas Sportsdrink №1

Liberté, Egalité, obtenir Dongeré

Of Blood and Iron Bussy

Amazed by glowing bones

DO NOT hover above my checkmark

:marseypirate: of rDrama's Tea Party

Year of the Dong! ✊ (Dongese Calendar)

:marseyzwei: Mayocider for Mayocide :marseysteer: :marseymayo:

Glowbohomo Great Reset Operator

Put Carp in blender, she's an agender :marseysing:

Until it's sore! :marseycapysorenjump::upiranpat:

Your boat, your butt, whats the difference? :sharkyglow:


User ID: 199


Marie Curies last wish

2 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 22:06:49 UTC


This user is an absolute genius and will be available for his own demise

Komm! Trink ein Bier, S.T.A.L.K.E.R!

Patron Giga Saints:

Hired by:
Ex contracts:

Marie Curies last wish

Landlord_Messiahs dick extension

Al Quaidas Sportsdrink №1

Liberté, Egalité, obtenir Dongeré

Of Blood and Iron Bussy

Amazed by glowing bones

DO NOT hover above my checkmark

:marseypirate: of rDrama's Tea Party

Year of the Dong! ✊ (Dongese Calendar)

:marseyzwei: Mayocider for Mayocide :marseysteer: :marseymayo:

Glowbohomo Great Reset Operator

Put Carp in blender, she's an agender :marseysing:

Until it's sore! :marseycapysorenjump::upiranpat:

Your boat, your butt, whats the difference? :sharkyglow:


User ID: 199

Are you the real westerly who played as my minion in Blood on The Mottetower?

I can't, my feet are too big

Sharks, sharks are awesome


I know pictures don't embed here

That's the maximum words I usually can comprehend, thank you

I know you removed marsey but still test the direct link


Edit: Nope, doesn't work automatically