@UwU's banner p




1 follower   follows 0 users  
joined 2022 September 05 01:02:21 UTC


User ID: 329



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 01:02:21 UTC


No bio...


User ID: 329

This is insane. I haven't used Twitter for awhile and forgot my previous username, so I created a new twitter account and infinite scrolled for about 20 seconds and I hit the read-limit and got rate limited. The entire website went blank. What is he trying to accomplish here? Save on infrastructure costs? I don't remember another website trying anything like this.

Also why start this on the weekend? I imagine the poor engineering oncalls will start getting paged about massive egress and engagement drops, possibly split by each individual product pillar. It's not like this decision was leaked beforehand, so I don't believe it was widely communicated across the company. Basically, chaos.

I predict a walk-back within hours or days.