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Talk to me on Discord! Westerly#7626


User ID: 316



0 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:45:34 UTC


Talk to me on Discord! Westerly#7626


User ID: 316

Wow after being permanently banned from reddit years ago this is nice. I can finally stop seething in silence and promptly get back to getting banned again

Ah yes, wouldn’t want the spiritually honorable trad masculinity of kiwifarms to be compromised

If I collapse a comment then refresh the page I would prefer it to stay collapsed

If Google required every employee to take adderall, would it actually improve their productivity? Or would it just lead to the best candidates leaving google for an employer that wouldn’t force them to take adderall?

Why does he strike such fear into the heart of rationalists? Just ignore him and downvote

Don’t be so cute. You know what anti-racism is, and it’s not aww gee shucks I just think racism sure is bad. It’s classic motte & bailey feminism is just equality stuff.

Where is Shakesneer to tell us how this is good for Russia?

  • -11

I like that name, The Unanswerable Question as it feels very accurate. I have always wondered why democrats dont push republican politicians on this very directly in debates? It literally does feel unanswerable, so why isn’t it used more often? Why didn’t Hillary or Biden just repeatedly cudgel Trump with this for instance?

Is he claiming to be king of all Ireland? Did the commentator specifically make a false claim regarding the ethnicity of his ancestors?

All real experiences are being replaced with more optimized simulations. Real experiences have limitations to how much you can optimize them. Pets can literally be bred for cuteness, docility, smallness etc, not so with human children. Streamers can optimize friendship, sex workers/OF egirls for sexuality, retirement homes for elderly care, recorded music for friends/family singing. Real experiences limited by blood relationships, geographic proximity, reciprocity and non-specialized providers just won’t be able to compete in the future (present) and it seriously troubles me

Basically: single-purpose specialized experience providers often leveraging technology will outcompete everything real eventually

traditional families are yesterdays fashion

Very true despite what feminists will say about having no problem with women that want to be moms. It is either or. My wife’s cousin, maybe 7 years back was in elementary school and the teacher asked what every kid wanted to be when they grew up. Her response of “a mom” earned her parents a concerned call from the teacher, chiding them that they should encourage her to have bigger aspirations. Of course she just came out as a lesbian last month, so mission accomplished I guess.

Nobody thinks being obese is better than being fit, but pizza is still outcompeting healthy foods for an increasing portion of the population

Socioeconomic factors

Just being honest, it is pretty well known that you can post any uncharitable thing you want as long as you bury it in 500 words and don't descend into slurs.

yet dogs are allowed to defecate in public

To be fair we seem to be heading towards giving you this right too

Is there a name for this particular type of trolling so popular among leftists? I would describe it as fake saintly concern for the well being of someone you are arguing with. It is similar to posting suicide hotlines, telling people to “seek help”, asking “who hurt you”, saying you hope they “get better”. It is particularly grating, which is clearly the point. But in my opinion this tactic should be a bannable offense. “Oh sweetie, I’m so so sorry someone hurt you. I hope you can find the strength to reach out and seek help so you can do better. Trust me, I have been through it too sweetie. Here is a great resource for mental health professionals in your area. <3”

I recently came across something while listening to a crime podcast that I have heard many times before. The adage that "rape is about power, not sex". I have literally heard this since teachers told me this in school. The most recent context as I mentioned was a crime podcast. Specifically the hosts were covering a case committed in Thailand I believe, and they were saying that the suspects favored by the police were likely wrongfully accused/targeted because they were illegal immigrants. As a point of evidence in favor of their innocence, the hosts remarked that the confession extracted by the police gave the motive as uncontrollable lust at seeing the victim behaving in a promiscuous way (making out with her boyfriend in public). The hosts pointed out that since science has proven that rape has nothing to do with sex, and only with power, this explanation was obviously false and the product of a coerced confession.

But upon thinking about this, how does this make any sense at all? If rape had nothing to do with sex, shouldn't we expect men and ninety year old women to be raped just as often as twenty year old women when attacked? After all, wouldn't it be an even greater assertion of power to assert your power over a male than over a female? Of course rapes of males by males happen, but to my knowledge generally in a prison or explicitly homosexual context, in either case where women are off the menu. I can't tell you how many cases I have heard where a couple is attacked, the man is killed and the woman is raped then killed. I don't know if I have ever heard of a case where a heterosexual couple is attacked, the woman killed (without assault) and the man raped then killed. Furthermore, doesn't rape require some level of sexual interest from the perpetrator (assuming he doesn't use an object or something else)?

I just can't believe how often this "fact" is trotted out as if it is completely proven. I can't even begin to imagine how such a thing could even theoretically be proven, except maybe by observing that heterosexual perpetrators were just as likely to rape men as women (which is not the case to my knowledge). How did such a fact come to be accepted without challenge? Is there some persuasive argument for this that I'm not aware of? What would the purpose of making this up be? Is it just to distance the woman's behavior/dress and general victim blaming from the crime?

I wouldn’t take anything they say about not dating Trump voters too seriously. Incels have done enough chadfishing experiments to show that you can say or believe whatever you want so long as they are attracted to you

Now as far as my personal experience goes, my sample size is very small consisting only of my wife and a handful of people I have dated. But I have never found political differences to be a hindrance. I have only encountered a couple people in my life whose political beliefs were based on anything more than emulating their social peers. So generally in my experience you date a girl and she will come to adopt all your beliefs because you will become the focus of her social life.

Are you married or is this just your speculation on what would work? In my personal life I have found like does not work well with like. Two committed ideologues of different stripes in a relationship just sounds miserable. For me it works way better that my wife has no political opinions or knowledge or interest so she can just “Yes honey” when I’m done sperging out and delivering monologues

Very high opinion of your own notoriety I see

Oh man, between that Vice article and the OPs Youtube discussion, it just reminds me why I love TheMotte and how awful discussion on non-Motte platforms is. I mean that article ended with this gem: “But also, if you’re a wokefish, it might genuinely be worth considering: why do I hold views that I’m too ashamed to publicly express?”

Are they really this incapable of imagining the shoe being on the other foot? How about trying to date while woke in some small town in Alabama? Could they imagine it then? Or the framing noted by the OP, how my political values are human rights issues, yours are mere politics. Whenever I leave the motte I realize that being able to decouple, discuss things above the object-level and imagine other perspectives with any level of charity is so incredibly rare and precious

This is reminiscent of the cope during the 2016 primaries that polls were underrating Bernie because only old people would respond and have landlines. Presumably any well-calibrated measurement can correct for the bias of their sampling method. Also I have never, not even once, heard of Kill Tony.

Why does the death penalty have to be about deterrence as opposed to revenge/justice? If it’s a bad enough crime, anything short of killing him feels wrong. Just let the prisoner give a short speech before hanging publicly

Does anyone here have an idea how to make good male friends? Doesn’t have to be IRL, online is fine. I don’t feel a burning desire for socialization for its own sake, so going to a local X club would really be pointless. Ideally I would like motte-like friends, but for 1:1 discussion which I find much more interesting than subreddit style discussion. I have tried friend-making subreddits and /soc/. Soc users are generally seriously mentally defective, and redditors are well….redditors. Not to mention that any friend-making space online is really just repurposed as a dating space by horny men, ruining it for everyone. Does anyone have close motte-like friends? How did you make them?