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Talk to me on Discord! Westerly#7626


User ID: 316



0 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:45:34 UTC


Talk to me on Discord! Westerly#7626


User ID: 316

Why does the death penalty have to be about deterrence as opposed to revenge/justice? If it’s a bad enough crime, anything short of killing him feels wrong. Just let the prisoner give a short speech before hanging publicly

If you have kids, do you worry that there's some random perusing Instagram or willing to train ai on them?

I have a child. I don’t care if someone uses photos for sexual purposes, the same person could masturbate to them from memory of seeing them in public. If you’re female, people will masturbate to you countless times without your knowledge and they have never needed AI to do it. People are weird, that’s life.

I want to point out the humor of the next top level post below this one beginning with the words “I liked it before it was cool”

What is the “community nurse” doing other than “finger wagging about dont drink soda”? Why won’t her words go in one ear and out the other? The fact that people continue smoking despite all the well-known harms and warnings suggests that a mild-mannered suggestion from some obese nurse will have no greater effect. What revelatory information about cigarettes or soda is the nurse going to provide? If you are so stupid as to give your baby soda rather than breast milk nothing can help your baby short of losing custody

I just had this experience in a discussion with someone, and I saw a pattern or script of responses I’m sure some of you have seen before. Intelligence came up, and I was met with “everyone is unique, with their own unique set of abilities, there is no such thing as intelligence.” [Mention IQ] “Oh, wasn’t that debunked by some studies recently?” [Disagrees] “Well IQ tests are just biased towards rich people that know about regattas.” [Deny the regatta myth] “Well all they are measuring is ability to take IQ tests” etc etc etc

I’m not really expecting to persuade somebody to change their mind, but the feeling of going up against this was so daunting. I just felt like I was going up against a castle built by decades of anti-intelligence messaging, and in a Bayesian sense their priors against the very concept of intelligence were so strong that just nothing I could say would even budge them. How do you respond to this? Probably the answer is just walk away. I’m not even sure what I am looking for since I know persuasion really isn’t on the table, but just how do you respond when this comes up in conversation? The person I was speaking with was extraordinarily civil, and not at all upset by my statements fwiw

It just leads to the exchange currently taking place between you and 6tjk which amounts to “No you’re the midwit”. You could have made the point without the meme and it would have been better taken

This is reminiscent of the cope during the 2016 primaries that polls were underrating Bernie because only old people would respond and have landlines. Presumably any well-calibrated measurement can correct for the bias of their sampling method. Also I have never, not even once, heard of Kill Tony.

Is there a name for this particular type of trolling so popular among leftists? I would describe it as fake saintly concern for the well being of someone you are arguing with. It is similar to posting suicide hotlines, telling people to “seek help”, asking “who hurt you”, saying you hope they “get better”. It is particularly grating, which is clearly the point. But in my opinion this tactic should be a bannable offense. “Oh sweetie, I’m so so sorry someone hurt you. I hope you can find the strength to reach out and seek help so you can do better. Trust me, I have been through it too sweetie. Here is a great resource for mental health professionals in your area. <3”

Don’t be so cute. You know what anti-racism is, and it’s not aww gee shucks I just think racism sure is bad. It’s classic motte & bailey feminism is just equality stuff.

This actually ties in well to that recent overkill conspiracy theory post. Surely the Israelis had to have known the US would figure out they did it, did Egypt even have any airforce left by that point in the war?

If Israel expected the US to figure out they were responsible, they would have to be absolutely confident in American subservience to them, that they would take such an attack lying down. But if they were absolutely confident in American subservience, why do they care if Americans hear about them killing some POWs? Wouldn’t it just be easier to count on American loyalty to look the other way on POW executions, as opposed to relying on Americans to look the other way on sinking their own ship?

Any way you slice it sinking a US warship is more likely to piss off the USA than executing Egyptian POWs. So doing the former to cover up the latter is nonsensical. Classic overkill conspiracy theory

Any person in the entire world probably has some stake in what the US does, if nothing else at least in our foreign policy and immigration laws. You have to draw the line somewhere

If a guy enjoys his anus being penetrated by a pseudo phallus, yea, it’s safe to say he is somewhat homosexual. Oh, but he isn’t actually attracted to being anally penetrated by a man, he just likes the physical sensation.

What if he regularly engages in anal sex with men, but not because he is attracted to men per-se but just because he finds that they are more capable of stimulating him physically in certain ways? Is that not gay either?

Basically, it’s a physical simulation of sex with a man. What more need be said?

I am sorely disappointed the post was deleted and I won’t receive any credit for this

They’re both bad. Critics fall for wokeshit but audiences fall for shitshit. Superhero trash and Black Panther are at the top either way

Right, but his original comment implied that Alex Jones would have died for questioning 9/11 cops when in the Dorner situation he didn't die for questioning cops but for going on a killing spree. So yea, I guess if Alex Jones decided to question 9/11 and then go on a killing spree he would have something to worry about, but I feel like the "killing spree" is the integral part of that much more than the "questioning 9/11"

Am I once again missing something here? What do you mean by getting "Dorner'd"? Perhaps he was wrongfully fired, but my recollection was he then went on a killing spree and committed suicide. How is that analogous to getting assassinated for conspiracy theories?

Seems possible, but it feels like “I invented a character that disagreed with me but then realized my opponents were stupid and I was right all along.” On the other hand, is using an example of a real person much different? Sure, it reins in the most ridiculous excesses, but there are so many people with such a variety of contradictory experiences in the world that maybe even cherry-picking a real person isn’t all that different from inventing a character out of whole cloth.

That’s the feeling of your brain growing. Keep at it, you’re doing well!

This is just bitchy and unnecessary

We can now see that the incessant fears of “AEO” and “Sneerclub trolls” were always just ways to shut down discussion of certain topics. There is literally nothing to worry about now that we’re no longer on reddit but the accusations haven’t stopped

How does one look at the current entertainment landscape and conclude we need even more remakes?

Why would he lose his life? Is not endlessly escalating a war against the US also a good way to lose his life?

Any Julius Branson post. He’s the undisputed champ, caused more seething and inspired more terror than anyone else

He also really captures the spirit of this place and has a truly inimitable style and sense of humor

Your essay doesn’t even use rationalists as an example once in the cases you examine. You have two examples, Ligma Johnson and a Scott Adams statement. The victims of which are journalists and Paul Krugman respectively, neither of which would describe themselves as rationalists. Just a nonsensical essay

Gay guys drink water too, right?

What would it take to convince you

How about her successfully killing herself on her own, for starters?