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User ID: 183



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User ID: 183

That wouldn't be the FED as in the Federal Reserve, that would be the federal government.

There was the San Bernadino attack in 2015 that involved a husband and wife pair.

nobody studies biology without learning Latin names, nobody studies math without learning Greek letters

Give it time.

For anyone that abhors the future you describe, this is a bit like asking "If your house was burning down, would you still have issues with my dog shitting on your lawn?"

You have to wonder how accurate a record they have of murders in Haiti though. One part of the murder rate is just the ability of the state to gather accurate statistics and discern murders from accidents etc.

You use it like a rechargeable battery. The power grid is constantly having to deal with balancing the electricity produced vs the demand for electricity and this could provide a solution to that.

Part of the ugliness comes from the fact that none of the people depicted are what would be considered conventionally attractive in the western world.

One thing I have no explanation for, is why all of these terms seem to have originated in therapy.

A lot of these terms center around blaming other people for your problems. Individual therapy that blames your problems not on yourself but on various things in your environment are going to be more successful in retaining clients than therapy that just tells you to get your shit together. New terminology had to be invented to recast what would otherwise be considered as selfish behavior as being good and theraputic.

We decided against it when we had our son. I couldn't come up with a good reason to remove part of a perfectly healthy baby. Circumcision rates may be falling, but some of that could simply be due to demographic shifts.

I'm too late to contribute anything on this, but I would just like to request that you post a follow up to this in the new Culture War thread for this week and let us know what choice you made and how it went.

When woke ideology starts informing your hiring decisions for actors, directors, and writers as well as leading you to ignore the preferences of your core market demographic you could perhaps lay the blame tangentially at the feet of wokeness.

You might benefit from looking at previous medical manias, such as lobotomies. Though it was never entrenched to the same degree as gender surgery seems to be today, lobotomies are an irreversible surgery performed on adults as well as children that gained rapid acceptance.

There must be some distinction to be drawn between "victim blaming" and "victim warning" though right? If a woman is raped, it would be victim blaming to tell her "well that's too bad, maybe you shouldn't have walked through the park", but the idea that teaching women to avoid walking alone in a park in a bad part of town is victim blaming and must be avoided at all costs just seems like an overextension of the concept to me.

There are signs all over San Francisco warning people not to leave valuables inside their cars, but this is never presented as some awful example of victim blaming. The only time this over-extension of the concept seems to take place is when anyone is asking women to have any agency over their own safety.

Crime can typically be thought of as a supply and demand problem and the best way to prevent crime is to attack both sides of the problem.

If we’re talking about the email server, then I’d say the level of drama was way overblown relative to the actual significance. And, well, Trump has her beat with his personal presidential library he had going.

Given the complete lack of security on Clinton's email server (during her first two months as Secretary of State she connected to it over an unencrypted connection) Trump's "presidential library" would have to be of the lending variety to be anywhere near as egregious.

When I saw this NY case hit the headlines I immediately wondered what year elections would next be held for the NY AG. Imagine my surprise when I learned they were in fact this year.

they just want to slander and eradicate trans people, and they're annoyed that people like Peterson have scared some of their supporters into thinking they might ever face consequences for spewing vile slander 24/7, thereby mildly restricting the spigot.

This doesn't seem like a very charitable take on Rowling's position. Is it your position that any sort of request for a level of gatekeeping on who gets to call themselves trans is vile slander?