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Culture War Roundup for the week of May 20, 2024

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In my neck of the woods, black doctors, especially those who've come onto the scene recently enough for this to potentially matter, are almost invariably relative newcomers from Nigeria (and often Irish-trained). They seem as competent as anyone - in any case I've been quite happy with mine.

They're thus unlikely to be affected much by lowered standards, actual or perceived, in the North American continent. Now you have me wondering if this might also be part of the answer to your question - clinics consciously avoiding potentially less qualified candidates from nearer to home, in a way that still makes them look "diverse".

Now you have me wondering if this might also be part of the answer to your question - clinics consciously avoiding potentially less qualified candidates from nearer to home, in a way that still makes them look "diverse".

This is the Harvard method. Supposedly, Harvard is like 20% black. The bad news is these are all rich international students, children of recent immigrants, and people with heavy European admixture.

It's been speculated that there are actually no Harvard students who have 4 ADS (American descendants of slaves) grandparents.

Hey, Google actually found it.

Within Harvard’s GAA population today, O’Sullivan has noticed a seemingly large percentage of biracial students and students who come from socioeconomically-privileged backgrounds. “If we were to count the number of GAA students at Harvard who were descended from enslaved people, came from low income backgrounds, first generation, four grandparents descended from enslaved people, I feel like that number would be so low — like, maybe one person. It’s just so, so, so low,” she says.

Harvard is completely shutting out disadvantaged black people in America. Instead, Harvard pads its stats with people whose only connection with ADS people is the same skin color (and sometimes barely even that).

Ultimately, Harvard and the KKK share the same belief about race: That the color of your skin matters more than the content of your character.

Is this a fairly recent thing with Harvard? And is there a big gap between Harvard and 10-20 ranked American schools? I can’t think of people I know who went to the second tier of schools and one who went to Stanford who were ADOS. This article sounds like there are basically none. I think they said perhaps 17.

I think it is fair to say if ADOS at Harvard basically do not exists then all of DEI is just a grift. If your concern is structural racism then Harvard shouldn’t just be recruiting in Nigeria if they are extremely concerned about structural racism. If you believe the issue is structural racism as oppose to lack of ability admitting a ton of ADOS would be an obvious solution and something Harvard has the ability to fix (training plus credentialing) a ton of Nigerians and no ADOS would be a refusal to do the hard thing for laziness or tacit admission that ADOS are just too dumb to be at Harvard.

Also there is a big difference between padding the stats and the article sounding like there are a dozen or two ADOS at Harvard.

Is this a fairly recent thing with Harvard?

No, Harvard has been shutting out ADOS students for at least 20 years.

While about 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Lani Guinier, a Harvard law professor, and Henry Louis Gates Jr., the chairman of Harvard's African and African-American studies department, pointed out that the majority of them -- perhaps as many as two-thirds -- were West Indian and African immigrants or their children, or to a lesser extent, children of biracial couples.

were West Indian

This really boggles the mind. They are as much DOS as ADOS are, the vast majority of them were worked to death so the survivors weren't chosen for their working ethic or intelligence, why aren't they as dysfunctional as ADOS?

  • It can't be their genes, unless you subscribe to the idea that it's the white trash admixture that is responsible for low ADOS performance
  • It can't be their socioeconomic circumstances, Jamaican GDP PPP per capita is $13543, according to IMF, while Mississippi's is $49911

Selective immigration, probably. We're not getting random Jamaicans.

The English-speaking Caribbean is roughly as messed-up as black America. Jamaica is by far the largest country, and has the highest murder rate in the world at 53/100k (vs about 21 for black Americans). Trinidad (40), the Bahamas (31) and Belize (28) are all worse as well and Barbados (15) is not much better. I think this is the best indicator because most other indicators of ADOS dysfunction are improved by fiscal transfers from white Americans. The islands which remain colonies seem to be better off.

Windrush-era immigration from the British Caribbean to the UK was not selective, and British Jamaicans are the most dysfunctional subgroup in the UK that is large enough to have good statistics. (Gypsies are probably worse). But the DOS crime problem is eminently fixable with competent policing - the black British murder rate is about the same as the white American murder rate at 4.

Jamaica is by far the largest country, and has the highest murder rate in the world at 53/100k

Holy shit. That really is higher than even Haiti and that place is as failed state as they come.

You have to wonder how accurate a record they have of murders in Haiti though. One part of the murder rate is just the ability of the state to gather accurate statistics and discern murders from accidents etc.