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User ID: 685

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: terrible poster who never improves



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User ID: 685

Banned by: @Amadan

I feel like this is weak writing by Scott especially for a psychologists. Actions/behaviors change before beliefs. “Wr are what we repeatedly do” - said by some famous philosopher.

Enforcing social norms will eventually change beliefs to your side. This is basic civilizing of barbarians.

Scott’s central point that nobody learns anything useful from persecution feels wrong to me. I would like to live in Scott’s world of principle libertarianism and debating society but unfortunately I think our tribal instincts for bloodlust are likely correct.

You don’t end a cultural civil war by being nice to the other side. When your side is in power you enforce new cultural norms and hope they stick.

I think he is fundamentally wrong that people don’t learn anything from being persecuted. HD lady will learn that she has the wrong memes. And then if you do it correctly accept your memes as correct. Starve or learn new memes.

This might be the silliest 10 days I’ve ever seen.

  1. Weekend at Bernie’s debate
  2. Trump shot by 20 year old kid while SS watched and everyone just agrees SS incompetent
  3. Biden gets covid
  4. Cocksucking whore becomes nominee
  5. Biden just disappears
  6. No one at SS has any explanation for how a kid with no training wandered around with basically I’m a sniper going to shoot Trump shirt on and no one noticed

Did Covid just fry everyone’s brain? Or the kid playing the simulation got bored?

Forgot to mention at some point a crack smoking trust fund kid with a hooker problem may or may not have essentially been the acting President.

Edit: was meant to be humorous. By writing things in extreme. Humor of course does not always translate in text. My actual view on Kamala is 2010 Kamala and her true beliefs are fairly moderate.

I guess I advocated for perhaps the right is correct to pursue cancel culture as they have power. If you live by the sword you die by the sword.

And 2024. After the attempt by the Dems to lawfare into breaking up the GOP coalition the GOP quickly coalesced around Trump.

Politicians and voters are capable of reading the room. In the Dems case it’s on an accelerated timeline because the runway is short.

We have some of those arguments here. Kamala (and Obama) not being ADOS has been well litigated here.

It is actually an interesting question why blacks in some areas seem to rise up faster than ADOS (Nigeria is mostly just a bigger filter). Kamala’s though is Tamil Brahmin class Indian elite married to an Askenazi Jew. Ethnically she has nothing in common in ADOS.

It’s hard and easy at the same time.

Most of the time I’ve only mostly met friends of friends in bars. I’ve found 2 exceptions to this:

  1. Traveling abroad. Some kind of ex-pat place, study abroad town, or it’s fairly common for people to eat at certain restaurants on the map to be by themselves. All those have worked for making new friends.

  2. Had an ex-gf I had really good social chemistry with. We always ate at the bar and I knew before going that I would have a new friend by the end of dinner. Perhaps people do want to make new friends and once you have a formula for it, it starts to happen every time.

Men and women are not the same. A man sleeping around is powerful. A women using her sexuality for favors is not powerful.

Serious question why are people quoting 538 at this point? Didn’t they recently have Biden up on Trump and it all boiled down to incumbent advantage?

I haven’t tracked them but it feels to me like that’s gone down as a purely partisan site at this point. Nate Silver himself has recently trashed 538. Now 2 people in this thread quote them?


What price can you put on being the most powerful man in the world? At a minimum number 2.

He toppled an Empire with the purchase. And it’s not like he needs more money.

Married women for sure. It’s a threat to their marriage having other women sleeping with their men. Kamala did come a decade after his divorce but there they still don’t want formerly married men doing well.

You think the Democratic brand suffered 0% damage for doing a closed primary and protecting Biden who was mentally gone the entire time?

Kamala running as Bidens replacement isn’t the same thing as Kamala running after winning the primary. A lot of trust has been lost and now voters will rightfully asks what else are the Dems lying about.

In my view everything she says on stage will rightfully be question by all but the 30-40% of the solid blue electorate.

This feels like a right-wing talking point to damage the lefts brand of being for Democracy. Biden dropping out today is a proper response. The crime here is not that Biden is dropping out today it’s the cover-up for atleast the past 6 months.

Trump got the 2 big things right on Covid. Project Warpspeed. And the initial shutdown with a quick stimulus package.

The bad things on Covid were not fixable. Not being an island nation we were never going to Covid 0. And the other big issue is the media. The very worst lockdown actions came because the media scared the shit out of people for politics. I am not sure how Trump could have solved this issue. If the msm worked with Trump on covid policy then we would have had a better covid response. Things like keeping more of society open and running policy to protect grandma.

She isn’t skilled enough to deal with the fact she’s going to have to eat a lot of lack of credibility for participating in covering up Joes decline.

Sure it was to a great extent her job, but a few median voters have lost trust.

I think the world has changed. Money in politics had more influence 2 decades ago because the media landscape was controlled by tv which costs money for ads.

I think most politicians have begun to realize this. The new reality is influencers on social media can level any money edge. Ad spending has close to zero effect on me. What people talk about on twitter does affect me.

Money does seem to be beneficial for the ground game part of elections. Zuckbucks probably did flip Wisconsin. Still that took a lot of money. This election will have Musksbucks on the other side and Zuckerberg hasn’t backed Trump but has recently said he admires him.

For ground game to matter you probably need to be close enough already. Though I might even be underestimate long term ground game. Cali is locked in left because of the Dems infrastructure and Jeb Bush really started turning Florida red with infrastructure. Those things are one part competency and one part money. Once built out they largely self-fund.

I would be interested on how close to the line Zuckbucks are since they are not exactly speech but funding supposedly neutral ground game.

All the ended up being unimportant as the end point of the pandemic was everyone gets some natural immunity.

The big difference between the entire town locks themselves in a basement and plays twister for 48 hours and everyone always maintains 6’ of difference is the twister playing people all get covid the first week and the 6’ people it takes 3 months for the entire town to be infected.

(Of course there were reasons to delay infection early for hospital capacity and waiting for vaccines but the true end point was everyone gets it)

Dictators have a long history of being great. It all depends on the world you find yourself in and the situation of those to be governed.

Now I think a Republic was correct for the people of the early United States this is not the situation most countries find themselves in. The most extreme form of Democracy probably won’t work in sub-Saharan Africa. War time Ukraine is likely better with less democracy.

Of course I can fairly obviously state that you yourself are not in favor of Democracy. I’ve yet to meet one person in favor of one world government where the votes of Africa, China, India would absolutely crush the votes from the people of western governments. The more you think about Democracy the more you realize it’s not the core American feature and never could be.

Which is the game theory view for firing HD lady. A bad spot in game theory is to have it be legal to espouse leftist views but defacto illegal to espouse right views. The place you want to land is everyone can have views. But it’s still better to firing everyone who has view than only have leftist views supported.

Seems like W-2 people don’t get to have views is the optimal position.

He is Mr. Big in Sex and the City in his values. He’s a Nazi without the killing the Jews. A national socialist. I think he is on the path to a VAT in America to support social benefits. For that reason I don’t know if I like him. But national socialism is very popular with the voting base. Value wise he’s Mr. Big with a much bigger personality.

The election is over unless the Dems figure out how to nominate Michelle Obama. She might have a punchers chance but I think she would lose but make it interesting.

Why the Vibe change on Trump?

I think this is a very good marginal revolution posts. My personal journey I never abandoned him after 1/6 but always preferred Desantis. I actually liked 1/6 and thought the right needed a proper riot after the gaslighting on peaceful protests.


Read the post but I will add 3 he missed.

  1. Anyone with an ounce of political instincts realized lawfare against Trump meant the GOP needed to unite around Trump. That killed Desantis. Desantis with Trump removed by lawfare without winning at the ballot box would lose the maga vote which meant a Dem landslide.

  2. He’s changed a lot of positions that appeal to median voters. Lighter on abortion and supporting gay rights. Cutting off some Dem attack point.

  3. The Jews. I think I can fairly say they control 35-50% of our media. Political social media influencers on both sides have similar numbers. The pro-Hamas part of the left should scare the shit out of them. And Trump has come out very supportive of the Jewish community. Hannania has it right do you want that 10% of the vote that’s oppressor-oppressed ideologues of the tiny Jewish vote with money and media influence? I would be curious if Cowen sees this but won’t write it or if he has a mind block on these things.

Vibes do matter. People want to fit in with their tribe. If the vibe is Trump bad then they will say Trump bad. If the vibe is Trump good and their suppose to support him they will.

For the GOP the vibes at the convention feels like happy people. The Dems don’t feel like that right now.

As a lesser point Cowen called Trump a comedian and a very good one. It seems like a lot of politicians now are comedians. Milei, Zelensky, Trump, Boris Johnson.

Specifically meant the math bit. That this doesn’t require AI but simpler stuff.

You are probably right that society realizes a hells angel guy is more likely to die than the average citizen. I do think this place has their eyes wide open and could compete with the average guy but typical blue tribe might not.

Brady is clearly better than either of them. Winning big at a sport a small percent of people play isn’t the same thing as winning big at the sport the best athletes in every American high school plays.

It should be filled with football, basketball, and baseball players. Soccer if we are doing global.

Everyone here or like 98% knows this, but the average reader it’s probably 3-5% knows this fact.

Do you really need machine learning or AI to do this analysis? I feel like if you gave me arrest records in an excel spreadsheet with data I could 65% of this just eyeballing and 95% if I did some regressions in excel.

My guess is you already assumed my point, and your main point is maybe outsourcing this to AI gets you thru the politics some how.

If the SS can’t do basic communications and planning then it tells me that our enemies can assassinate the US POTUS at any time assuming they can find one competent guy willing to die for the cause.

Just show up as a plain clothes guy with a gun or sniper rifle. Print up a couple badges one for the local police and one for the SS. If the local police ask you question tell them your SS and vice versa. Basic Michael Weston spy craft but dumbed down a lot to a guy with 6 months training level. That was suppose to be a tv show.

The one thing I do love about all of this is Project 2025 has credibility now. Our institutions are failing. The Fed took 18 months to figure out inflation was too much money. The military bungled leaving Afghanistan. Universities are led by Hamas (half joking but leadership has sympathies), the SS is incompetent, Fauci told America cloth masks stop viruses. I could rant forever but it’s increasingly clear that the top 10-40k of our beauracracy needs replaced. It’s not just that they are anti-Trump. They are not good at their jobs and need replaced.

Biden hasn’t even fired the head of the SS which would make him look good.