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User ID: 685



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User ID: 685

That is obviously the Latino versus black debate. It appears the IQ gaps are relative small but the criminality eventually seems to disappear in Hispanic populations but not black populations.

I think this analysis has a fatal flaw in it. Sotomayor is an affirmative action appointment and hence her ability is no greater than a generic democrat. If Sotomayor was essentially Michael Jordan than all the arguments for keeping her on the bench would be in play. But she’s basically Javale McGee and a replacement level justice.

It’s definitely an interesting thought experience that it can be beneficial to keep a justice on the court but I can’t agree with the actionable part of it and basically view Sotomayor as low IQ (relatively) without the talent to be great.

Is it even good to remove Iranian nuclear capabilities? Part of the geopolitics for Iran is if shit ever hits the fan they can get nukes fairly quickly to prevent an attack on the homeland. You change a lot of security arrangements if that is not true.

Russia having nukes is a big reason why the US could enter the Ukraine war and it wouldn’t existential to Russia because they guarantee the war would never come to Moscow.

Looks performative for now.

I’ve seen reports Iran gave the US flight paths for prior attacks to make sure everything was shot down.

The funny thing to me is there is some Air Force pilot somewhere whose highlight of his career is shooting down missiles the enemy gave him intel on just begging for someone to fuck up and give him a real mission like engaging some Iranian pilots and bombing a nuclear base.