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User ID: 685



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User ID: 685

We do not know the West limits on escalation. We saw the US dither on aid until it felt like Ukraine was losing and Putin would eventually break thru and maybe take Kiev again.

If Ukranian lines got to a point of collapse the West would still have options. An imminent breakthrough does put things like Anduril tech as suggested in play, Poland entering with a superior fresh army, trad American AirPower. The west may not care much about Ukranian lives, but the closer it comes to threatening core Europe which Poland may be changes a lot of calculus.

The Biden administration has clearly been anti-winning the war but when we hit losing the war points things get done. It’s almost like inflation where 3% inflation the fed is suppose to hike and 1% inflation they are suppose to ease but the 2% line is keeping the war in no one winning position.

If Ukraine cared about their men’s lives they may be wise to lose a few battles at minimal causalities.

Which could be workable if you were say Singapore and only allowed immigration to citizens of means.

But if you were say somewhere desirable with open immigration say Venice Beach you can’t build infinite amount of housing. Though maybe if say you could do whatever you wanted as long as you had one spare bedroom in somewhere not desirable like Detroit to send them to. At which point I guess it would be a choice to be homeless in Venice Beach instead of housed in Detroit.

Negotiating peace is certainly not outside the Overton window especially if that peace is essentially Korea along the current military lines. My guess is Biden would accept those terms immediately, the GOP would cancel all military aid under those terms.

Peace that is Russia annexing all of Ukraine with Putin as the President over the region I guess is but no one from either side even discusses that.

You specifically cited anti-semitism of the right three times and accused Elon Musks of it but the only evidence was GOP votes against an Israel aid bill.

I have no idea what you mean be anti-semitism on the right (I can take some guesses). And then there is the ADL definition which seems like anything they don’t like is antisemitism. You did make a specific reference to Columbia protests so I have an idea what you are accusing the left of.

Blocking $26 billion in aid to an extremely wealthy country that also has the wealthiest per capita diaspora community is now anti-semitism? When the country sending the money has a $1.5 trillion budget deficit?

I’m pro sending money to Ukraine because they are a poor country fighting out geopolitical enemies but I don’t understand sending money to a wealthy nation like Israel especially not when we are essentially funding both sides.

Brainwashing has you know a Wikipedia with a defined meaning: “Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and forced re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques. Brainwashing is said to reduce its subject's ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds,[1] as well as to change their attitudes, values, and beliefs“

Which is exactly how you used the word. This just seems like boo outgroup to me.

Or are you saying you used brainwashing in a positive way as in removing ideas that are proven wrong? Did you use brainwashing as in “the round earthers brainwashed the flat earthers who now see the errors in the old models”?

I have no idea why “the majority of whites are against” even means anything. Many things that eventually become accepted by society were unpopular at one point. Once upon a time I believed in Santa Claus.

I consider myself a white nationalist at least adjacent. I’m against killing Jews. I’m pro-English style colonization as a great good. I’m pro-police. I’m pro-western values and civilization as better. I think ethnostates often have a lot of beneficial features.

Jews are just a white ethnicity now. Sacredness is gone.

What they do have is power.

Hasn’t climate protest worked because the earth has actually gotten warmer the last 20 years so it feels true?

PETA hasn’t taken off. The only real change in that space is picking up some rationalists.

And environmentalist have benefited from tech costs curves while nothing like that has kicked in for PETA (cheap lab meat).

It doesn’t seem very fair to call WN as “brainwashing” or “propaganda”. A lot of their ideas seem very truthful to me. It’s probably impractical to make the US Sweden today, but a society like that with low crime and a far larger percent of their population being able to function in the modern world and therefore a higher trust society and a larger capability for a welfare state feels truthy to me. It’s not like they are just making stuff which brainwashing or propaganda seems to apply to me.

It’s definitely an honest debate on whether the US should move in a white nationalist direction (limit immigration, promote western civ, meritocracy, expect minorities to live by white standards, etc). And very honest for Europe to turn anti-immigrant so they do not develop similar problems as the USA.

I spent a few minutes trying to come up with a replacement level athlete with name notoriety. Got excited when he hit me.

I bet he runs in 2028. Perhaps it’s officially Donny Jr. But the old man is the one giving the stump speeches.

I will give you Thomas. Though part of Thomas is he’s great at pissing off the left and it’s not only thru legal reasoning but being a player in the federalist society and his wife being intimately involved in 1/6.

More likely than not at this point though Sotomayor is who she is. I think the left could make a strong case for replacing her on her merits alone and not her age. If you have 3 SC justices I don’t think you can claim she is one of your top 3 liberal legal minds. If you are going to lose a lot of cases it still makes sense to have your best writing you le disagreements.

That is obviously the Latino versus black debate. It appears the IQ gaps are relative small but the criminality eventually seems to disappear in Hispanic populations but not black populations.

I think this analysis has a fatal flaw in it. Sotomayor is an affirmative action appointment and hence her ability is no greater than a generic democrat. If Sotomayor was essentially Michael Jordan than all the arguments for keeping her on the bench would be in play. But she’s basically Javale McGee and a replacement level justice.

It’s definitely an interesting thought experience that it can be beneficial to keep a justice on the court but I can’t agree with the actionable part of it and basically view Sotomayor as low IQ (relatively) without the talent to be great.