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User ID: 168



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:37:31 UTC


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User ID: 168

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The majority of the population of Israel was born in Israel.

At the third sentence, I was leaning strongly towards fake. No one self-describes as having a weak chin. But my priors are rather high that all of these subs are filled with creative writing exercises and wish-fulfillment. If you're going to read these subs, you have to suspend disbelief and enjoy the ride or there's no point in bothering.

emasculation of women

emasculated women

Did you perhaps mean "masculation of women" and "masculated women"? What you wrote means the opposite of that.

I'm sorry: that joke was in bad taste. I don't want you to die. But in all seriousness your odds are less than 100%. People have died doing this. Is that the point of your hock?

I think you're just rationalizing reasons to run away. The real Hock is trying to meet women and getting turned down seemingly-endlessly. It's torture, and I can understand why you'd flinch away from that prospect to construct elaborate fantasies that involve becoming a wilderness mountain man.

But please work on yourself. Find some resources for how to attract women. And please don't post about here until you've found yourself a good woman.

You seem inordinately preoccupied with moral questions. That's your biggest hangup. They don't have objective answers without fixing a moral framework. And even then, well-informed people mostly disagree.

E Jean Carroll was advocating for the law to be passed so that she could sue trump.


Is the alternative dating women who are morbidly obese?

While touching grass is good for everybody, I think this is probably a step in the wrong direction for you. Your weakness is having relationships with other humans. This plan is you running away from your fears. You're rationalizing literally going away to live by yourself in the woods.

The reason for the choice of pronoun is obvious: That's the pronoun Sarah would want us to use. If you have a point to make, speak it plainly rather than asking stupid rhetorical questions.

Should you use the pronoun Sarah wants you to use or the pronoun for the gender you think Sarah is? If Sarah isn't in the conversation, does Sarah's preference even matter? Is there a "correct" language? Or is a word's correctness judged only on whether it facilitates a common understanding between speaker and listener? You obviously understood who all those "she"s and "her"s referred to, but would "he" and "his" have been a marginally easier read for you and other Motte readers?

I honestly don't know anymore.

It's wild that water pipes are now dual-use technology. There's promotional video the Gazans put out themselves of them digging up functional water/sewer pipe infrastructure and fashioning them into rockets that are then fired into Israel. What on Earth can you do with such a deranged culture? The Gazans hate Israelis more than they love water, and they're getting exactly what they want.

Bizarre that you think gun control is the most inflammatory issue. Is it a joke? Far and away the most inflammatory issue would be Israel's right to exist and segregate the Arabs and whether that justifies atrocities against Israeli civilians. Literally every discussion online about this, if it goes on long enough, will go back to 1948 or earlier. This is a classic culture war issue.

According to the great moral leader Sam Bankman-Fried,

I don’t want to say no book is ever worth reading, but I actually do believe something pretty close to that…If you wrote a book, you fucked up, and it should have been a six-paragraph blog post.

Sounds like something someone hopped up on speed (or its legal pharmaceutical equivalents) most of their life would say.

Z-Library, a repository for ebooks with a flagrant disregard for copyright.


This is only an explanation if you believe corporations weren’t doing their best to maximize profits before. Do any of these soaring profit figures factor in inflation?

New Coke did it's job, which was to mask the transition from cane sugar to high fructose corn syrup ... at least that the popular conspiracy theory. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/new-coke-fiasco/

Let's also add more sedentary behavior while locked down, and depression and stress from social isolation and job loss.

Where do mixed race people go in your proposed racialist utopia? Have you written somewhere about this?

Israel is alleging it was a mis-fired Hamas rocket that hit the hospital. [https://v.redd.it/l1aidkvb4uub1]

Israel doesn't have a history of lying about this sort of thing. If they did it, I might expect some deflection of blame in some other way, but not outright denial that they did it -- firm evidence of the providence of the missile will come out in time.

I feel assaulted every time I have to listen to him talk, so I can see where these women are coming from... In all seriousness, I don't see why the general public needs to have an opinion about this. If there's evidence, let him be prosecuted and then give his side of the story in court.

This post is below the standards for posting here. You can't just say this guy got it all wrong. Whom should we read? What did Lakeman get wrong?

Yea, that sentence was a head-scratcher.

If you’d said Meta or Alphabet, I might have believed it, but reddit just strikes me as too incompetent on every level from the management to the programmers to pull off something like that.

This is without a doubt the least interesting thing I’ve read this year.

TheMotte was the only ray of sunshine keeping me on reddit. Good riddance reddit! You were once a wonderful place to have open discussions, but that was a long, long time ago.

One could argue. She dated her boss (Willie Brown) who subsequently appointed her to some cushy gigs.


Snopes says the truth is "mixed", which means it's pants-on-fire level embarrassing.