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joined 2022 September 12 14:22:17 UTC
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User ID: 1163



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User ID: 1163

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I don't think it actually matters if it's a good movie or not. What matters is how effective the marketing team is and whether the material is acceptable in multiple major consumer markets.

It's clear that this movie has the favor of every major media outlet and social media site, so it will get "the shine" for a few months at least.

I'm continuing to read one chapter of deathworlders every evening. I feel like it is worthy of more discussion, but when I try to find depth I come up empty. I'm starting to think it's just a fun power fantasy.

I don't think breeding and genetics are the future of human intelligence.

Bioengineering and AI will be the future of human intelligence, and the breeding idiots will be unable to comprehend the transition.

So... don't worry about it 😁

I don't have any strong feelings about native american tribes until they ask for more than they've been given.

Yeah, they got the short end of the stick, but there is no limit to the number of things they could make credible claims for.

At some point its time to write off the losses and move on, which they have no incentive to do, but damn I have no sympathy left. It's as absurd as Poland's recent request for renumeration from WWII. This stuff is history.

Big exception: If a person was discriminated against, or of their parents were discriminated against while they were children, I'm okay with one time cash compensation for that event.

One of my in-laws is an amateur elite athlete who ran long distances before Covid. She complains of multi-day periods of physical exhaustion that she attributes to long covid. I won't comment on her mental health other than it seems fine and we aren't close.

I think we found a few 😅

Its an old fashioned prisoner's dilemma.

If all states enforce a ban on illegal migrant labor, labor costs and employment rates go up, which benefits the working class electorate.

If any states continue to allow illegal migrant labor, they get to produce agricultural products so cheaply that the farmers in the other states might as well close up shop.

The solution, as usual, is to have a mob boss in the form of the federal government intervene. But why do that when you can get all the benefits of appearing to be against illegal labor while secretly allowing the farm lobby to keep their illegal labor?

That's my theory anyway.

To pile on: the sin here is deceiving the people being moved. If DeSantis' agents had said "we want to send you to an upscale New York neighborhood as a political stunt, there is probably good work up there" I wouldn't object.

Personally I love the idea of shipping illegal immigrants to blue tribe strongholds, but it has to be done ethically.

While I generally agree with the viewpoint that "Fox is an unreliable and untrustworthy source of information," I think any organization that does not reach the same conclusion about CNN or MSNBC is showing an strong selection bias.

Heat is a general pattern of provoking people. It tries to inflame people so they instinctively fall into old patterns or arrange themselves along tribal lines. It is invariably, deeply emotional.

Decisions and behavior driven by emotions are inherently irrational. There may be a rational argument to support the decision or behavior, but that is an after-the-fact rationalization.

Reason is cold because emotion is hot. They are opposite ends of a spectrum, and that carries through into the culturally accepted metaphor.

Emotions should reveal your preferences, they shouldn't guide your decision making.

I want to stop feeling angry. Anger would drive me to violence, which is usually irrational. The rational part of me controls my mind and tells me to separate myself from the situation.

what if the entire 'provoking emotion' thing is sort of a misleading way to try to prevent people from 'having conflicts' or caring too much so everyone can be nice and go about their day? And what do we lose by forgetting what causes those 'emotions'?

If you think someone is arguing in bad faith, walk away. There is no point in continuing that conversation.

I've been moving in this direction myself and I think its effective. I put deathworlders and some ttrpgs on my phone.

The internet has given you much greater access to the kind of socialization you prefer, but at what cost?

Prior to global connectivity, you would have learned the specific communication patterns that were mutually pleasurable between yourself and your family. This should have resulted in deeper emotional ties and a stronger family and community.

Now you spend that same time building social capital on rationalist forums.

I don't think this is a net gain for you or your family.

it does seem like the results I wind up with if I force out the text in unproductive state really are that bad.

This is to be expected. There is a reason I called it "word vomit." Once its all down, you can come back and re-arrange the pieces the next day and it may be a lot easier to get somewhere with it. I've had middling luck with this approach.

Some of those comments definitely sell this board. I'll apply.

I really liked this one:

Red cons blue cons, red roads blue roads, red stores blue stores. Red jobs, blue jobs.

The new Dr. Seuss book

Mainly that it's fun and easy. I'm reading a chapter before bed every night. I'm currently in a place where I have extremely limited mental energy and time, so I'm not tackling anything demanding at the moment.

When signing up, I was asked to agree to the rules, but on that page the rules are not visible and there is no link to them. I'd recommend adding a link to the rules on the sign-up page.

The other users have some great advice.

If you struggle to get into the sports, find an angle that better aligns with your interest. For example, you might find the sports boring, but the after-action statistics can be very interesting.