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joined 2022 September 12 14:22:17 UTC
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User ID: 1163



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User ID: 1163

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I am white and I do not value my race. I value my culture, my morals, and my beliefs. You could say I've abandoned my genes and declared my loyalty to my memes.

Of the available ethnic groups in the US, the ones I most align with are East Asians (particularly Korean and Vietnamese) and Latin Americans. White people seem to either reject the culture I love or embrace a hollow parody of it.

If someone told me whiteness would die out tomorrow but my core values would resurge, I'd go to sleep a very happy man.

PayPal has "demonetized" the daily sceptic, both the business's account and the founders personal accounts he uses to receive money for his other work.

Another point for red tribe needs its own payment processors (and banks, and infrastructure, and DNS servers, and domain registration...)


I don't think breeding and genetics are the future of human intelligence.

Bioengineering and AI will be the future of human intelligence, and the breeding idiots will be unable to comprehend the transition.

So... don't worry about it 😁

Emotions should reveal your preferences, they shouldn't guide your decision making.

I want to stop feeling angry. Anger would drive me to violence, which is usually irrational. The rational part of me controls my mind and tells me to separate myself from the situation.

what if the entire 'provoking emotion' thing is sort of a misleading way to try to prevent people from 'having conflicts' or caring too much so everyone can be nice and go about their day? And what do we lose by forgetting what causes those 'emotions'?

If you think someone is arguing in bad faith, walk away. There is no point in continuing that conversation.

I just started deathworlders. It's fun, easy, and the right amount of thought provoking for my current situation in life.

This is just a guess, but I think it sounds like you are struggling with perfectionism. Words enter your brain, and if they aren't "perfect" (or nearly so) on the first pass, you feel stress and discard them, which results in a feedback loop that leads to writer's block.

Conventional advice I've heard to address this is to just "word vomit" garbage onto the page. Once enough material flows through you, you'll be able to piece it back together into something that's okay.

In my personal experience, alcohol has helped, but I would recommend against that being a long term solution. In addition to being unhealthy, drugs can change the way you think enough to break feedback loops and mental traps.

That worked, thanks!

How do I figure out the email address attached to my account? I forgot which email address I used when I signed up.

I'm continuing to read one chapter of deathworlders every evening. I feel like it is worthy of more discussion, but when I try to find depth I come up empty. I'm starting to think it's just a fun power fantasy.

Lemon Demon - The Ultimate Showdown


I've been moving in this direction myself and I think its effective. I put deathworlders and some ttrpgs on my phone.

Mainly that it's fun and easy. I'm reading a chapter before bed every night. I'm currently in a place where I have extremely limited mental energy and time, so I'm not tackling anything demanding at the moment.

Is it worth applying to get an account?

it does seem like the results I wind up with if I force out the text in unproductive state really are that bad.

This is to be expected. There is a reason I called it "word vomit." Once its all down, you can come back and re-arrange the pieces the next day and it may be a lot easier to get somewhere with it. I've had middling luck with this approach.

Some of those comments definitely sell this board. I'll apply.

I really liked this one:

Red cons blue cons, red roads blue roads, red stores blue stores. Red jobs, blue jobs.

The new Dr. Seuss book

The other users have some great advice.

If you struggle to get into the sports, find an angle that better aligns with your interest. For example, you might find the sports boring, but the after-action statistics can be very interesting.

I don't think it actually matters if it's a good movie or not. What matters is how effective the marketing team is and whether the material is acceptable in multiple major consumer markets.

It's clear that this movie has the favor of every major media outlet and social media site, so it will get "the shine" for a few months at least.

I think we found a few 😅